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The other day I came across a few local musicians and happened to hear them talking:

"I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They can't even understand a bit of music."

"I'm never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us."

But one younger musician said, "There are a few clubs that book my band (乐队) a few nights a month, and I'm trying to find other places to play. I'm also looking forward to booking a few summer festivals this year."

It's said that you are the average (平均) of the five people whom you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.

Attitudes(态度) are important. Whether they're positive(积极的)or negative (消极的), they're rubbing off on you. If you're always around people who complain about short of work and about other musicians or say bad words about others, and you play the role of a victim, it's possible that you will start to as well. So it's time to take a look at the people you call "friends", as what kind of friends you have decides what kind of life you are going to live.

This is an easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you often go out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don't become friends with people who fall below that standard.

Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it and learn from them. Ask if they will help you get the work you're looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.

1. The musicians' words at the beginning are written mainly to show_______.

A. the musicians live a poor life

B. people have poor taste in music

C. people have different attitudes towards the same thing

D. young people have greater chances of succeeding

2.The underlined sentence "they'll rubbing off on you" in Paragraph 6. means_______.

A. they'll push you ahead

B. they'll have an influence on you

C. they'll cover your feelings

D. they'll help you succeed

3.By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7, you can_______.

A. improve a lot in making more friends

B. plan the time with your friends properly

C. develop a better relationship with your friends

D. come to the right way of making friends

4. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. You are who your friends are.

B. How to make friendship long.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D. Friends are the most important in one's success.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁丹东市九年级一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I like my school because I take in it.

A. pride B. proud C. part D. interest


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡锡山区九年级下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

书面表达 (本大题共10分)


1. 平易近人,被公认是最受欢迎的中国运动员之一;

2. 从小对体育感兴趣;

3. 训练刻苦,2004年荣获雅典奥运会男子110米栏金牌,标志他成功事业的开端;

4. 赢得中国乃至全世界的高度赞扬;

5. 尽管他不再是运动员,但我觉得……


1. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 第5点省略部分请作2-3句合理的想象发挥;

3. 词数在90个左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:事业 career;雅典Athens;男子110米栏Men’s 110-meter hurdles;运动员athlete

Liu Xiang is my hero. He was born in Shanghai on July 13 ,1983.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡锡山区九年级下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Can you imagine _______________ on the earth in the future?

A. how will life be B. what will life be like

C. how life will be like D. What life will be like


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡市新区九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

书面表达 (本大题共10分)

假设你是第一中学的一名学生,3月21日是学校开放日,邀请家长来校听课参观,你作为志愿者参与了开放日活动。请你以“The School Open Day”为题,在答题卡指定的位置上写一篇90词左右的英文报道。内容提示如下:

1. 你带领家长参观美丽的校园,并一同观看了升国旗仪式。

2. 家长们听了很多堂课,高度评价老师精湛的教学技能。

3. 王芳老师的音乐课有趣而活跃,成功地融合了传统和现代音乐。

4. 张阳老师的历史课把抗日战争栩栩如生呈现到课堂上,讲述了七十年前中华儿女如何与日本鬼子勇敢战斗。

5. 家长们都感到……并希望…

( 参考词汇:抗日战争the Anti-Japanese War)





The School Open Day

No. 1 Middle School had a school open day on March 21st. Many parents were invited to our school. I


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡市新区九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Bill, can I get you anything to drink? ---________.

A. You are welcome B. I wouldn’t mind a coffee

C. No problem D. It doesn’t matter


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡市新区九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---The old TV is so big that it ________ too much space.

---Well, I will buy a new one soon.

A. takes off B. takes away

C. takes place D. takes up


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡北塘区九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or more money. Everyone likes to feel that he or she is special. , many of us grow up believing that we’re not special at all. We believe we are not good enough just as we are.

Most parents want us to be the best we can be. Very often, they compare (比较)us to . By doing this, they try to encourage us to do better. They well, but the message we often get is that we’re not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is being better than someone else, but we are often disappointed(失望). There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at . Plenty of people around may not be as smart as we are, but they are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is for us to be better than everyone else all the time.

We all want the things that we believe will make us better people. But very often we don’t realize that we already have us the very things that we want. These things make us others. When we are growing up, sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough. Maybe no one told them when they were growing up. , it’s up to us to remind them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are is enough.

1.A. Again B. Next C. Otherwise D. However

2.A. other B. others C. another D. the others

3.A. believe B. work C. mean D. show

4.A. to B. on C. by D. in

5.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

6.A. helpful B. impossible C. necessary D. important

7.A. inside B. among C. around D. for

8.A. worse than B. better than C. different from D. the same as

9.A. friends B. scientists C. parents D. doctors

10.A. Also B. Anyway C. Although D. After all


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏海安城东镇韩洋初级中学九年级下第一次阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

Life is made up of success and failure (失败). No one is always successful and also no one is always a failure. So it doesn’t make much difference w 1.___ you are successful or not. The most i___2.___ thing is what you do when you face success or failure. If you lose your heart when you f__3.___ or show arrogance (自大) when you succeed , you’ll never succeed. I___4.__, you should face it bravely, and then your failure can be c__5.___ into success. And you should go on working hard, then you can make great p__6.____.

Why do some people often feel discouraged (气馁的) t___7.__ they are able to do something? I think there are two main reasons. First, these people don’t have a correct estimate (评估) of themselves. Second, they may take s_8.__ difficulties for big ones.

The word “success” itself has hundreds of definitions (定义). For some it means power. For some it means great achievement (成就). For o___9.__it is wealth . I think it means achieving in one’s work, making contributions (共享) to the development of our country and bringing h__10.__ to people.

