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Hello!   26  name is Li Ying. I’m twelve. I’m from Kunming. Now I’m in Beijing No.14 High School. I’m   27  Class Five, Grade Seven. Miss Gao   28  my English teacher. She is   29  old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two   30  in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too.   31  is from Guangzhou. She is my good   32 . We are in   33  same class. Now she can   34  English well(好). I think(认为) she is a good girl. Look!  35 is that? She is Liu Ping.


试题分析:小题1:通过下句I’m twelve可知,应该是我的名字。My “我的”;I “我”,是主格;Me “我”,是宾格。故本题选B。
小题2:在几年级几班要用介词in;另外,下文Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too. 一句中也有暗示。故本题选D。
小题3:Miss Gao 是第三人称单数,所以应该用is。故本题选A。
小题4:old 是以元音开头的,所以用an。如果选C good,其前面应加上a才行。故本题选B。
小题5:通过句意我们可知,在文具盒中只能是pencils,不可能是buses (公共汽车)、desks(课桌)、schoolbags(书包)。故本题选D。
小题6:通过下一句She is my good ___.可以看出Liu Ping是个女孩。所以要用she。而her的意思是她的,不符合题意。故本题选C。
小题7:通过上文Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too.可知作者和LiuPing是同班。就不可能是她的teacher和mom。作者也是一名学生,不可能说Liu Ping是她的学生。故本题选A。
小题8:in the same…是固定用法。in the same class 是在同班的意思。 故本题选B。
小题9:通过题意可以看出,本句的意思应该是她说英语好。speak “说、讲”;spell “拼读”;help “帮助”;see “看见”。故本题选B。
小题10:通过下一句She is Liu Ping.可以看出,本句应该是问“那是谁?”,提问人物应该用who。How(怎样)、What(什么) Where (哪里)都不符合题意。故本题选D。
点评:短文中小作者介绍自己的姓名、年龄、来自哪里、老师和自己的文具以及好朋友Liu Ping 的情况。在阅读时,应该照顾上下文,利用好已学知识,进行合理的推断。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever had an embarrassing (尴尬的) experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences. We received thousands of letters! Here is a selection.
Tony: My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring. I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine. I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school. When I arrived, the students had already gone into class. I didn’t go to the office, but went straight into class. After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldn’t understand why! Suddenly I looked down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!
Henry: The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had happened two years ago. After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in our favorite restaurant in town. Then we decided to take a walk along the street. The street was very busy and we started holding hands. Suddenly my wife saw a dress in a shop window and stopped. I started looking at some watches in the next window. After a minute or two I reached for my wife’s hand. There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped (拍击) my face. I hadn’t taken my wife’s hand!I'd taken the hand of a stranger!
小题1:The students began laughing when they saw Tony _________.
A.wearing a wrong shoeB.carrying an alarm clock
C.looking down suddenlyD.rushing into the classroom
小题2:Henry and his wife held hands _________.
A.at the cinemaB.in the shopC.at the restaurantD.along the street
小题3:Henry was embarrassed because he __________.
A.heard his wife screaming B.knocked over some watches
C.took the hand of a strangerD.slapped the woman in the face


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One night a hotel caught fire(失火), and the people in the hotel ran out in their   61  clothes. Two men stood outside and looked at the fire. “  62  I came out, ” said one, “I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of  63  . People don’t think of money when they are   64  . When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire  65  it. So I took all the money I could find.   66   will become poorer because I took them.” 
“You don’t know me, ” said the other, “and you   67   my work.”
“What’s your work?”
“I’m a policeman.”
“Oh!”   68  the first man. He thought quickly and said, “And do you know my   69  ? I’m a writer. I’m always telling stories about the things that   70  happened. ”
A.dead menB.booksC.childrenD.money
A.SomeoneB.AnyoneC.No oneD.Everyone
A.knowB.don’t knowC.knewD.didn’t know


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Yuan Bao and Xiao Putao are good friends . They are beautiful girls and many people like them .They both (两者都) have round faces and long hair .They also (也) have big eyes ,small noses and small mouths .Yuan Bao comes from Beijing .She is five years old .Xiao Putao comes from Shenzhen .She is five years old ,too .The two girls are both stars on the Internet(网络) .Yuan Bao and Xiao Putao have the same toys .Their moms are good friends ,too .
小题1: Yuan Bao has           .
A. small eyes             B. a small nose           C. short hair
小题2: Yuan Bao is from             .
A. Beijing                B. Shanghai             C.Shenzhen
小题3:Does Xiao Putao have long hair ?
A. Yes ,she does           B. No, she doesn`t        C. We don`t know .(不知道)
小题4:How old are the two girls ?
A.They are 3 years old .     B. They are 4 years old .   C. They are 5 years old .
小题5:Yuan Bao and Xiao Putao have the same            .
A . moms                 B. books                C. toys


