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Dear Mike,
We got your letter yesterday. Yes, we can visit you at Christmas. We planned to spend Christmas at home, but we are going to be with you. Your brother Jack will not in school then.
The weather in Chicago is cold, but it doesn’t matter. Sometimes we like the snow. We got our plane tickets the day before yesterday. We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?
We’ll take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.
See you soon.
Mum and Dad
1.  This letter is from Mike’s  【小题1】 ___
2.  It is  【小题2】 ___ now, but they like the  【小题3】 ___.
3.  Mike has a   【小题4】 ___called Jack. He is in  【小题5】 ___ now.
4.  Mike’s parents will go to his city by  小题1: ___. They will  小题2:___in Chicago   on the 18th.
5.  His parents will stay for two  【小题8】___and come back on  【小题9】___31th.
6.  His parents will take the recipes, so they can have a wonderfu  【小题10】____ dinner.


小题1:根据信的最后署名Mum and Dad可知填:parents,父母。
小题2:根据The weather in Chicago is cold, but it doesn’t matter 可知填:winter/cold,冬季/寒冷的。
小题3:根据Sometimes we like the snow.可知填:snow,雪。
小题4:根据Your brother Jack 可知填:brother,兄弟。
小题5:根据Your brother Jack will not in school then.可知他的兄弟现在在学校,故填:school,学校。
小题6:根据We got our plane tickets the day before yesterday.可知他的父母要乘飞机去他的城市,故填:air/plane 飞机。
小题7:根据We will get to your city on the 18th 可知填:arrive,到达。
小题8:根据We will stay with you for two weeks.可知填:weeks,周。
小题9:根据we can visit you at Christmas.及We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks.计算可知他们在十二月三十一日返回,故填:December
小题10:根据We’ll take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.可知填:Christmas

