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      A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her. So she was always unhappy and didn't like to talk to others.However,one day,her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发卡). When she wore it'she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.

      On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her smile at her. Most of her classmates said hello to her,but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip brought her happiness. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. All her classmates wanted to know what happened to her,but she didn't want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip. When she went back to her home after school,her mother asked her,“Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I found it by the door this morning. ” She understood that she didn't wear the hair clip to school at all.

      It is not important what we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about ourselves.


1. The girl dropped her hair clip at the.




She was very glad to see some good things happened to her.


4. Why did the little girl always feel unhappy at first?




[答案]1. door

2. 当她戴着它时,她看起来比以前漂亮多了。

3. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things.

4. Because she thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her.

5. The most important is how we think about ourselves.


1. 根据第二段 I found it by the door this morning.可知。

2. look是系动词,后面接形容词比较级作表语,much修饰比较级,表示……的多了。

3. 联系上下文可知是 She was so happy about all of the wonderful things.这两句都表示她对这些新发生的事情感到高兴。

4. 根据 A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her.可知答: Because she thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her.

5. 根据本文描述可知短文最后一句The most important is how we think about ourselves. 是本文的主题句。

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空八年级 > PASSAGE F 任务型阅读


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                                A ten-year-old teacher 

      How young can a teacher be? A teacher can be any age. Just ask Chrissie Mckenney. She was only 10 when she started teaching.

      How did Chrissie get the job? It was not easy. Chrissie wanted to help children who can't hear. But the school had never had such a young helper. Could Chrissie do it?

      First,Chrissie learned to sign. Signing is a way of talking with your hands. Soon it was easy for Chrissie to talk to the children. So the school let her help. Now Chrissie visits the school almost every day. The children love their young teacher. She is their friend.

() 1. Chrissie wanted to help children who can't .

   A. hear   B. see   C. play   D. look

() 2. This story tells about a .

   A. special class   B. young teacher   C. silly person   D. poor worker

() 3. In the third part of the story,what does the word “sign” mean.

   A. 看   B. 手势   C.听  D.标牌

() 4. The school let Chrissie help because she .

   A. was too old   B. could sign   C. could not hear   D. could speak

() 5. You can guess from the story that most teachers Chrissie.

   A. are older than   B. do not like   C. are just like   D. play with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      A hot dog is one of the most popular American food. It was named after frankfurter,a German food. You may hear “hot dog” 1 in other ways. People sometimes 2 “hot dog” to express pleasure (快乐) .For example,a friend may ask 3 you would like to go to the cinema. You might say ,“Great. I'd love to."Or,you could say , 4 ! I'd love to go. People 5 use the expression to describe someone who is a show-off,who tries to show eve ryone else how 6 he is. You often hear such a(n) 7 called a hot dog. He may be a basketball player,for example,who 8 the ball with one hand making a(n) 9 catch seem more difficult. You know he is a “hot dog” because when he makes such a catch,he bows (輔身弓) to crowd,hoping to 10 their cheers.

() 1. A. cooked   B. eaten   C. picked   D. used

() 2. A. speak   B. tell   C. talk   D. say

() 3. A. where   B. how   C. if   D. when

() 4. A. Excuse me   B. Don’t worry   C. Never mind   D. Hot dog

() 5. A. ever   B. yet   C. also   D. still

() 6. A. kind   B. hopeful   C. great   D. careful

() 7. A. person   B. dog   C. hand   D. action

() 8. A. catches   B. plays   C. throws   D. passes

() 9. A. funny   B. easy   C. exciting   D. good

() 10. A. lose   B. win   C. avoid   D. explain


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Many students get ill easily. They have to go to hospital and may miss a lot of classes. What can we do to keep healthy? Here are some tips:

      Healthy food. You should eat less fast food but more vegetables and fruit. You'd better drink 500 ml milk every day. Remember to eat breakfast.

      Enough exercise. Doing exercise is important. It makes you more athletic. You can play some sports after class or on weekends.

      Happy smiles. Smile is a good way to make you healthy. Try to find things that can make

you laugh. Remember that smile is the best medicine to cure (治疗) your illness.

      Good rest. If you want to get a good grade,you must have a good rest. As a famous saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy (富有的) and wise (聪明的).”

