精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
The Big Ben is in _________.
A.RussiaB.CanadaC.FranceD.the UK


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: I don’t think I can finish all of that.
B: Did you enjoy the play?
C: Who is that?
D: Oh, that’s too bad.
E: Let me tell you.
F: This is Bob.
G: What about math?
(Bob is ill. He is phoning Ann for the school work.)
Ann: Hello.  
Bob: Hello. __小题1:__
Ann: Hi, Bob. How are you feeling today?
Bob: Oh, I’m fine now. Can you tell me what happened in our class?
Ann: Sure. __小题2:__, oh, yes. In history class we finished talking about World War II . We have to study Unit 7 and Unit 8 for an exam tomorrow.
Bob: __小题3:__I didn’t read Unit 8 yet. What did you do in English?
Ann: Not much. We worked on a play in groups. We don’t have any homework.
Bob: __小题4:__
Ann: We have a lot of math homework. We have to do the problems on page 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Bob: Oh, dear! __小题5:__ Maybe I can be ill tomorrow too.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—I’m going to Sanya for the summer holiday.
A.Have a good timeB.Well doneC.Best wishes to youD.Thanks a lot


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

——I am going on a trip to Xi’an next week.    
A.Have a good timeB.Thank youC.It’s goodD.Good idea


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

补全对话(5个句子,每句 2分,共 10分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。
A:Hey.Anna!You look so tired.小题1:.             ?
B:I guess I'm exhausted after a whole day's work.You know.I'm feeling stressed out these days.
A:Really? 小题2:.             It will be very relaxing
B:Oh,thank you for your advice but it doesn't suit me
A:Then you must enjoy listening to music.Everyone loves it
B:You bet! Classical music is my favorite
A:小题3:.            ?
B:I’d love to 小题4:.            
A:It costs 200 yuan.
B:200 yuan? That's too expensive!
A:Come on! It's on me.The concert 3tarts at seven.小题5:.            ?
B:How about half past six?
A:Sounds great! See you at the school gate then.
B:See you


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— The world is becoming smaller and smaller because of the Internet.
A.No problemB.ExactlyC.All rightD.That is all right


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

根据下面的对话情景 ,在每个空白处填上一个恰当的句子,是对话的意义连贯、完整
Jim: Hi, John!The weekend is coming. 小题1:           ?
John: Yes, I’d love to. 小题2:             ?
Jim: What about the Palace Museum? There is a great show.
John: That’s really a wonderful place to visit. 小题3:_______________ ?
Jim: We can see fine works of art there.
John: That sounds great. How can we go there?
Jim : Then best way is to take the underground. It takes only 20 minutes.
John: All right. 小题4:                   ?
Jim: We will meet at my home at 8:00  a. m. tomorrow ?.
John:  Ok, See you tomorrow.
Jim: 小题5:       .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

You’ll get a ticket for drink-driving.Look at the sign________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Hello, may I speak to Mary please?  --- __________.
A.I’m Mary.B.Yes, please.C.Who are you?D.Hold on, please.

