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- Doctor, how are the twins going?
- Don't worry. _______of them needs_______.
A.Neither; to be operatedB.Either; being operated
C.None; to be operated onD.Neither; operating on

试题分析:句意:医生,双胞胎怎么样?不要担心,他们都不需要动手术。根据句意,两者都不用neither,need doing sth需要做某事,主动形式表示被动意义,故选D

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My mother suggests not _____________(take) an umbrella with me, unless it rains.
小题2:They _____________(agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time.
小题3:—Jim, where is Dad? —He _____________(repair) his car in the yard.
小题4:Doctor Li does what he can _____________(save) these patients.
小题5:These clothes are dirty.They need _____________(wash).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We all love Mr Hu who is very kind and _________ (treat) us as his own children.
小题2:--- ___________ you ___________ (hand) in the report today?
---Yes, I put it on your desk shortly after lunch .
小题3:The cinema we used to go to___________ (turn) into a hotel by the government in two years
小题4:Timmy is active. He has many hobbies from_________ (collect) stamps to outdoor-activities .
小题5:The accident was so bad that all the doctors except Dr Li _____ (save) the patients in danger at that time,
小题6:He told us the boat would not float in the direction of wind if it___________ (control).
小题7:The old man was honoured for what he____________ (do) for the poor since 10 years ago..
小题8:The girl thought that her decision _______ (affect) her future study in college and job as well.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Whose book is this? There is no name on it.
---Let me see. Oh, it’s          . I lost it a few days ago. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Sally gets a lot of                (礼物) for her birthday.
小题2:The scientists have designed many             (实验)to test the ability of dogs to see colour
小题3:It’s said that the young man went abroad for further education alone in his             . (四十)
小题4:           (八月)is the hottest month of a year.
小题5:Please knock at the door before ___________ (进入) the room.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The dog is my good friend and it ____________(跟着) me every day.
小题2:Do you like to see ______________(西方的) films?
小题3:Daniel often makes me _____________(笑) .
小题4:__________(当地的) people like to go fishing at weekends.
小题5:Giraffes like eating ____________(树叶)from trees.
小题6:How __________ (幸运的) you are!
小题7:They are all sleeping. The room is very q         .
小题8:There is n___________ wrong with my computer. It works well.
小题9:I don’t like to s____________ a bedroom with others.
小题10:My father d____________ me to school every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My pet cat’s ________(die)kept me sad for a long time.
小题2:Parents should spend more time______(stay)with their children.
小题3:We ­­­­should ________( allow) to go to the movies on Friday nights.
小题4:He always cares for others but hardly think for_________(he).
小题5:Liu Mei can speak English very well. Her ______ (pronounce) is very good.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:What’s the n_____ of the dog?      Wangwang.
小题2:It is a photo of a family. Is it y____?
小题3:One and six is s_____.
小题4:---The blue pen is my brother’s.  What a____ his pencil box?
---- It is black.
小题5:The o____ jacket is my sister’s. She likes the color.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

My name is Sarah, I want to share my story with you today. In my younger years, I always ate 小题1:   (每件事物) I liked and I never  小题2: (变得,成为)fat. Last year, I was too  小题3: (忙) to do sports and  小题4:(开始) many bad habits. So I got fatter and fatter, and I didn’t feel very well. What’s  小题5:(错误的,有毛病的) with me? My 小题6:(丈夫) thinks those bad habits are not good for my health. So I decide to do something to keep healthy. At first, I try to eat healthy food , then I often  小题7:(攀登,爬) mountains on weekends. Now I am 小题8: (瘦) again, and I also have a  小题9:(机会) to have good habits. I am so  小题10:(幸运的).

