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Chicago  On  a  Budget
How to have fun in Chicago without spending a lot of money?
○ The Art Institute of Chicago has a fine collection of photos and paintings. The ticket is $10.00,but go on Tuesdays and you’ll get in free(免费).
○ The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building. By going to the 103rd floor, you can get a great view of the whole city! All for only $8.50.
○ There are free concerts in Grant Park in summer. They are held Wednesday through Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.
○ Attend the taping of a TV show for free. The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Jenny Jones Show both offer tourists free tickets. For The Oprah Winfrey Show you’ll have to book tickets at least a month before.
Places to stay
You can get a hotel for $100 to $ 300 a day. However, you can get a room in the dormitory(宿舍) at Roosevelt University for $215 for a whole week! But you have to stay for 30 days to get this great rate(优惠).
小题1:This passage is written for telling us ___________.
A.Chicago is a big and beautiful cityB.where we can see fine photos and paintings
C.how to make a cheap trip in ChicagoD.there are many free concerts in Chicago
小题2:It will cost you _________ if you visit the Art Institute instead of the Sears Tower on Sundays.
A.moreB.lessC.the sameD.none
小题3:You may go to ________ if you like to get a great view of the whole city.
A.the Art InstituteB.the Sears Tower
C.Roosevelt UniversityD.Grant Park
小题4:You have to spend at least _____________in all to stay in a dormitory room at Roosevelt University at a good rate.
小题5:According to this passage, which of the following statements in NOT TRUE ?
A.You are free to go to the Art Institute on Tuesdays.
B.Free Grant Park concerts are held four nights a week in summer.
C.The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building.
D.You can get tickets to The Oprah Winfrey as soon as you arrive.


小题1:根据How to have fun in Chicago without spending a lot of money?及下文描述,可知本文主要是是告诉我们如何在芝加哥作一次便宜的旅行。故选C。
小题2:根据The Art Institute of Chicago has a fine collection of photos and paintings. The ticket is $10.00,but go on Tuesdays and you’ll get in free(免费).描述,可知选A。
小题3:根据The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building. By going to the 103rd floor, you can get a great view of the whole city!描述,可知选B。
小题4:根据最后一段However, you can get a room in the dormitory(宿舍) at Roosevelt University for $215 for a whole week! But you have to stay for 30 days to get this great rate(优惠).计算可知30天大约是四周,215*4=860,故选D。
小题5:根据For The Oprah Winfrey Show you’ll have to book tickets at least a month before.描述,可知选项D,描述错误。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play soccer and watch soccer games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know when and where there is going to be a soccer game. Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice soccer game on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese classes. He thinks hard and wants to find a way.
“Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave ( 请半天假 ).”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “But who’s that?”
“It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”
小题1:Peter is a ______.
A.middle school studentB.a fatherC.workerD.teacher
小题2:Peter will be in ______ next year.
A.Grade TwoB.Grade ThreeC. Grade OneD.school
小题3:Peter often reads newspaper because _______.
A.his father wants him to read themB.he likes to read stories
C.he wants to know something about soccer gameD.he likes to read news
小题4:Peter wants to ask for half a day’s leave because _______.
A.his father is ill in bedB.he wants to watch the soccer game
C.he is ill in bedD.he doesn’t like English or Chinese classes
小题5:Which sentence is NOT right?______
A.Mrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor .
B.Peter isn’t an honest ( 诚实的 ) boy.
C.Peter is a 13-year-old boy.
D.Peter wants to watch TV at four in the afternoon.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Peter is a middle school boy. His father has a black car, so his father usually ___1___ him to school in the car. Peter’s best friend Ben goes to school by ___2____, because he thinks it is good for his health. So Ben often ____3____ Peter to ride a bike with him together. Peter thinks Ben is ____4____.
After he goes home, Peter says to his mother, “Mom, I would like to ____5____ a bike. Would you please buy one ____6____ me?”
His mother smiles and asks, “____7____ do you want to ride a bike to school?”
“First, it’s good for my health. Second, there are a lot of ____8____ on the road, so it is faster (更快的) to ride a bike to school.”
“____9____. Let’s go to the supermarket and choose (挑选)one. But you must be ____10____ to ride a bike on the way to school.”
A.on B.toC.forD.from
A.policemen B.traffic(交通)lightsC.traffic accidents (交通事故)D.traffic jams(交通堵塞)
A.See youB.No problemC.Here you areD.Not at all


