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   1990 was a significant year in world events. In February,Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison. In October,East and West Germany became one country again. Then at the end of 1990,the World Wide Web was born. For this final event we have one man to thank,Tim Berners-Lee,the father of the Web.

    Berners-Lee was born on June 8 ,1955 in London,England. His parents,both computer designers,encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellent student and naturally took an interest in computers and science.

    After graduating from Oxford University,Tim went to work at a science research Center in Switzerland. There he developed some of the different systems that would later become the Web. The first was HTML,the computer language used to make web pages. The second was an address system that let computers anywhere find each other and send and receive information. In 1990,while still at the science center in Switzerland,he put them together to make the first Internet browser. It could run on any computer and allowed people to share their information with the rest of the world.

    Tim knew that the more people used the Web,the more useful it would be. He wasn5t interested in money but knowledge,so he gave out his invention for free to anyone who was interested. Many were interested and the growth of the Internet began.

   Today Tim works as a professor at the MIT in America,researching new and interesting ways to use the Web. He has received many awards from governments and organizations for his efforts. He is still not very interested in money. That is why he is so admired by his students and workmates. It may also be one of the reasons that few people outside the world of technology know his name.

() 1. The underlined word “significant”(in Paragraph 1) most probably means “ ”.

   A. strange   B. terrible   C. important   D. difficult

() 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The address system was used to make web pages.

   B. The World Wide Web was created in Switzerland.

   C. The first web browser was very expensive to buy.

   D. Many people could use the Internet before1990.

() 3. What can we learn about Berners-Lee from the passage?

   A. He was encouraged to be creative.    B. He didn't do well at school.

   C. He is a very poor businessman.       D. He is well-known all over the world.

() 4. Where does Berners-Lee live today?

   A. England.     B. Switzerland.   C. America.    D. Canada.

() 5. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. The events that took place in 1990.   B. The history of the Internet.

   C. The invention of the Internet browser.     D. The man who created the World Wide Web.

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D


1. C根据下文,发生在1990年的世界事件:东西德 统一,World Wide Web的诞生。我们不难推测, significant是指重要,重大。故选C.

2. B 根据 After graduating from Oxford University,Tim went to work at a science research centre in Switzerland. There he developed — become the web.可知。

3. A选项A体现在文中第二段“."encouraged him to think and work creatively." ”

4. C 最后一段第一句可以知道Tim现在住在 美国。

5. D这篇文章主要介绍Web之父Tim Bemers-Lee。

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE C阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

story,   hand,   spend,   take,   unlucky 

Dear classmates

    It's March again. Don’t forget the important project that is the month-learning from Lei Feng. Would you like to give a 1  to people who need help?

How about 2 some time with the children in the orphanage (孤儿院) ?

    We will play games with them and tell them 3 If possible,we will teach them how to make dumplings. Without the love of parents,they are 4 .

     Why not bring them some gifts to add a little cheer to their life?

Want to join us? Let's meet at 7 : 00 a. m. at the school gate this Saturday. The school bus will 5 us there. Don't be late.

Students’ Union


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Never give up!” It is my law (法则) of life. It has brought me 1_. I learned the law irom my

father's 2 story.My father was 3 in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu,in China. When he was a young boy,he went to school in the morning,then 4 in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework5 midnight. Life was hard,because they had no 6 !

   At the age of 14 ,my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold,the land

where 7 people can become rich.

    “ 8 don't I go to America?” he thought to himself’full of hope.

So,my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to 9 money in America,he told

me ,“But when I arrived there,I realized it was not true. They did not like to hire (雇佣) me because I

spoke 10 English. Later,I worked in a small restaurant,cleaning up tables, 11 dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was 12 for the first a few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English,but it was impossible. I couldn t 13 the schooling (子费).

My father 14 working hard,and reached his goal.

   “Alan”he often says to me. "If you want something,you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come 15 in life. v That is what I learned from my father.

() 1. A. disaster   B. loss   C. success   D. pity

() 2. A. life   B. fashion   C. danger   D. history

() 3. A. famous   B. lucky   C. rich   D. born

() 4. A. taught   B. worked   C. studied   D. slept

() 5. A. until   B. towards   C. for   D. during

() 6. A. experience   B. energy   C. time   D. money

() 7. A. kind   B. poor   C. strong   D. lazy

() 8. A. What   B. How   C. Why   D. When

() 9. A. discover   B. make   C. collect   D. spend

() l〇. A. little   B. good   C. much   D. excellent

() 11. A. giving   B. running   C. washing   D. receiving

() 12. A. comfortable   B. cheerful   C. nice   D. hard

() 13. A. borrow   B. need   C. afford   D. pay

() 14. A. kept   B. finished   C. minded   D. stopped

() 15. A. really   B. easily   C. quietly   D. slowly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U. S. for the first time ever this fall,according to market-research firm ID C. That's bad news for backs,necks and shoulders.

