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    Moms take care of their children's life and dads bring home food and make the family rules. These are the roles moms and dads fall into when they become parents and it^ common among all cultures. But times change and parents 5 roles seem to be changing,too. More women are bringing home food by having full-time jobs and men are taking care of their children at home. Chinese TV show Where Are We Going ^ Dad"! provides a closer look at the changing roles of dads in modern family life. The show follows the adventures (冒险经历) of five celebrity (明星) dads who take trips with their young children (aged 4 to 6) and try to complete a set of tasks. It shows how young dads are trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them. Young dads no longer want to be cold. Psychologist (心理学家) say that a strong fatherly influence is important in a child's develop-ment. Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things. They also give them a sense of safety. A child learns that if something goes wrong,he or she can depend on dad to help fix it. The psychologists also say that without a dad,a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble. A mother's love is important,and so is a father's love. Chen Mo,a psychology professor says,4tIt takes both parents to raise a child. Children have different needs at different ages and this needs to be considered by both parents.

() 1. What are the common roles of moms and dads in all cultures?

   A. Moms take care of their children and dads bring home food and make the family rules.

   B. Moms bring home food by having full-time jobs and dads take care of their children at home.

   C. Both parents take care of their children at home.

   D. Both parents go out to work,while grandparents take care of their children at home.

() 2. What are the young dads trying to do in the show?

   A. They are trying hard to Hnd the best way to raise their children and keep a        closer relation-ship with them.

   B. They are trying to complete a set of tasks with their kids. They are also       trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer        relationship with them.

   C. They are trying to make more money.

   D. They are trying to be cold to their kids.

() 3. Why is a strong fatherly influence important in a child's development?

   A. Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things.       They also give them a sense of safety.

   B. If something goes wrong,a child can depend on dad to help fix it.

   C. With a dad,a child can do better in school work.

   D. Without a dad,a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble.

() 4. What is a child more possible to do without a dad?

   A. Stay out late. B. Get into trouble and do badly in school work.

   C. Drop out of school. D. Drop out of school and get into trouble.

() 5. Why does it take both parents to raise a child?

   A. A child feels safer with both parents.

   B. A child feels happier with both parents.

   C. Both parents need to consider that children have different needs at           different ages.

   D. It is both the father's and the mother's duty to raise a child.

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C

[解析]这篇短文主要介绍了以前妈妈照頋孩子爸爸挣钱养家并制定家规的普遍现象随着时代的发展 也有所变化。心理学家说,母爱是重要的,父爱也是 非常重要的。孩子在不同年龄的有不同的需求,需 要父母两个人去思考。

1. A 细节理解题。根据短文第一段Moms take care of their children life and dads bring home food and make the family rules. These are the roles moms and dads fall into when they become parents and it's common among all cultures.描述,可知妈 妈照顾孩子爸爸给家庭带来食物并制定家规,这 一现象在所有文化中都是普遍的。故选A.

2. B细节理解题。根据第二段…and try to com-plete a set of tasks. It shows how young dads are trying hard to find the best way to raise their chil- dren and keep a closer relationship with them. Jfi 述,可知在节目中爸爸们所尽力做的事情。故


3. A细节理解题。根据第三段心理学家的话Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things. They also give them a sense of safety.,故选 Ac

4. D细节理解题。根据第三段The psychologists aLso say that without a dad,a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble. 选D

5. C 归纳理解题。根据第四段心理学家的话“It takes both parents to raise a child. Children have different need.s at different ages and this needs to be considered by both parents.”可知因为孩子在 不同的年龄有不同的需要,这需要父母两个人去 思考。所以需要父母共同抚养孩子。故选C.

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE B阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east to the west in North China. It is about 6 ,300 kilometers 1 . It is often 2 “Ten-thousand-Li Great Wall”. It is one of the

     “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world.

       The Great Wall is wide enough for ten men to walk 3 Horses can also run along it,too. The Great Wall 4 stones and bricks (砖).

    There are huge stones on 5 side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it are worn out.

   There are tall watch-towers alone the Great Wall. Once upon 6 time,the soldiers kept watching the enemies (敌人) in the watch-towers day and night. They made 7 on the towers to 8 each other when the enemies came.

     Nowadays we don't use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. It is a famous place of interest to all the people in 9 . Every year 10 people come to visit it from all over the world.