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day, a boy fought with one of his classmates.    小题1:  “He is really bad and I hate him.”  the boy said.
The grandfather said, “Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.  小题2:  It doesn’t hurt(伤害) your enemy (敌人) but only hurt yourself. ”
As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He gets on well with everything around him.  小题3:   He is full of anger (怒气). Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully because he always hates others.  小题4:  They both try to control (控制)me. ”
The boy looked into his grandfather’s eyes and asked, “Which tiger always controls you, grandfather?”
The old man said slowly in a serious voice, “  小题5: I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now. ”
A.But the other is bad and unfriendly.
B.Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story angrily.
C.But hate will make you feel tired .
D. The one that I feed.
E(AB).It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 请根据材料内容,完成各题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Want to be a volunteer?
Here is some information about volunteers.
A volunteer is someone who is willing to do something without being paid. The year 2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer. 2005 was the UK Year of the Volunteer.
Some volunteers work for clinical trials(临床试验) or other scientific research. (1)Some are even willing to donate their bodies to medical research after their death.
An online volunteer is a person who spends time and effort with an organization through an online connection. A great number of people round the world are online volunteers. Online volunteers can provide help in many fields. The practice of offering online help goes by other names.
There are many chances for people to donate their services using the Internet. Online volunteers can do a variety of tasks. Anyone can (2)__________ his spare time online (3)_________ some help for people in need as an online volunteer. Are you ready to be an online volunteer?
小题1:What is a volunteer?
(2)____________________ (3)____________________
小题4:写出该句的同意句。Help can be provided by online volunteers in many fields.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Smoking is bad for you, but what if your parents smoke? You might be worried about their health, be tired of smelling the smoke, or even a little embarrassed by it. You can’t order your parents to stop smoking, but you can encourage them to give up this bad habit. Tell them smoking is not good for their health.
If you think it will help, you could find some articles like this one and give them to your parents. Many states now have free programs to help people give up smoking. You might even see them advertised on billboards in your town. Point these out to your parents and encourage them to find out more about these programs.
What if your parents get angry with you for mentioning the topic of smoking? People don’t like to be told that they are doing something unhealthy, so it is possible your parents will be angry, especially if they are worried they won’t be able to give up smoking. Maybe they have tried before but failed.
Remember to be kind and show respect when you discuss smoking with your parents. Also remember that it is not easy to give up smoking. Some people have tried several times before they’re able to give up. Instead of shouting at them, tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy many healthy years ahead. They may eventually realize you are right about smoking.
If your parents agree to stop smoking, be their biggest supporter. Ask if there is anything you can do when they feel the desire to smoke. Maybe you could go for a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to music together. As they reach milestones, such as a month without smoking, Remember to celebrate the achievement.
★How to   小题1:your parents to give up smoking
★Smoking   小题3:their health.
★You are either worried about their health or   小题4:with smelling their smoke.
★It may also be   小题5:to find some articles for them about giving up smoking. Tell them there are many free programs available.
★They are sure to   小题6:your advice so long as you love and respect them. It is important to remember that it is   小题7:to give up smoking.
To   小题8:their giving up smoking, you can do many things.
★Spend   小题9:time with them. For example, go for
a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to music together.
★Don’t  小题10:to celebrate their achievement and encourage them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Most people may not think that there are any problems with watermelons, but some Japanese sellers do. There is often wasted s_______小题1:when they store watermelons, because round watermelons do not sit nicely on shelves. So some c_______小题2:farmers have solved the watermelon problem. They make their watermelons grow in square glass boxes so the watermelons become square. The only problem now is the p_______小题3:. The square watermelons cost about 80 dollars each.
Many people know the s_______小题4:“Roses are red, violets(紫罗兰) are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you”. Well, today the poem needs to c_______小题5:“Roses are red” to “Roses are red, roses are blue”! Australian scientists discovered that when they put a chemical from a blue f_______小题6:into a rose, they can create a nearly 100% blue rose. Some of science’s inventions are beautiful, not just u_______小题7:!
For many years Chinese scientists have been w_______小题8:on developing new kinds of stronger rice and now they have produced a new kind, called super rice. Super rice not only can protect i_______小题9: against insects(昆虫) and diseases(病害), but it also produces more than any other kind of rice. Today farmers can grow almost one and a half times more rice than they could grow in the p_______小题10:.
Doctors might be able to use vegetables to fight cancer now. US scientists have discovered a w_______小题11:to put a chemical into tomato plants while they are growing. When cancer patients eat the tomatoes, the tomatoes will fight the cancer in their bodies.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Almost all of us have bad habits. We all want to get rid of (摆脱) them, but we don’t know good ways. Here’s some advice.
●Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some bad habits. Look at the reasons very often.
●It’s clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can go out for a walk.
●You can get a prize if you really get rid of your bad habits.
●If you get too heavy, keep junk food out of your house.
●Bad habits develop(发展) over years, so you can’t get rid of them very soon. So you should be patient(耐心的).
●Don’t be afraid to ask others for help because everyone may have difficulties in their lives. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they can give you some advice.
How to get rid of bad habits
If you get angry easily,
you can 小题1:________________
If you小题2:                                   
you can get a prize.
If you want to be thinner,
don’t eat 小题3:________________             
If you 小题4:                              
you can ask others for help.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you have any friends? You may say “yes”.小题1:__________Boys think their friends must be boys and girls must have girl friends.小题2:_________.
Your classmates can be your friends. 小题3:_________ For example, you like playing sports, and your classmate also likes playing sports. Then can be friends.
Your teachers can be your friends. Teachers can give you help in your studies.小题4:___________.
Your parents can be your friends. They can play with you. 小题5:__________. They love you and give you all they have.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

All over the world people enjoys sports. Sports are good for people’s health. Many people like to watch others play sports games. They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets to sit in front of them.
Sports change (改变)with the seasons(季节). People play different games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are quite interesting and people everywhere like them. Football, for example(例如), is very popular in the world. People from different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become(变得) very friendly to each other.
小题1:Sports are good for people’s _______________________.
小题2:People play different games in different ______________________.
小题3:People can play both inside and ___________________________.
小题4:___________________ is very popular in the world.
小题5:People from different countries often become ___________________ to each other.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Someone asks 小题1:w_______ We learn English in Chian. Because it is one of the world’s 小题2:m______ important languages and it is also widely used in the modern world. 小题3:I____ you travel all over the world, you’ll 小题4:f_____ English everywhere. It’s widely used for business between different 小题5:c_______ . And three quarters of the world’s books and newspapers are小题6:w_______ in English . If you know English, you can enjoy so many good books. It’s really a bridge to so much knowledge.
So we must do more listening , speaking, 小题7:r_____ and writing. If you work hard on English , it’s not 小题8:d______ to learn it well.