     Laptops are bad for our body. When you work at a computer,the keyboard should be at elbow height and the monitor should be roughly at eye level? so you can sit well in a chair.      But most users simply set their laptops on a desk or table. The keyboard is too high> which makes your arms reach up? your shoulders feel tired and your wrists bend down. The monitor is too low,which pulls your head and neck forward and down and your back may feel hurt.

    That s OK if you use your laptop for a short time. But if you use one for hours without stopping—— as do millions of college students? business travelers? telecommuters) video-gamers and growing numbers of office workers —your body may feel hurt. Ergonomics experts have warned about laptop problems for years. But people still like laptops better than the desktops. And they use laptops anywhere—— in bed,on the floor-in all kinds of positions.

    “How can a mouse or a keyboard hurt you?” says Thomas Caffrey,the founder of Myofactors  LL C. Wrong positions can be bad for your body. As time goes by,a wrong position can lead to pain in the neck,shoulders,back and arms,as well as headaches. ”

() 1. When you work at a computer,the keyboard should be.

   A. at elbow height   B. at eye height   C. on a desk   D. on a table

() 2. The writer asks us not to use the laptop.

   A. for a short time   B. to play video games

   C. for hours without stopping   D. to buy things on the Internet

() 3. From the passage,we know that laptop computers.

   A. are not so popular as the desktops   B. are more popular than the desktops

   C. are not bad for our body   D. have no mouse now

() 4. Using a laptop in a wrong position may make.

   A. people s  sight lower   B. people have cancer

   C. people s  arm longer   D. people feel pain in the body

() 5. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

   A. When you use a laptop,you should put your monitor at eye height.

   B. Laptop computers sold more than desktops this autumn.

   C. To keep healthy,you should use laptop computers.

   D. Business travelers often use the laptop computers for a long time.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the church and have made up their minds to 1 the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议) against heavy trucks which run 2 through the narrow High Street. 4<They not only make it 3 to sleep at night,but they are doing damage (损害) to our houses and shops of historical 4 ,” said John Norris,one of the protesters.

    “ 5we must have these noisy trucks on the roads ,” said Jean Lacey,a biology student, “why

don't they build a new road that goes round the town? Burlington isn’t much more than a 6 village. Its streets were never meant for heavy traffic”.

     Harry Fields also studying 7 said they wanted to make as much noise as possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to stand. “Most of them don't live here any-way ,” he said ,“they come in for meetings and the Town Hall is soundproof (隔音的) ,so they probably don't 8 . It's high time they realized the problem. The fourth student,Liza Vernum,said she

thought the public were mostly on their side,and even if they weren’t they soon would be.

     I asked if they were 9 that the police might come to stop them.

   “Not really ,” she said ,“actually we are suitable bellringers. I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church. There is no 10 against practising.”

   I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

() 1. A. change   B. repair   C. ring   D. shake

() 2. A. now and then   B. day and night   C. up and down   D. over and over

() 3. A. terrible   B. difficult   C. uncomfortable   D. unpleasant

() 4. A. scene   B. period   C. interest   D. sense

() 5. A. If   B. Although   C. When   D. Unless

() 6. A. pretty   B. quiet   C. large   D. modern

() 7. A. well   B. hard   C. biology   D. education

() 8. A. notice   B. mention   C. fear   D. control

() 9. A. surprised   B. afraid   C. pleased   D. grateful

() 10. A. point   B. cause   C. need   D. law


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Welcome to our school. You can do a lot of things here. Come and join us.






PersonaK个人的) Inventions

Space and Man

You can see many inventions by the students;

Dr. Thomas West

you may also bring your own inventions.

If you want to know more about the universe.


19:30—21:00 Modern Medicine Mrs. Lucy Green Would you like to know medical science?


18:30—21:00 Computer Science Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard University.

Learn to use Windows XP.

() 1. You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on .

   A. Sunday   B. Monday   C. Wednesday   D. Thurday

() 2. The person who teaches Computer Science is from .

   A. Canada   B. Australia   C. America   D. China

() 3. You may learn something about a disease called TB from .

