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--Two Nanchang Evening papers, please!
--Sorry, sir. Only one left. Would you like to have       ?
考查代词用法;it 是人称代词 代替物,动物,门外的人,也可作形式主语和宾语等;one泛指任何一个同名,不同物的人或者物。既可代替事物, 也可代替人;that是指示代词 指远处的事物,电话中的对方,为避免重复代替前面的可数名词单数和不可数名词。This是指示代词,这个.句意:两份南昌晚报!——抱歉,先生,只有一份了。你想要吗?结合语境可知此处代词指的是前面提到的一个,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Cannon has shown a great interest in collecting flags. At the young age of four , Cannon began studying flags , d_______ (1)them in his coloring books and putting them up on his walls Throughout school ,he studied flags and tried to find out all he could about them After university ,Cannon s_______ (2)to be a lawyer.Throughout law school , he continued to collect flags His classmates, friends ,and family started c_______ (3) him “the flagman”
Cannon now has more than 200 flags in his collection. He shows many of them in his downtown law office . Once he d_______ (4)country flags for an exhibition on the Olympics
In addition to collecting flags Cannon also w_______ (5) about them He has published three books about flags He loves to h_______ (6) from friends who see his b______ (7)in stores all over the world A few years ago, Cannon’s hobby r_______ (8) a new level He entered a flag design contest and won The country he lives in asked him to design its f_______ (9) . Cannon explains his hobby this way ,“Collecting flags is l_______ (10) collecting pieces of history”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The teacher tells us not to_________[lɑ:f] at others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My name is Amy, ___ name is Tina and ____name is Frank.
A. Her; his            B. His ;her      C. Her; her      


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Surfing is one of the world’s most popular water sports. It   1 (one) started on the island of Hawaii. Now it  2 (enjoy) by people all over the world. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful  3 (beach). Every year, water sports,   4 (especial) swimming and surfing attract large numbers of tourists to the islands.
Waikiki is one of the  5 (good) beaches for surfing in Honolulu. It is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out  6 (ride) the waves.
There is a big  7 (different) between serious surfers and the so-called “beach boys”. Serious surfers live  8 (surf) and nothing can stop them. They surf three  9 (time) a day if possible.
For example, Jake Booth, a 21-year-old man gave up his job in the San Francisco library a year ago. He  10 (be) in Honolulu ever since. In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop. At night he works in a restaurant as a waiter. Although he hasn’t got a very good job, but still feels  11 (happily). He hopes that one day  12 (surf) will be an event of the Olympic Games.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The car is too e__________, we don’t want to buy it.
小题2: The box is very h______. I can’t carry it.
小题3:The boy doesn’t like studying and he didn’t pass the e_____.
小题4:We went to the History M______ on vacation.
小题5: Let’s look at the m______ and order the food.
小题6:The food looks d_______. I want to have a taste.
小题7:This is the r_______ why I am late this morning.
小题8:How about s______ at home and watching TV?
小题9:She saw an interesting t_____ show on TV last night.
小题10:You can d______ it with your classmates if you have any questions        


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The students took the PISA test in _________ subjects - reading, maths and science. (third)
小题2:Board games are more and more popular among          . (teenager)
小题3:I liked to walk in fields on         days and to see my footprints left behind. (snow)
小题4:       people often begin their conversations by talking about the weather. (Britain)
小题5:The news about education has attracted the public attention   .    . (recent)
小题6:The World Chocolate Park showed a         of many kinds of chocolates. (collect)
小题7:To improve your writing skills, you'd better         a habit of reading. (development)
小题8:Don't tell lies. Nobody likes those         people. (honest)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Tom and I went boating yesterday. _______ had a good time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Do you want______ bread?
—Yes, I usually eat a lot when I’m hungry.
A.other B.others C.anotherD.the others

