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小题1:These are my d_______________(字典).  
小题2:What color are his______________ (笔记本)?
小题3:T_______________(感谢)for the photo of your family.
小题4:Mr Zhang has three children, one is a son, the other two are d_____________
小题5:Your mother and your father are your p______________


小题3:Thanks考查动词。Thanks for sth ,因为某事感谢。
小题4:daughters考查名词。句意张先生有三个孩子,一个是男孩,另外两个是女孩,the other two故用复数形式。
小题5:parents考查名词。句意你的爸爸和妈妈是你的父母。Parents 用复数形式。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)  (共8分)
小题1:One of my cousins works as a _______ in that company years ago. (manage)
小题2:A friend of _______ is going to visit us during the Spring Festival. (we)
小题3:The _______ Olympic Games was held in 2012 in London. (thirty)
小题4:It rained so _______ that we had to change the date of our outing. (heavy)
小题5:My cousin said he was _______ enough to be chosen as an exchange student. (luck)
小题6:Several wonderful _______ were made at the national conference. (speech)
小题7:We _______ the question so excitedly that we couldn’t go to sleep last night. (discussion)
小题8:Many _______ houses have been built for the tourists in this area recently. (wood)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

根据所给句子和汉语提示写出恰当的单词,每空一词。 (5分)
小题1:My cousin has bright ____________(微笑的) eyes. They make her very lovely.
小题2:Winter holiday is coming. The Greens _______(决定) to watch beautiful ice lanterns in Harbin.
小题3:My uncle is crazy about DIY. He ___________(装饰)his house himself last year.
小题4:Every year, a lot of ____________(游客) go to the West Lake.
小题5:I caught a bad cold yesterday, now I have a ________________(头痛).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We hope you can ___________ (接受) our invitation and join us.
小题2:Now the Chinese ____________ (政府) has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.
小题3:He had a ___________ (头痛) yesterday and wasn’t at school.
小题4:The __________ (突然的) heavy rain causes a lot of problem.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: -We enjoyed a concert on Christmas Eve without paying for it.
-A_______ concert? Why didn't you tell me earlier?
小题2: -I've got a toothache again.
-Oh, it's better to go to the_______.’
小题3: -He is such a kind person. Nobody hates him.
-Yes, he has no enemies but      .
小题4:-Many peasants(农民)have moved into the city.
-That's why many villages are _______year by year,
小题5:The library is_______ only in the afternoon.(可用的)
小题6:The travellers drove_______(穿过)the tunnel.
小题7:Thank you for_______ your help to me.(主动提出)
小题8:The students have_______ lots of progress since last month.(取得)
小题9:He_______ heavily after running for 15 minutes.(呼吸)
小题10:Everything is in._______ at this time of day.(寂静)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We can find lots of information on the I     .
小题2:Remember not to speak l________when we are in the reading room.
小题3:My mother has lots of h______ to do at home every day. I should always help her.
小题4:How many d______ can you find between these two pictures?
小题5:Young children need to sleep at l______ 9 hours every night. Enough sleep is very important.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文, 在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。
小题1:Xiangcheng District has a   (人口)about 40,000 at the end of 2013.
小题2: Mary waited while John   (修理)the water pipes.
小题3:He made   (敌人)of everyone—he other teams and the media.
小题4: Eric! Get in here and clean up the room. What a   (混乱)!
小题5: My mother makes our clothes   (平坦的)with an iron every week.
小题6: I made this card   (专门地)for your birthday.
小题7: Now scientists have   (发现)eating vegetables is so helpful for our health.
小题8: - Where is your sister now?
- She is   the guitar at home.
小题9: -I hear your uncle loved English when he was young.
- Yes. He was so interested in it that he never gave up learning it   himself in his spare time.
小题10: - What did the visitor say to you just now?
-  He asked me if I was   of the great changes that had taken place in Xiangcheng since 2000.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Could you please      me with my English? (help)
小题2:Our Party had her       birthday a few days ago. (nine)
小题3:Which do you like _______(good),carrots or tomatoes?
小题4:I want______ (buy) a book.
小题5:The old woman is walking ________ (slow).
小题6:She said that she________ (see) the film.
小题7:Wow ,the soup ________  (taste) so nice
小题8:The boy should stop ________ (wear) that silly earring.
小题9:Don’t worry about the ________ (child) heath. They can look after themselves.
小题10:Your sister is too young ________    (go) to school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Do you like _____(英国的)English or American English?
小题2:You should feel____(满怀希望的)about your future.
小题3:You don’t have to pay for these things.They are totally____(免费的)of charge.
小题4:I have a_____(外国的)friend,and he can speak Chinese very well.
小题5:What about making some special_____(三明治)?
小题6:Don’t ask him to do any more work,because he is_____(real)very tired.
小题7:Now the bad news makes the old man,____(worry)very much.
小题8:Can you give me some______(advise)on how to learn English well?
小题9:It is______(possible)for him to do so many things within so little time.
小题10:The poor boy was too weak to walk any ______(far).

