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friend  polite  through  which  travel  remind  whether  sad  balance  pour
Make time for friendships.
Nothing makes closeness fade away(褪色) more than never talking to or seeing each other. If
you cherish a person’s friendship, make time for him or her,   1  it’s just a phone call, e-mail or a weekly get-together.
Remember: a true friend doesn’t flee when changes happen. Nothing is   2  for new parents
than to find that their unmarried friends have left them because of the coming of baby. A good friend is one who stays true   3  it all in life – marriage, parenthood, new jobs, new homes, and so on.
Make sure you aren’t being a burden to a friend.
Friendships will lose if there isn’t a   4  between the give and the take. Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can’t offer you –and don’t overstep the mark.
Be a good listener.
It can be the hardest thing in the world to do – simply to listen as he or she   5  it all out or is seeking your advice or opinion. To be a better listener, follow this advice:
Keep eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs to show that you understand his or her point of view. Don’t finish your   6  sentences. While your friend keeps on talking, you should gently   7  yourself to focus.
Be in your friend’s corner if he or she’s not there to defend him or herself.
If you’re at a gathering at   8  someone says something bad about your friend, stop him or her   9 . Say, "Mary is my friend, and it makes me feel bad to hear you talk this way." Sooner or later, news of your loyalty (忠诚) will   10  back to your pal, and it will deepen your friendship.


【小题4】考查固定搭配。a balance between...“......和......之间的平衡”。故填balance。
【小题5】考查固定短语。pour out“倾诉,和盘托出”。故填pours。
【小题6】考查名词所有格。不要打断朋友的讲话。根据下一句的your friend可知,应该用单数。故填friend’s。
【小题7】考查固定搭配。remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某事”。故填remind。
【小题8】考查定语从句。先行词gathering“聚会”,指地点,定语从句用where或at which。故填which。
【小题10】考查动词短语。travel back to“返回到”。故填travel。


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年甘肃省兰州市高级中等学校招生考试英语A卷 题型:053




  There are many ways to save the environment if you would like.In this passage, you can find some ways.

  Plant more trees.Choose a right   1   near your house or workplace.  2   there's any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees.Plant a tree every month and   3   your friends and classmates to join you.Have more and more trees   4   and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.

  Walk more and drive less.Choose to walk   5   drive your car.Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it's not very far.Not only cycling but walking is good exercise.And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something   6   to cut down air pollution.You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.

  Save water.Water is very important for living things.It's   7   who use and pollute it.The simplest way to save water is turning   8   water taps after use.When you visit a beach, make sure that you don't throw waste around.Do not pollute rivers   9   dropping garbage or other waste.Water is so precious, so we   10   waste or pollute it.


科目:初中英语 来源:2009年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试题(word版,有答案) 题型:053


Young People in Britain

  Life used to be fun for“teenagers”.They used to have money to spend, and free time to while away(消磨).They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos.Some of them still do.But for many young people, life is harder now.  1   are difficult to find.There’s not so much money around.Things are   2  , and it’s hard to find a place to live in.Teachers say that students work harder than they used to.They are less   3   in politics, and more interested in   4   exams.They know that good exam results may bring them better jobs.

  Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.They try   5   less and save more.They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

  For some, the answer to unemployment(失业)is to leave home and look for jobs in one of Britain’s big   6  .Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs.Some find jobs and stay.  7   don’t, and go home again, or join the unemployed(失业者)in London.

  When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, it’s   8   to get the idea that British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble.But that’s not true.Three quarters of them do more or less what their parents did.They do their best at school, find some kinds of jobs in the end, and get   9   in their early twenties.They get on well with their parents, and enjoy their family life.After all, if they don’t, they   10   be British, will they?


科目:初中英语 来源:甘肃省中考真题 题型:填空题

easily,   pass,   job,   spend,   will,   expensive,   other,   marry,   interest,   city
                                                             Young People in Britain
    Life used to be fun for "teenagers". They used to have money to spend, and free time to while away (消磨).
They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for
many young people, life is harder now. 1.            are difficult to find. There's not so much money around.
Things are 2.            , and it's hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say that students work harder than they
used to. They are less 3.             in politics, and more interested in 4.             exams. They know that good
exam results may bring them better jobs.
    Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try 5.             
less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.
    For some, the answer to unemployment (失业) is to leave home and look for jobs in one of Britain's big
6.            . Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs.
Some find jobs and stay. 7.             don't, and go home again, or join the unemployed (失业者) in London.
    When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, it's 8.             to get the idea that British
young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble. But that's not true. Three quarters of them do more or
less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kinds of jobs in the end, and get 9.            
in their early twenties. They get on well with their parents, and enjoy their family life. After all, if they don't, they
10.              be British, will they?


科目:初中英语 来源:甘肃省期末题 题型:填空题

interest,    like,    sound,    play,    kind,    meaning,    belong,    enjoy,   modern,   either
     Music is something that everybody 1._______. Everybody can make different 2._______, by singing or 
3._______ music instruments (乐器). Many 4._______ of music have developed. There are so many kinds of
music and you may be 5._______ in some of them.
     Music has different 6._______ for everyone. It is 7._______ by the old and young, men and women. It can
make people happy or sad. In our 8._______ world, radios and televisions offer us lots of music, giving us
enjoyment, 9._______ in a music lesson or at a concert. Music means different things to different people. Music
10._______ to the whole world.

