精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


Can I help you?
B. The same to you.
When is his birthday?
C. I don’t know.
Happy New Year!
D. No, I can’t.
Do you have a tennis racket?
E. No, I don’t.
Can you play chess?
F. That sounds great.
Are these your parents?
G. It’s fifteen dollars.
Does Gina like comedies?
H. History.
How much is the blue sweater?
I. May, 5th.
What is your favorite subject?
J. No, they are my uncle and aunt.
Let’s play soccer ball.
A. Yes, please.


解析【小题1】本题的含义为有什么需要帮忙的吗,如需要可用yes ,please,故本题选A。
【小题3】本题的含义为新年快乐,我们可以说同样的话the same to you,故本题选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Can I help you?
B. The same to you.
When is his birthday?
C. I don’t know.
Happy New Year!
D. No, I can’t.
Do you have a tennis racket?
E. No, I don’t.
Can you play chess?
F. That sounds great.
Are these your parents?
G. It’s fifteen dollars.
Does Gina like comedies?
H. History.
How much is the blue sweater?
I. May, 5th.
What is your favorite subject?
J. No, they are my uncle and aunt.
Let’s play soccer ball.
A. Yes, please.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届宁夏银川市初一第一学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:补充句子




Can I help you?

B. The same to you.

When is his birthday?

C. I don’t know.

Happy New Year!

D. No, I can’t.

Do you have a tennis racket?

E. No, I don’t.

Can you play chess?

F. That sounds great.

Are these your parents?

G. It’s fifteen dollars.

Does Gina like comedies?

H. History.

How much is the blue sweater?

I. May, 5th.

What is your favorite subject?

J. No, they are my uncle and aunt.

Let’s play soccer ball.

A. Yes, please.



科目:初中英语 来源:宁夏自治区期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Let's play soccer ball.
(     )2. Can I help you?     
(     )3. When is his birthday?
(     )4. Happy New Year!     
(     )5. Do you have a tennis racket?
(     )6. Can you play chess?   
(     )7. Are these your parents?   
(     )8. Does Gina like comedies?
(     )9. How much is the blue sweater?
(     )10. What is your favorite subject?
A. Yes, please.                  
B. The same to you.                
C. I don't know.                  
D. No, I can't.                    
E. No, I don't.                    
F. That sounds great.              
G. It's fifteen dollars.          
H. History.                        
I. May, 5th.                        
J. No, they are my uncle and aunt.  


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Are you free this Sunday?         
(     )2. Would you like to come to Songtao?
(     )3. What are your favorite animals?   
(     )4. What time is it?                  
(     )5. What's wrong with you?           
A. It's two to two.          
B. Yes. What's up?          
C. I can't find my way home.                    
D. Yes. I'd love to.                                            
E.  Pandas.                  