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为找主 题句。

1. YouM better drink 500 ml milk for each meal.()

2. You can play sports or.

3. Why is smile important?


4. 请将画线句子翻译成汉语:





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 1 some books from the library. He 2 to the radio every morning and reads newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His 3 worship (崇拜) him very much. Mike,Mr. Clarke's little son,is only nine. He also likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Clarke always thinks he's too young to understand him and chooses 4  ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with (对…满意) it. One day Mike read something about the electric lights (电灯) and was 5 it. When his father told him to do some housework,he went on thinking of it. He asked him a few questions,and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly ,“Fathers always know 6 than sons!” The boy thought for a while and said ,“ 7 ” “Oh? Why?” Mike didn't answer and asked,8 ,“Who invented

the electric lights?” “ 9 ,” answered Mr. Clarke. “Why didn't his father invent them,then?” Looking at his son,Mr. Clarke didn't know 10 to answer!

() 1. A. finds   B. sells   C. buys   D. borrows

() 2. A. hears   B. listens   C. says   D. reads

() 3. A. teachers   B. parents   C. students   D. classmates

() 4. A. more difficult   B. the most difficult   C. easy   D. the easiest

() 5. A. worried about   B. interested in   C. afraid of   D. angry with

() 6. A. more   B. most   C. less   D. least

() 7. A. I think so   B. I don't know   C. I agree   D. I don't think so

() 8. A. instead   B. carefully   C. quickly   D. brightly

() 9. A. Thomas Brown   B. Allan Smith   C. Thomas Edison   D. Ron Jenkins

() 10. A. when   B. what   C. where   D. which


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Long,long ago there was a bad king. All of his people 1. h him.

      One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good 2. s .But while he was in the river,he 3. s fell ill,and was nearly drowned (淹死) . At that time two 4. f were working in the field 5. n . They came over,jumped into the river,and he was 6. s . They didn't know who he was until they 7. p him out of the water.

      The king was happy. He said to the two farmers, “Ask for 8. a ,I'll give it to you. I'm the 9. r in the world. And today you have saved my life.”

      One of them answered ,“You can do one thing for us.”“What is it?” asked the king. He thought that they would ask for a lot of money. “Don't tell 10. a  that we have saved you. ”


1.   2.   3.   4.   5.

6.   7.   8.   9.   10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      The bicycle is really important means of transportation in China. Bicycles have become more and more popular in China. People ride bikes to their workplaces,to shopping centers,to schools,and so on. During the rush hour,you can often see a boiling sea of bicycles running in all directions. With the largest number of bike riders in the world,China is often thought to be “the kingdom of bicycles”. There are many advantages about the bicycle. For ex-ample,bicycles do not cause air or sound pollution (污染) ;compared with cars,bicycles cause no environmental (环境的) problems; bicycles save energy (能源) and parking place; riding bikes to travel can be a wonderful experience (经历) ;the bicycle allows us to go anywhere nearby easily;bikes are not very expensive,and almost every family can afford them;riding bikes regularly does good to people's health.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为找主 题句。

1. Bikes are not very expensive,and almost every family can afford them.()

2. China is called “  ”,because China has the largest number of bike riders in the world.

3. What are the advantages of the bicycles? You can give two examples.




5. 请从文中找出本文的主题句:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


         excite tell think surprise not mad anymore will however call 

       It was an 1 week for the people in the soap opera Young Lives. First of all,Marcia told Ben she was having a 2 party for Lana,and that Lana 3 she was going to her house to study. Then Lana 4 Ben she was 5 at Marcia,and that she 6 going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she wasn’t mad at Marcia 7 ,and that she 8 go to Marcia's house on Friday night. 9 ,Marcia 10 everyone and told them that she wasn’t going to have the party.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Millie wrote an email to her online friend Neha from India. Two days later,Neha replied. Complete their emails with the correct forms of the words in the box.

attraction    chopsticks   dragon    dance   eastern    fair

Hindi    Japanese     landscape   paper-cutting   sari 

Dear Neha,

  Last month I went to India with my parents. We visited some famous

(1) in New Delhi. It was such a wonderful place that we

saw a lot of natural (2) there. We also visited the Taj

Mahal. It was great!

     On the last day,we went to see a large ⑶ in a city in

(4) India. We saw some women wear (5).

The traditional clothes are very beautiful.

I even learnt a little (6) during the trip. I have to say it

is much more difficult than Chinese.

I know that you are very interested in Chinese culture. When do you plan to come to Beijing?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

 Dear Millia,

I am glad to know that you enjoyed the trip to India.It i5 a pity that was in Tokyo when you came. I want with my father ae he wanted to visit some(7) friends there.

I am going to Beijing with my friends next year.〇ur school had a China Week

last month. I saw quite a few Chinese things,6uch as Chinese opera and

(8) .The thing that I was most interested in was Chinese

(9) . I think that it neede a lot of time and ekill. I also bought a

pair of (10) . I can uee them wall ae I like eating Chmeee food

very much.