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We have twenty minutes’ rest between classes. Look! Most of us are playing during the break time. Some students are on the playground. They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is trying(尽力)to stop him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling(微笑).
What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!
小题1:Where are the students playing basketball?
A.In front of the treeB.In front of the classroom
C.On the playground D.In the tree
小题2:A girl is looking at the birds. She is
小题3:What are the teachers doing?
A.Working or talking with studentsB.Having a basketball game
C.Playing with the studentsD.Looking at the birds
小题4:There are ______  students in the classroom.
A no  B some  C few  D  many
小题5:The passage is mainly(主要)about ________________
A students   B a basketball game  C break time activities  D teachers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you are in England, you must (必须) be very careful (当心) in the streets because the traffic goes on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop(停止). Then the people on foot can cross the road. If the lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot mustn’t (禁止) cross.
In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dangerous then.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the cars drive on the left.
In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there, you can see the city very well. That’ll be very interesting.
小题1:Before you cross a street in London, you must look to          .
A.the right side(边)B.the left side
C.the left first and then the rightD.the right first and then the left
小题2:When you drive a car in England, you must           .
A.drive on the leftB.drive on the right
C.ignore (忽略) the traffic lightsD.go very quickly (快)
小题3:If the traffic lights are green, the traffic         .
A.can goB.must be carefulC.mustn’t crossD.must stop
小题4:In England, you can see some buses           .
A.with two chairsB.with two rooms
C.with two floorsD.with two drivers
小题5:Which of the following is right?
A.After you cross the street, you must look to the left first and then the right.
B.If the lights are red, the traffic mustn’t stop.
C.You must drive cars on the left in England.
D.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the traffic is not dangerous.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people love going on a trip by plane , but an airport is usually far from the city . You have to arrive there and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late . You can't open the window .You can't choose the food .Planes are fast ,but it takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city .
I like travelling by train .I think trains are safe . Train stations are usually in cities . when you are late for a train , you can catch another one . You can walk around in the train and open the windows . You can see many interesing things on your way . I know it takes a little more time .
I also like cars . You can start your trip when you want to . and you don't need to get to a station . You can carry many things with you too . But sometimes there are many cars on the road .
小题1:Many people like travelling by plane because ___.
A.it is slowB.you can open the window
C.it is fastD.the airport is fay from the city
小题2:What does "take off " mean ?
小题3:If you want to take many things with you , you would like to take ___
A.a busB.a trainC.a planeD.a car
小题4:What is the disadvantge of the car ?
A.You needn't go to the station .B.You can start your trip when you want to .
C.There are too many cars on the road .D.You can see many interesting things .
小题5:which sentence about the writer is TRUE?
A.He likes taking a plane because it takes a lot of time to go to the city .
B.He likes taking a train because train stations are usually in cities .
C.He likes taking a bus because he can drive it .
D.He likes taking a plane because it is fast .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog. She watches the little dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late.
One day her father and mother ask why she is late, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop.
Jane is not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesn’t see the dog, and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday.
Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise(惊奇). He gives her the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come home late. She runs home to play with the white dog.
小题1:Before class begins, Jane usually ________.
A.talks to her friendsB.plays with her friends
C.looks at the dogs in the windowD.takes a bus
小题2:After school Jane _____.
A.comes home earlyB.is always late to go home
C.plays with the dogsD.looks at the shops along the road
小题3:Jane likes _____ best.
A.the big dogB.the little white dog C.little animalsD.the pet shop
小题4:The little dog is not there because it _______.
A.is stolen(偷)B.is put away(抛弃) by the shop
C.is illD.is sold(卖) out by the shop
小题5:The birthday surprise is _________.
A.a big cakeB.some presentsC.the little white dogD.a birthday party


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Going to an American friend’s house is very exciting. But you must remember to be polite.
When to arrive  If your friend tells you to come “ around 3:00”, that means you can go there a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.
What to bring   It’s nice to bring something to your friend’s house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.
How to greet   When you visit your friend’s house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I call his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr or Mrs Smith. You can also call them Madam or Sir.
It is a cool thing to visit a friend’s house. Be polite to your friend and your friend’s parents, and you will be invited again!
小题1:If you are told to get to an American friend’s house around 5:00pm, it is polite to arrive at ______ pm.
小题2:If you go to a friend’s house, you’d better take _____ with you.
A.some moneyB.some flowersC.a carD.a knife
小题3:When the writer want to visit his friend Paul, he called his friend’s father ___.
A.Mr SmithB.JohnC.MaryD.Mrs Smith
小题4:The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.when to arrive at your friend’s home
B.how to greet people
C.what to bring to your friend
D.how to be a good visitor
小题5:The passage may be from ______
A.a notice on the wall
B.a letter to a friend
C.an article in a magazine
D.a news story in a paper


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jim, a successful businessman, told the experience of his childhood.
When he was 12, his parents died. He was alone and didn’t get on well with others. People always laughed at him. No one showed kindness to him.
His only friend was a dog named Tige. He gave his dog enough to eat and drink, but sometimes he was not polite to it. He didn’t know that an unkind word sometimes could cut one’s heart like a knife.
One day as he walked down the street, a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped to pick it up, she dropped other bags. He came to help her. “Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!” She said kindly, smiling.
A special feeling came to him. These were the first kind words he had ever heard. He watched her until she went far away, and then he whistled(吹口哨)to his dog and went directly to the river nearby.
“Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!” He repeated the woman’s words. Then in a low voice he said to his dog, “You are a nice little dog.” Tige raised its ears as if it understood.
“Hmm! Even a dog likes it!” he said. “Well, Tige, I won’t say unkind words to you any more.” Tige waved its tail happily.
The boy thought and thought. Finally he looked at himself in the river. He saw nothing but a dirty boy. He washed his face carefully. Again he looked. He saw a clean nice boy. He was amazed. From then on, he had a new life.
After telling this, the businessman stopped for a while, and then he said, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the very place where that kind woman planted in me the first seed(种子)of kindness. All of us should learn about kindness. What a great power it has!”
小题1:How old was Jim when his parents died?
小题2:Did he help a young lady when her bags dropped?
小题3:Why did the boy repeat the words “Thank you, dear! You’re a nice little boy”?
小题4:What made the boy start his new life?
小题5:What’s the best title of this passage?

