精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:I am looking forward to          (watch) the soldiers raise the national flag this summer holiday.
小题2:zhong Jing ,one of the _______ (beautiful) country doctors has worked in a small village of Guangzhou for more than five years.
小题3:When I got up this morning.,it ______ (rait)  heavily outside.
小题4:Look! The students are playing ______ (happy) on the playground.
小题5:Come on,Mike! I have something important ______ (talk) with you.
小题6:The teacher told his students that the earth ______ (go) around the sun.
小题7:A bridge______(build) in my hometown next year.
小题8:______(use) such a fashionable mobile phone can make us feel good in front of others.
小题9:The soft music makes me______(relax).
小题10:He is going to celebrate his______(forty) birthday this Sunday.
小题2:most beautiful
小题3:was raining
小题5:to talk
小题7:will be built

小题1:look forward to doing sth 盼望着做···,故填watching
小题2:钟京最美的乡村医生在广州的一个小村庄工作了五年多,one of +最高级+名词复数,最···当中的一个,故填most beautiful
小题3:今天早上当我起床。外面,正下着大雨,当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在发生,用过去进行时,故填was raining
小题5:动词不定式修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后面。故填.to talk
小题7:明年在我的家乡将建造一座桥。被动语态的将来时,故填will be built

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

South Korean divers(潜水员)swam t__小题1:___ dark, cold water into a sunken ferry on Wednesday. They wanted to s__小题2:__ for those passengers who were still missing in the accident. The divers, with oxygen tanks and communications lines with them, could only see a few inches in f___小题3:__ of them and they had much trouble with their work. The ferry which was n__小题4:__ Sewol ferry(岁月号)started sinking on April 16 after a sharp turn. Most of the victims w__小题5:___high school students, and they were told to stay where they were for their own s____小题6:___. Most of the b____小题7:__ were found in the last two days with broken fingers or legs. Perhaps some victims tried to c___小题8:_ up the walls or floors to escape in their last moments, media said. Several crew(船员)members, i____小题9:__Captain Lee Joon-seok have been arrested on negligence(疏忽)charges. Lee was also charged w___小题10:_ some other charges.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A man w小题1: mending a street light when he s小题2: a  beautiful woman and three children get i-小题3: a car which was in the garden of a house near him. He saw that the car had a flat tyre and tried to tell the w 小题4:, but it was late-----she was already driving the car out of the garden and into the busy s小题5:. When she got there,she stopped the car on the side o小题6: the street, got out and looked at the f小题7:  tyre. The children still stayed in the c小题8: .Very soon another car stopped, and the driver was r小题9: to help her. The young woman thanked him for his help and the man changed the tyre for h小题10: .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Four thousand kilometers _________ not a short distance.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Neither he nor I ________ from Canada. We are from Australia.
A. is                       B. are                     C. am 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—My good friend Tom, together with his classmates,     going to visit Shenzhen.
—Will he phone you as soon as he      here?
A.are; arrivesB.are; will arrive C.is; arrivesD.is; will arrive


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

May Day holiday is coming. My family are discussing w   1    to do for it. We are planning to travel a  2     . We want to go to Singapore because my dad has g    3  to Singapore for a meeting. He has b   4   there  twice. It’s a nice and clean c 5     . We will f   6   there next Monday. It will  t__7___ us about two hours to go  there  by  air. The weather there is very good all year r    8  . We will visit many p  9     of interest in Singapore .  I think  we  will  be  happy  t 10      the whole trip.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

It’s impossible for him ______.
A.talk with his parents about his mistakes
B.talking with his parents about his mistakes
C.talked with his parents about his mistakes
D.to talk with his parents about his mistakes


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--What is that on the table?  --Oh, a set of ___________ on the table.
A.key is B.keys are C.keys is D.key are