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.
It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. king likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends' help he got a ticket a few days ago.
After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)a back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn't grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell onto the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King's beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, "Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!"
"Are you going to get off, sir?" asked the boy.
小题1:Mr. King is a ___.
小题2:Mr. King was going to watch the match because ___.
A.he teaches P.E. in a middle schoolB.he likes football very much
C.he had already got a ticketD.he didn't go to work yesterday
小题3:It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because ___.
A.he had drunk too muchB.the bus was too small
C.he got on the bus too lateD.it was very crowded in the bus
小题4:The boy gripped Mr. King's beard because ___.
A.he was afraid to fall againB.he wanted to make the man angry
C.he hoped the man to find a seat for himD.he hoped the man to get off soon
小题5:Mr. King was afraid ___, so he shouted at him.
A.the boy would pull him downB.the boy would hurt his beard
C.the boy could be hurt againD.the boy would borrow his ticket


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.
When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then, especially(尤其) for the children.
When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the view of the whole city(城市的全景)well. It's very interesting.
小题1:The traffic in Hong Kong drives on the right.
小题2:The traffic in Hong Kong is the same as that in other areas of China.
小题3:If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.
小题4:You can sit on the first floor and see the view of the whole city.
小题5:According to the passage we know we must obey the traffic rules in Hong Kong.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Smith  36  from London. Now he is in China. He is   37  .He teaches  38  a middle school. He works very hard. His students like  39  very much. He can   40  a little Chinese. His students often teaches him Chinese  41  Sundays. Mr. Smith likes playing football . He often plays football  42  his students.
Mr Smith  43  a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school   44  bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes  45  TV in the evening.
A.a teacherB.a workerC.a driverD.a farmer
A.hasB.haveC.there isD.there are
A.seeingB.lookingC.watchingD.looking at


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

John likes chocolates very much, but his mother never gives him 26._____, because they are 27.____for his teeth. But John 28._____ a very nice grandpa. The old man loves John very much, and 29._____ he brings John chocolates when he comes to see him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wants 30.____ the old man happy.
One evening, a few days 31._____ John’s 8th birthday, he was saying his prayers(祈祷)in his bedroom before he went to bed,” Please, God. Make them give me a big 32._____ of chocolates for my birthday next week.” he shouted. His mother heard the boy’s shouting and went into his bedroom quickly.”33._____ are you shouting, John?” she asked.” God can hear you when you talk quietly(安静地).” “I know,34._____ grandpa is in the next door, and he can’t.” The 35._____ answered with a smile(微笑).
A.some B.aC.a lotD.any
A.makeB.makesC.makingD.to make
A.before B.afterC.whenD.and
A.mother B.grandpaC.girlD.boy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

While you are in trouble, what are you going to do? What? Cry? Or escape? Those are all the wrong way! Robinson Crusoe can tell you the right answer!
It is an exciting story: Robinson Crusoe hated the comfortable life in his home town. So, he want to be a seaman and travelled around the world. But one day, a terrible thing happened. A great storm came and their boat crashed! No one was alive in this accident except Robinson. He was the luckiest man in the world--Because all his friends were dead but he was alive. However, at the same time he was the most tragic man of all—He must face the fact .Alone on an island without food, water or gun!But, all roads lead to Rome!He just used his hands to work hard!Then, he made a cave, built a house, grew corn and kept goats. In the end, he could enjoy the life on the island. In his twenty-fourth year on the island, he saved a wild man, and gave him the name of “Friday”. With Robinson’s teaching, “Friday” became a good servant. Friday, they got a boat and escaped from the island.
Surely, the writer of Robinson Crusoe is really a hero! It’s too hard to describe Robinson with words. We could say that Robinson was very clever, and also he was brave,...Certainly, too many good words can describe him. But now, I think it isn’t important. However, the most important thing is what we have learned from the story. That is, use our own hands to work hard with confidence!
小题1:Robinson wanted to be a sailor because        .
A.sailor was an interesting job
B.he could earn more money to be a sailor
C.he wanted to have an adventure experience
D.he didn’t like the quiet life in his home town
小题2:How many people were alive in the accident?
A.No one.B.OneC.TwoD.Many
小题3:The underlined word “tragic” means “       ” in Chinese.
小题4:Robinson met “Friday”          .
A. before he traveled around the world
B.when the accident happened
C.after he escaped from the island
D.when he was on the island
小题5:According to the author,        is the most important thing we can learn from Robinson Crusoe.
A.being brave and hard-working
B.being brave and confident
C.being hard-working and confident
D.being brave, hard-working and confident

