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小题1:Who is this postcard sent to?
小题2:Which place does this postcard come from?
A.Holiday Cove.B.Rest Harbour.
C.Mill Hill.D.Crocodile Farm.
小题3:What is Tom’s feeling to the crocodile farm?
A.He is so excited.B.He is afraid of it.
C.He felt so boring.D.He nearly fell asleep.


小题2:根据卡片右侧地址栏可知是送往Mill Hill的,故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most visited museums in the world

The British Museum, London, UK
It is one of the world’s greatest museums of human history and culture. It was opened on Jan 15, 1759. And now it has about 8 million things, from the stone tools of early men to 20th century inventions. Some famous inventions are on show there, such as the bicycle, the telephone, the television and so on.

Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
It was first built in 1204, but as a museum, it was opened in 1793. Once a palace that was homes to kings of France, the Louvre is now the world’s most famous museums. Millions of visitors go to the museum every year. It’s famous for some of the best pieces of art in the world.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US
The museum is one of the world’s largest museums. It was opened in 1872.  There are over 2 million things of art. You can see many interesting things from Africa and the Middle East. Of course, it has a great collection of American art. If you are interested in American history, don’t miss it.
小题1:How many things are there in the British Museum now ?
A.2 million B.8 millionC. 5 million D.7 million
小题2:When was Musee du Louvre opened as a museum?
小题3:In the passage, we know the Metropolitan Museum of Art is __________.
A.in New YorkB.once a palace C.not interestingD.famous for science


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The White family invites all the exchange students to a Barbecue Party. Saturday, July 3rd, 2~6 p.m.
Summer Concert
Listen to local jazz group Blue Wind in Central Park! The concert is free. Everyone is welcome! Sunday, July 10 at 6:00 p.m.
Great Short Story Competition
Are you under sixteen years old? Do you want to win a free trip to Disneyland? All you have to do is to write a short story containing these three words: monster, thrilling and Disneyland. Write your story now and email it to Rebecca@163.com before July 30.
Waiters Wanted
Age: between 20 and 40
Language: one foreign language (English or French) Requirements: ◆must be willing to work late ◆must be outgoing and friendly
Working place: Red Rose Restaurant
Tel: 0431—82233301
小题1:The Barbecue Party will be held on _____.
小题2:Monster, ______ and Disneyland are the three words need to be contained in the story.
小题3:If you want to be a waiter, your age must be between ______ to 40.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: The movie is about two__________.
A.cats B.kidsC.personsD.tickets
小题2:If Jim and Bob want to see the movie in the evening, they have to pay_________.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad?
A.Children may like Crazy Cats.
B.The movie will be on for 6 years.
C.The movie will be shown 5 times a day.
D.We can see the movie at 10:00 on June 18th.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


小题1: Linda is from ______________.
小题2:Her name is Linda Smith, so her last name is _________.
小题3:Her phone number is ______________.
小题4: Linda is ___________. (boy/ girl)
小题5:What’s the Chinese meaning of “nationality”?  


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: Peter’s study group meeting will be on ______.
A.Saturday morning B.Monday afternoon
C.Saturday evening D.Friday afternoon
小题2: From Peter’s plan we learn that Peter likes ______.
A.table tennis B.music
C.art D.basketball
小题3: On Sunday morning Mary will ______.
A.be free B.be busy
C.see the doctor D.go shopping
小题4: What will Mary do on Wednesday evening?
A.See her friends B.Play basketball
C.Go to her art class D.Prepare for an exam
小题5: Peter and Marry want to play badminton on Saturday, what time is suitable?
A.10 a.mB.9.30 a.mC.2.p.mD. 4.p.m


