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Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist, has saved people without any magic. His success on hybrid rice (杂交水稻) fed millions of people in hunger.
Yuan   小题1:  (be) born on September 7, 1930. After graduating from the then Southwest Agriculture Institute (农业学院), he worked as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan.
About 50 years ago, some natural disasters (灾难) hit China. Yuan saw many people lose their lives because of hunger every day. Since then, he   小题2:  (do) research on how to grow good quality rice. In 1964, he found a natural hybrid rice plant by accident. It had great advantages over others. Yuan was excited about what he discovered. He then decided   小题3:  (study) this particular plant.
In 1973, he started to grow a type of hybrid rice. It  小题4:  (produce) 20% more rice each unit than common ones. The next year he had a great success. This progress made China the world’s leader in rice production.
In China, most rice fields (稻田) grow Yuan’s hybrid rice. He   小题5: (call) the “Father of Hybrid Rice”.
Now he is 84 years old. He still   小题6:  (have) a dream. He hopes hybrid rice  小题7: (grow) as tall as Chinese sorghum (高粱) one day!

小题2:has done
小题3:to study
小题5:is called
小题7:will grow

小题2:根据时间状语Since then,可知本句描述的是一直持续到现在的动作,故用现在完成时态。
小题7:根据时间状语one day可知从句中用一般将来时态。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr Johnson didn’t have an experience of travelling in a plane before and he read a lot a小题1: air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small p小题2: , Mr Johnson was very w小题3:   about accepting. Finally, however, his friend promised him that it was very s小题4: , and Mr Johnson boarded the plane.
His friend started the engine and began to taxi(滑行) onto the runway of the airport. Mr Johnson h小题5: the sound of the engine. He was extremely frightened and c小题6:  his eyes.
After a minute, he opened t小题7:  again, looked out of the w小题8:  of the plane, and said to his friend , “ Look at the people down there. They look as small a小题9:  ants, don’t they?” “Those are ants,”answered his friend. “We’re s小题10:  on the ground.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Looking for help:
I come to a new class and I have no friends.I really miss my old friends very much.And the most seriously, I am too shy to talk to others.I want to make more friends.What should I do?
I like playing computer games.But my parents don't want me to do it.They think I play computer games too much, but in fact I only play it for a short time and I often spend more time looking through useful information for my study and listening to music.I like music very much.I am very upset.What should I do?
I can't study English well.There are so many English words for me to learn, and I can hardly remember them so I failed my English test last Friday.Can you help me?
Li Ping
Information Card
Jim has trouble in
Cathy spends more time
What Cathy's parents think
Who can't do well in English?
The time when Li Ping failed the test


