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Susan: Where are you going , David?
David: To Beijing?
Susan: It’s a long trip from here by bike. How long will it take you to 小题1:c_________it?
David: About two years.
Susan: How many小题2:o______ you are making the trip?
David: Five.
Susan: 小题3:W_________are you making it?
David: We are trying to collec some money.
Susan: What will the money be used for?
David: To a charity小题4:c__________ Protecting the Red-Crowned Crane.
Susan: That sounds great. Good小题5:l____________ with your trip.
David: Thanks.


小题1:complete  完成本句话的意思是:旅行将会花费你多长时间?
小题1:of 此处of表示范围,本句话的意思是:你们中多少人去旅行?how many of…中多少
小题1:Why  根据下句的回答就知道要问原因,为何去旅行?
小题1:called 形容词作定语,被称作…eg a girl called Mary 一个叫玛丽的女孩
小题1:luck 抓住本句最后一个中心词trip(路途),本句话的意思是:祝你路途愉快!good luck 好运

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Does our headmaster have _______________ to tell us?
A.something importantB.important something
C.anything importantD.important anything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I think         necessary to do some running in the morning.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Is this your sweater, Joy?
—No, It’s not________ sweater. ________is yellow.
A.my, MyB.my, MineC.mine, MineD.mine, My


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. It’s       (real)cold today.
2. This       (write)writes lots of interesting stories for kids.
3. Many people don’t enjoy       (live)in big cities.
4. I am in my       (three)year in this middle school.
5. As we all know,the weather in southwest China is       (dry)than any other time in history


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. I feel tired. Don’t   ▲  ( wake ) me up until breakfast.
2. Simon hates to be like others, he often tries to do everything   ▲   ( different ) .
3. There are only 2 days left, we had better talk   ▲   ( little ) and do more.
4. Many people in the poor countries do not have enough money for medical    ▲   ( treat ).
5. Some computer games have a bad   ▲   ( affect ) on people, especially teenagers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. There are many trees and ___________ (灌木从)in the garden.
2. There are some ___________ (抢劫者)in the building.
3. People have different __________(能力).
4. It’s __________ (必要的)to give them clean water if you want them to be healthy.
5. How _________ (可怕的) the traffic was!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

1. —Look at the twins.
—Oh,  they_________(make) a model plane happily.
2. —What time does Jimmy go to bed every evening? —He usually_______(go) to bed at 9: 30.
3. —_________you_________(visit) Singapore and Thailand next month?
—Yes,  I will.
4. —Can these magazines_________(take) out of the library?
—Sorry,  you can only read them here.
5. —Who_________(come) to your school yesterday afternoon?
—Twenty exchange students and their teachers from England.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. The first letters have been given.
1. I was late this morning because the bus was o___________ and I couldn’t get on the bus.
2. There is a g___________ gap between my father and I. That’s why we can’t understand each other and often quarrel.
3. That air crash o___________ only a few minutes after the plane took off.
4. He felt very d___________ at not getting the job.
5. The play was good except that awkward leading actor. He s___________ the whole show.
6. I was very e___________ when my sister got drunk and said something silly in the party.
7. Frank was my c___________ at work. Everyone in our office liked him.
8. Don’t point your chopsticks at others while you are eating. It’s o ___________.