   A. Dr. West   B. Mr. Morison   C. Mrs. Green   D. Mr. Smith

() 4. If you want to learn something about satellites (人造卫星) ,you can go to the class        from

   A. 8:30 to 11:30 on Sunday   B. 19: 00 to 21: 00 on Monday

   C. 19:30 to 21: 00 on Wednesday   D. 7:00 to 9 :00 on Monday

() 5. When you want to learn computer,you can ask for help.

   A. Dr. West   B. Mr. Morison   C. Dr. Lucy   D. Mr. Smith


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     There have been many great inventions,things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was one that is still very important today —the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.

   For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect (影响) as the wheel. Then in the early 1800’s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn't have to explore (探测) much anymore. They began to work to make life better.

   In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera,the light and the radio. These all became a big part of our life today.

The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Movies with sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.

   By this time most people had a very good life,man has a desire to explore again,the world was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the Hrst step.Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries,including China and Japan,have made their steps into space.

In 1969 man took his biggest step from the earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning thought. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.

() 1. This passage talks mainly about.

   A. why cars were very important  

    B. when light was invented

   C. which country made the first step into space  

    D. how inventions effect people's life

() 2. Nylon came out nearly at the same time as.

   A. radio   B. camera   C. jet planes   D. movies

() 3. Which of the statements is NOT true?

   A. The wheel was the first great invention that is still very important today. For        hundreds of years after that there were many other inventions having as much effect      as the wheel.

   B. America,Russia,Japan and China began to explore the stars before 1969.

   C. In the early 1800’s people began to work instead of exploring more unknown land     to make  life better.

   D. New invention will change our life greatly in the future.

() 4. What does “a desire” mean in the sentence “Man had a desire to explore more. ”?

   A. A good way. B. A new invention. C. A strong wish. D. A wonderful idea.

() 5. Man didn't have a desire to explore a lot .

   A. at the beginning of the 18005s   B. in the 1960’s

   C. since the 1900’s     D. from the 1800’s to the 1960’s


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    Do you want to know where I come from? Oh,please guess (猜) !

I can speak good Japanese (日语) ,but I can't speak English or Chinese at all. I like white a lot,so you can see me in a white shirt at school.


   Am I very cool? I have long hair with two big eyes. I have an e-friend from China,but she lives in London with me now. She studies English here. I often help her study English.


    I like little animals very much. Dogs are my favorite. So I have two dogs at home,but my mom doesn’t like them at all. I often give some eggs and cakes to them. They like me,too,and they can help me.


   Chinese is my mother language (语言) ,but I study English at school. Now I can speak a little English. I often have some e-mails from my friend in the USA. He tells me how to study English in his e-mails. He says he likes Beijing. He wants to visit the Great Wall very much.

() 1. Miyoke is from .

   A. China   B. America   C. England   D. Japan

() 2. Grace has .

   A. long hair with two small eyes   B. an e-friend from London

   C. a Chinese e-friend   D. short hair with two big eyes

() 3. doesn’t like dogs at her home at all.

   A. Miyoke's mum   B. Maria's mum   C. Maria's e-friend   D. Tian Jun's friend

() 4. Tian Jun can now.

   A. only speak Chinese   B. speak Japanese

   C. speak Chinese and English   D. speak Chinese and Japanese

() 5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Miyoke is often in a brown shirt at school. 

    B. Grace lives with her e-friend in Beijing now.

   C. Tian Jun's friend wants to visit Beijing a lot.

    D. Maria doesn’t have a dog at her home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Early last year,two young brothers in Jiangsu Province 1 badly burned while playing. The “game” they were playing was 2 they had watched in the cartoon Pleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf (《喜羊羊和灰太狼》). The brothers were 3 two little goats while their friend was playing a bad wolf     Their friend tied them 4 a tree and set fire to the grass around them. The sad story is an example of how many children follow the violence (暴力) they see on television,especially cartoons. It is 5 that violent cartoons can make children more aggressive (具有攻击性的). In a survey,researchers 6 the children after watching non-violent and violent cartoons. They found that the kids who watched violent cartoons fought with others and 7 class rules more often. Children under the age of seven are too 8 to understand that the violence on TV can bring 9 real harm. It is parents’ job 10 them understand it.

() 1. A. are   B. is   C. were   D. was

() 2. A. something   B. anything   C. everything   D. nothing

() 3. A. eating   B. buying   C. watching   D. playing

() 4. A. with   B. to   C. in   D. at

() 5. A. report   B. reporter   C. reported   D. reporting

() 6. A. advised   B. asked   C. called   D. compared

() 7. A. broke   B. followed   C. obeyed   D. made

() 8. A. young   B. old   C. small   D. little

() 9. A. him   B. them   C. we   D. you

() 10. A. help   B. to help   C. helping   D. helped

