精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


1.-Thank you very much for helping us.

-Don’t m_______ it.

2.During the earthquake,t_______ of children lost their parents.

3.Many buildings in Harbin ale the same as those in Russia.They are in R_______ style.

4.I have been skating s _______I was five years old.

5.Nick doesn’t come to school today.P_______ he is ill.


6.Many athletes give money to schools and_______ (慈善机构),and do a lot of work to help people.

7.We are going to the movies_______ (今晚).

8.There are many_______ (外国人)raising money for the homeless people.

9.During tile winter she always_______ (储存)her summer clothes in bags under her bed.

10.Listen again and write the_______ (建议)and comments in the chart below.

1.mention    2.thousands    3.Russian      4.since       5.Perhaps

6.charities    7.tonight      8.foreigners    9.stores      10.suggestions


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Bridge Street is very busy, and it's a g       place to have fun.
【小题2】Johnny Dean used to wear glasses, but he doesn't wear them any m _   _.
【小题3】Rapid Fire is an_  _ (动作) movie that interests a lot of people.
【小题4】 The alien had thick __ (棕色的) hair and big green eyes.
【小题5】The main      (意思) of his words is to stop it from happening again.
【小题6】She didn't always think      ( 仔细地)about what she was doing.
【小题7】The __ (own) of the house doesn't want to sell it at a low price.
【小题8】Jingmen produces one      (eight) of Huhei's rice.
【小题9】 He took out pieces of old bread and      (feed) the birds.
【小题10】 Having the right equipment at hand will be very       (help).


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语七年级上Module5练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.We h   got some meat in the fridge.?

2.This is an orange and that is an a   .?

3.Do you like A   food??

4.Meat and fruit are h    food.?

5.Have you got a   milk in the fridge??

6.Noodles are my f   food, and you??

7.There are three c   of juice on the table.?

8.Whose watch is this? I    is Betty's.



科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标初二上册第七单元专项训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.There are some books on the t       of the box.

2.Sauce is a kind of r     

3.On Thanksgiving Day, Americans like to eat t__

4.As we all know, fast food is very p       in Western countries.

5.Please follow the cook's i      to make a banana milk shake.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.We have d         ourselves into three groups since this term.

2.Parents should often p         their children for their good work.

3.He has already         (准备了)a funny English story for the English party.

4.As we know,Liu Xiang is a         (成功的)player.

5.The lion is the         (象征)of courage.


6.There are a lot of         (leaf)on the tree when spring comes.

7.Danny wants to choose the most funny and         (excitement)job in the world.

8.You had to study hard before         (get)a chance to go abroad.

9.In good Chinese         (traditional),I told him that I enjoyed his present.

10.If I make a         (culture)mistake,please tell me what to do.


11.Tom often         (brush)his teeth every morning.

12.I'm strong enough         (carry)the big stone.

13.The dinner room must         (clean)three times a day.

14.My watch doesn't work.I'll have it         (mend)this week.

15.Would you mind my         (smoke)here,sir?

