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— _________

—It's on the chair.

A.Where is my football?                     B.What is that?

C.Do you have a football?                   D.Is it a football?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. The first letters have been given.
1. I was late this morning because the bus was o___________ and I couldn’t get on the bus.
2. There is a g___________ gap between my father and I. That’s why we can’t understand each other and often quarrel.
3. That air crash o___________ only a few minutes after the plane took off.
4. He felt very d___________ at not getting the job.
5. The play was good except that awkward leading actor. He s___________ the whole show.
6. I was very e___________ when my sister got drunk and said something silly in the party.
7. Frank was my c___________ at work. Everyone in our office liked him.
8. Don’t point your chopsticks at others while you are eating. It’s o ___________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(四川成都卷)英语(带解析) 题型:补充句子


【小题1】What time is it now?
It' s           o' clock in the       .
【小题2】How' s the weather?
            a         day.
【小题3】Where are these people?
They are at a          
【小题4】Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?
No, it __, because only       persons are there.
【小题5】What do you think they are doing?
I think they are                a bus.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(四川成都卷)英语(解析版) 题型:看图造句


1.What time is it now?

     It' s           o' clock in the        .

2.How' s the weather?

                a          day.

3.Where are these people?

    They are at a          

4.Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?

   No, it __, because only       persons are there.

5.What do you think they are doing?

   I think they are                 a bus.



科目:初中英语 来源:广东省期中题 题型:填空题

1. — What's your t _____ number?
    — It's (010)5987463.
2. Mr. Lee is our teacher. He isn't young. His hair is g _____.
3. — Is  that skirt yours?
    — Yes, it's m _____.
4. Please help me f_____ a knife.
5. Doudou is twelve. He is a high school s_____ in Anhui.
6. Kate and I are in the same class. She is my c_____ .
7. — Look! Here is a dress. W_____ dress is this?
    — It's hers.
8. — What is your sister's n_____ ?
    — She is Gao Hua.
9. — Are those cars from Canada?
    — No, they aren't. They are from J_____ .
10. — What color is this skirt?
     — It's o_____ .


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1.—W______ is this?    —It's a book.
2. Look! It's a m______  of China.
3. —What color is it?    —It's o______.
4. I can't find the k______ to the door.
5. Mr Green is our E______ teacher.

