精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:Daniel is clever, but he never shows off. He is m     .
小题2:A f      teacher   should  treat each student equally.
小题3:Don’t p______   her anything if you don’t want to get into trouble.
小题4:It’s difficult to make a ______(决定)to give up smoking.
小题5:You will have less d_______ learning English with your teacher’s help.
小题6:Tom didn’t go to bed until midnight yesterday. He feels very______(sleep)at the moment.
小题7:The boy is very lazy and his parents feel very______(worry)about him.
小题8:Mary _____(prefer)milk to coffee when she was young.
小题9:After taking the driving test, the man feels_________(relax).
小题10:The Chinese people have lots of______(wise)and create many wonders.


小题1:modest    考查形容词。句意 Daniel非常聪明但他从来不炫耀,他坏人谦虚。
小题2:fair       考查形容词。句意 一个公平的老师应该平等对待学生。
小题3:promise   考查动词。句意 如果你不想陷入困境你就不要向她许诺。Don’t do sth ,祈使句。
小题4:decision   考查名词。句意 戒烟对于他来说是个很难的决定。Make a decision.做决定。
小题5:difficulty   考查名词。句意 在老师的帮助下,学英语没有困难。Have difficulty (in)doing sth ,做某事有困难。
小题6:sleepy      考查形容词。句意 昨天汤姆直到午夜才回家,此时,感觉很困。
小题7: worried    考查形容词。句意 这个小男孩十分懒惰,他的父母很担心他。Be worried about 担忧。
小题8:preferred      考查动词。 句意 当她年轻时宁愿喝牛奶也不喝咖啡。Prefer A to B ,与B比较起来更喜欢A。
小题9:relaxed        考查形容词。句意 当考下驾照后,他放松了。
小题10:wisdom      考查名词。句意 中国人有很多聪明才智,创造出许多奇迹。
考点 词类活用。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:This kind of medicine is more useful than is    (期待).
小题2:It’s my great dream to sail across the      (太平洋) .
小题3:I have had her letter for two weeks. But I haven’t    (答复) to her.
小题4:Many Chinese students have come to realize the     (重要) of learning English.
小题5:It was reported that two    (猴子) escaped from the zoo.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:In order to improve my speaking skills, I always read English a_______ in the morning.
小题2:My friend started an English club and I became a m_______ in it.
小题3:They really did better than what I e___________.
小题4:Study hard, and you will c______ up with your classmates.
小题5:W_________ you do , don’t miss this exhibition.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

More and more families go on a car trip each year. 小题1:H_______, the thought of trouble on the road may prevent you from going out. To avoid(避免) trouble, you need to make a careful小题2:p_______ for your trip.
First of all, choose a proper route for your trip. Consider 小题3:w_______ you are going and find several possible routes to it. Traffic and the 小题4: t_______ that you will spend on the road must be considered when you decide one.
Consider your luggage(行李) needs.小题5:B_______ you begin packing your necessities(必需品), think about how many people will be in your car and how much space they will need in order to 小题6: t_______ comfortably.
Try to avoid busy times. Usually highways are busier on Fridays and Sundays, so going on Tuesday or小题7:T______ will help you to avoid traffic jams. Driving at night is also a great way to miss the traffic and the kids can sleep小题8: d_______ the trip.
小题9:F_______, don’t forget to check your car carefully before leaving so that you can have a 小题10:s_______ trip.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

你能根据汉语提示或句意,写出句中所缺单词吗? (5分)
小题1:How many            (图书馆) are there in your school?
小题2:I feel cold. Please          the window.         
小题3:           (动物) are our friends. We should love them.
小题4:We should be            (礼貌) to the old.
小题5:We call uncle’s father             .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:E_________  me, what’s this in English?
小题2:He has a r___________ face.
小题3:Who is your f___________ teacher?
小题4:They boy is ___________(高兴的).
小题5:I have a ____________(一双) of red shoes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My mother is Alice Johnson. ________ phone number is 2546809.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I’m l____(大声的) than the other kids in my class.
小题2:Although the little girl is only three years old,she speaks c______(清晰地).
小题3:You can buy this bike c_____(便宜) because it’s a second-hand bike.
小题4:We should held our parents do h_____(家务事) in our free time.
小题5:Mo Yan is a great Chinese w_____(作家).
小题6:Our city looks w______(精彩的) from the top of the hill.
小题7:It’s a good habit to wash your hands before m____(饭).
小题8:---What do you you do on weekends?---I o_____(经常) watch TV.
小题9:I think you can do the job better with l____(较少) money and fewer people.
小题10:Because of the bad weather,we can see nothing b_____(在......下面).