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

keep  before  everything  same  bring  it  much  when  eat  delicious  bedroom
Icehotel, 200 kilometers north of the Artic Circle(北极圈), is certainly unusual. What makes it unusual is that  小题1:  is made of ice. What makes it even   小题2:  unusual is that the hotel melts(融化) every spring!
You will be surprised   小题3:   you walk through the gate and look around the hotel because   小题4:  in the hotel is made of ice. For example, there are ice glasses in the hotel bar. The hotel has a bar, a theatre, a dining room and many   小题5: . In the hotel even the beds are made of ice. But don’t worry. Our special Icehotel sleeping bags will   小题6:  you warm.
For a really special vacation, why not book a room? Because a different artist designs (设计) each one, no two are ever the   小题7:  . You can also stay in one of our beautiful double rooms or, if you   小题8:  your family, you will love our super family rooms. Please   小题9:  in the world-famous Icehotel restaurant. It serves traditional Lapp food, which is   小题10: !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. They need to be left on their own, without adults troubling them.
B. Others have learned how to work in a team.
C. “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.
D. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.
E. Many people think the survival activities are good for children.
Have you heard about “Survival (生存) Holidays”? 小题1:Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.
Why do people like “Survival Holidays”? It is because they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. 小题2:
Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. 小题3:Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities under the control of adults(大人), but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river or falling down seems very terrible to them.
小题4:Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay cool in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. 小题5:All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Students get a taste of the adult world
For some teenagers,being an adult is the coolest thing in the world.Adults don’t do homework or take exams.They do what they like and earn money.How wonderful !But is it true?
Last month.Grade 7 students at Qiaoyi Middle School in Wuxi,Jiangsu,had a taste of the adult world.They had the homework called“Working with your parents for one day”.
What did they find?
Wu Jing’s mother works as a ticket collector in a park.At 6:00 a.m.,the 14一year—old gir1 went
to work with her mother.It Was dark and cold.Before the park opened,they did the cleaning , checked tickets and counted change.when the visitors came,they greeted them with a smile.After standing for the whole day.Wu was worn out.
“Every day Mom makes dinner for me and I take it for granted(认为理所当然) ,’said Wu,“Now I know how tired she must be ,I should help her more.”
Li Shiyi,14,spent her day in a car.Her father is a taxi driver.She picked up call and gave change back.  Li thought it’d be easy to sit in a car and tour the city.But soon she found that her father didn't even have time for lunch.
“Now I know how hard it is to earn money ,” Li said,“We should do what we can for our parents and never waste money.”
小题1:Some teenagers think that it is_______to be adults because the adults can do what they ______ and earn money.
小题2:The students were given the homework_______“Working with your parents for one day’’to have a _______ of the adult world.
小题3:As a ticket collector in a park,Wu Jing’s mother must be________because she has to go to work_________     and stand for the whole day.
小题4:Li Shiyi found her father’s job was not as_______as she had thought and her father was even too______ to have his lunch。
小题5:From the passage,we know that the teachers wish the students to______their parents more and never_________money.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

请以“My dream”为题,写一篇短文。
1. 语句通顺流畅,时态正确。
2. 字数在80个字左右。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

During the Spring Festival, people often prefer to try new things and to enjoy themselves a lot after one year’s hard work, but it has increased some unnecessary consumptions (消费) .
The “clear your plate” campaign (活动) started before the New Year, and runs through the two festivals. People began to think about their consumption patterns (模式), “to clear your plate” has become a more and more welcome “New Year Style”.
Reporters have learned from many restaurants in Lhasa city that during the New Year. Customers pay more attention to family get-together, and a lot of families will ask them to pack leftovers (剩菜) home after meals.
According to Mr. Zhou, a canteen manager at Central South University, said that students produce over 12 barrels (桶) of leftovers every day — each barrel stands at one meter in height. According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people equates to (相当于) about 50 million tons of grain every year, or 10 percent of the country’s total annual grain production.
Come on, dear friends. Let’s start with ourselves. Let’s stop throwing away food.
Information Card
The more and more welcome  “New Year Style” is
The way that people deal with the leftovers after meals in restaurants is to
小题2:   after meals.
How many leftovers do the students in Central South University produce every day?
小题3:               .
The food wasted by Chinese people equates to about
小题4:          every year.
For the campaign, we can start with ourselves and
小题5:                 .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

you  love  happy  thousand  choose  other  because  little  if  great
English has only twenty-six letters, but they can make __小题1:__of words, phases and sentences. Among them, six letters are very important in our life: F-R-I-E-N-D. Yes, friend.
Someone has said that there are three kinds of feelings which should be __小题2:__cherished(珍惜):the feelings between __小题3:_, among family members and with friends. None of them can be replaced by the __小题4:__two. Family members can not be __小题5:__, but friends can; love may last __小题6:__ than a month, but friendship can be life-long. What should we do to keep our friendship?
First, remember even between friends, freedom is important. Don’t think your friends are only __小题7:__. Each has the right to live their own life. They can make friends with others _小题8:__ they like. Then, please always share both _小题9:__ and hardship among friends. This should be the basic thing of making friends, _小题10:__ “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