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: From the envelope(信封), we know that _________.
A.the letter is from Australia to China
B.the letter is written by Wang Lei.
C.Kate is a middle school student
D.Wang Lei and Kate are good friends.
小题2:This is part of a Quick Reference Index(索引).   If you want to learn how to surf, you should begin your search about ________.
A.RIVERS on page 114.B.EDUCATION on page 284
C.HOLIDAY on page 841D.SPORTS on page 884
小题3: Which of the following is right according to (根据) the words on a bottle of medicine?
A.The medicine is used for headache
B.The medicine is a kind of pills.
C.people at the age of 13 should take 3 teaspoonfuls of the medicine a day if they need.
D.You can keep this medicine in the fridge and you should give other people the medicine left after the tenth month of 2004.
小题4:You can see the notice _________.
A.on a fish farmB.in a fish market
C.in a fish restaurantD.on the office walls
小题5: You can buy records _______.
A.with $5.2 less than usual for Each one
B.of different kinds but no tapes are sold there.
C.at five o’clock in the afternoon.
D.over the phone


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ticket Prices for Shanghai Expo
Mar. 27,2009
~Jun. 30,2009
Pre-sale Ⅱ
Jul. 1,2009
~Dec. 31,2009
Pre-sale Ⅲ
Jan. 1,2010
~Apr. 30,2010
Expo Session(期间)May. 1,2010
~Oct. 31,2010
Peak Day Ticket
Standard Day Ticket
3-Day Ticket
7-Day Ticket
Evening Ticket
小题1:If Joe wanted to buy the cheapest ticket for Peak Day,he could book(预定)one during     
A.Pre - sale ⅠB.Pre – sale Ⅱ
C.Pre – sale ⅢD.Expo Session
小题2:On March 1,2010,Sue bought two Standard Day tickets for her parents. She paid   for
A.¥380B.¥300 C.¥260 D.¥180
小题3:It cost Thomas ¥160 to get a ticket for Standard Day.He probably bought it on     
A.April 23,2009B.August l,2009
C.February 2,2010D.May 20,2010
小题4:Kathy spent 900 yuan on a ticket for Shanghai Expo.Her visit can last     days.
A.oneB.threeC.seven D.ten
小题5:Visitors to Shanghai Expo could buy      tickets only after May 1,2010.
A.morningB.afternoonC.evening D.Midnight


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

620 m3 water
If we put flesh water and sea water together,we can each have 620 m3 water.But remember,sea water is too salty for us to drink if the factories don’t process(加工)it first.So,620 mis little.Saving water in daily use is important.
0.5 hectares of
There are 3.869 billion hectares(公顷)of forests on Earth.But we are losing them mainly because we cut trees too much.If we calculate(计算)at the size of a football field,we are losing 343,000 football fields every day,or 1,431 per hour,or 24 per minute !
1.5 centimeters
long corals(珊瑚)
All the corals that we have now spread(绵延)for about 100,000 km in 109
countries.But each of us can only have such a little piece,because seas are get-ring polluted and corals are dying.
33 stars
According to the latest report,there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.Each of us can have 33 of them.Unfortunately,we cannot see most of the 200 billion stars from Earth.We can only see about 6.000 stars.If we don’t use telescopes(望远镜)or we have bad weather,we can only see about 2,000 stars.
90kg rice
On average(平均),we get 0.54 billion tons of rice each year round the world
and each of us can have 90 kg.Asia produces and eats 90%of all the rice.How long will it take you to eat up this 90 kg rice?
小题1:On average,maybe we each have________fresh water in the world.
A.620m3B.more than 620m3
C.far less than 620m3D.no more than 620m3
小题2:When we use telescopes or the weather is fine,we can see________stars from Earth.
A.all the starsB.about 200 billionC.about 2.000D.about 6.000
小题3:According to the table above,we each can only have________because of pollution.
A.less waterB.fewer forestsC.fewer coralsD.less rice
小题4:We are losing___________football fields every day because people cut down too many trees.
小题5:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.We get 0.54 billion tons of rice each year round the world and each of us can have 9 kg.
B.We cannot see most of the 20 billion stars from Earth.
C.Sea water is too salty for us to drink if the factories don’t process it first.
D.each of us can only have some pieces of corals,because seas are get-ring polluted.

