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完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题7分,每空0.5分)
小题1:我乐意和她一起工作。 I _______ ________ ________ work with her.
He smiles often and never _______ ________ ________ ______ about anyone.
小题3:Peter是六个学生中最重的。Peter is _______ _________ of the six students.
Jack spent _________ ________ on computer games _______ my cousin.
When we have a monthly test on each subject, we should _____ ______the questions quickly.

小题1:am willing to
小题2:say a bad word
小题3:the heaviest
小题4:less time than
小题5:look through
小题1:考查固定短语。be willing to do sth.乐意做某事。
小题2:考查固定短语。say a bad word about sth 说某人的坏话。                 
小题5: 考查固定短语。look through 仔细查看,浏览 。 

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

exercise    care for    weight    but    needs    For instance 
burn     more     should     keep healthy
How much exercise is enough? Studies show that everyone 小题1:._____ 30-60 minutes of exercise every day and kids need at least 60 minutes.
Unluckily, many people have trouble in getting enough 小题2:.______. There are many reasons such as lack (缺乏) of time, energy, and places to do it. At the same time, too many people are putting 小题3:. ______ food into their bodies than they burn. If you eat more than you need, you will put on 小题4:. ______. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.
You can regularly 小题5:. ______ a small number of calories with everyday activities such as doing housework, climbing stairs, and washing dishes. To 小题6:. ______, that’s not enough. Running 5 miles can burn about 500-600 calories, 小题7:. ______ it’s hard for most people. In fact, you don’t need to run 5 miles a day to stay fit. There are easy ways to get enough daily exercise. 小题8:. ______, walking burns 8 calories per minute, and jogging (慢跑) burns 20 calories per minute.      


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:Teachers often tell their students about the _________ of learning how to learn.
小题2:Do you know that Bill Gates gave away________ of dollars in 2010?
小题3:You’d better go to bed early, or you will feel_____ in class.
小题4:Think it over before you make a ________.
小题5:We’re in the __________ grade now. And we should learn hard.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Excuse me, sir?
B: Yes?              小题1:          ?
A: I want to go to the train station, but I don't know how to get the ticket from the TVM (自动售票机).
B: This way, please. Well, just press here.
A:             小题2:            ?
B: 5 yuan each.
A: All right. By the way,     小题3:      do the trains come?
B: About every six minutes.
A:        小题4:       is the last one?
B: At 11:00 pm.
A: OK. Got it. Thanks for your help.
B:    小题5:.
A: Goodbye!
B: Bye-bye !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:That girl likes ____________(dance).
小题2:The film is so_______________(wonder).
小题3:There are some eggs, tomatoes and __________(potato) in the kitchen.
小题4:Simon often _______(play) basketball in his free time.
小题5:Our English teacher wears a pair of ________(glass), because her eyesight(视力) is bad.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:Don’t be so __________! The bus will be here soon. 
小题2:He worked out the problem         yesterday. We are proud of him.
小题3:       in the coming exam, students are busy revising their lessons.
小题4:The children are not used to              . They may feel lonely.
小题5:China             WTO for 11 years.
小题6:In order to be healthier, you should                   .
小题7:The London Olympics                on 27th, July, 2012.
小题8:The little girl looks forward to                from her brother in China.
小题9:Look! There is a nice wallet               on the grass.
小题10:Please come, Peter. We are planning               .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(10分)
Why             Peter                                   ?
                 my classmates are                                .
Eddie doesn’t know                                               the e-dog.
Simon likes                                     at school.
My father                      football                      TV.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Alice! Where did you go on vacation?
B: I went to Sanya with my family. 小题1:_____________________________?
A: Me? I didn’t go anywhere. I just stayed at home every day.
B: Oh, it souds a little boring.
A: Yeah, I think so. 小题2:____________________________________?
B: We went there by plane.
A: 小题3:_________________________?
B: Yes, of course! We all have a very good time. You know I love taking photos, so I took a lot of photos on the beautiful beach!
A: 小题4:________________________! Can you show me some of your photos?
B: No problem. I will take the photos to you tomorrow.
A: Thank you.
B: 小题5:_________________________. See you tomorrow.
A: See you!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:英语在全世界被广泛地使用。 English         all over the would.
小题2:课堂上学生们应该注意听老师讲课。Student should         the teacher in class.
小题3:这封信是手写的。The letter was written              .
My mother               the newspaper after supper every day.
小题5:.在太阳下看书对你的眼睛造成伤害。 Reading books in the sun         your eyes.