() 1. A. wide   B. tall   C. long   D. high

() 2. A. calling   B. call   C. called   D. to call

() 3. A. side by side   B. one by one   C. one after another   D. take turns

() 4. A. was made of   B. was made from   C. was made in   D. was made in

() 5. A. both   B. all   C. each   D. neither

() 6. A. an   B. a   C. the   D. /

() 7. A. fire   B. a kite   C. a face   D. water

() 8. A. tell   B. talk   C. speak   D. say

() 9. A. Asia   B. the world   C. Europe   D. Africa

() 10. A. thousand   B. a few thousand   C. thousands of   D. much


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is an important lake because it is one of the sources for the longest river in the world,the Nile River.

    Lake Victoria provides a source of water,food,and power (电力) for several African countries. Lake Victoria is a big part of African life.

    Unfortunately,Lake Victoria has a problem. It is shrinking. There are several power stations at Lake Victoria in Uganda. These are on the Nile River,and besides producing power,they keep the water of the lake at a certain level. For the past forty years,that level has been 11. 9 meters. Over the last several years,the water level has dropped by about 2. 5 meters. There seems to be several reasons for this drop.

    One possible reason is drought Drought has been very bad in the area since 2000. Lake Vic-toria gets all of its water from rain,so the drought means less water in the lake.

      However,some environmentalists believe that the real problem is the power plants (工厂) on Lake Victoria. Uganda depends on those power plants for most of its power,and they made the power plants larger in 2000. Many people believe the power plants have been taking too much water off Lake Victoria. As a result,they have been asked to use less water until Lake Victoria goes back to its old level.

   Whether the low water level is caused by drought or power plants,the result is the same. This is already a poor area of Africa,where many people live a really hard life. People,animals and plants around Lake Victoria will suffer even more from low water levels on the lake. Many people need Lake         Victoria for fishing or growing food. Fish need the water to live,and animals need it for water. Plants around the lake will die without the water,and then more animals and people will suffer. Unless the lake fills soon,many people will suffer and die.

() 1. Lake Victoria is .

   A. an important lake in Africa   B. the largest lake in the world

   C. the source of water,food and power for America   D. the only source for the Nile River

() 2. What does “It is shrinking” most probably mean?

   A. It is becoming larger. B. It is becoming more beautiful.

   C. It is becoming smaller. D. It is becoming more useful.

() 3. The water level of Lake Victoria is now .

   A. 2. 5 meters   B. 11. 9 meters   

   C. 14. 4 meters   D. 9. 4 meters

() 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Rain water is the only source for the lake.

   B. There has been little rain in the lake area since 2000.

   C. The power plants in Uganda provide water for the lake.

   D. The power plants in Uganda were made larger in


() 5. According to the passage,how can we solve the problems around Lake     Victoria?

   A. People must build more power plants.

   B. More sources of water must be found.

   C. Every country should offer some money to Africa.

   D. All the people living in the area should move to another place.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Book Description 

    This isn’t an education children's picture book with plenty of facts to expand young minds. Sara Myers simply explains all about dogs with easy words or phrases. Children will learn about:

★ What dogs are

★ Where they can be found

★ What they eat

★ And much more!

   The fantastic photos are sure to fire your child^ imagination,and keep them interested all the way through.

   Publication Date: September 3,2013 Publisher: Hazed Published Language: English

() 1. You can most probably find the material above .

   A. in a novel   B. on a website   C. in a news report   D. in a TV program

() 2. Sara Myers is .

   A. the mother of a child   B. the name of a writer

   C. the owner of a pet store   D. the name of a publisher

() 3. The book is written mainly for .

   A. children   B. teenagers   C. adults   D. old people

() 4. What is NOT mentioned in the material?

   A. The name of the book. B. The details of publication.

   C. The price of the book. D. The advantages of the book.

() 5. According to the material,the book may be chosen for the reasons EXCEPT.

   A. easy English   B. fantastic photos   C. plenty of facts   D. lots of pages


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Wonderful Activities for Teenagers in Summer Vacation

A New Animal Star Is Coming!

An elephant from Thailand is waiting for you at Cuiping Zoo from July 10 to August 25. The elephant can ride bikes,play basketball,dance and play the harmonica (口琴) . He gives two shows a day at 9 : 30 a. m. and 3 : 30 p. m.

Address : Mount Cuiping 

Ticket: ¥20

Welcome to Our Free Exhibition!

   There is going to be an exhibition at Daguanlou from July 5 to July 19. Wang Gang is one of the best-known photographers in Sichuan Province. There will be many great photos of people in Yibin and Yibin city.

Open Time: 9 :00 a. m. 一5:00 p. m. from Monday to Friday

        9 :00 a. m. —3: 00 p. m. on Saturday and Sunday Join Us for a Day at Tianchi Amusement Park!

   Children aged 12 to 15 are invited to take part in the Event of the Summer at Tianchi Amusement Park. It's in Yibin County (县) ,next to Tianchi Park. You won’t want to miss this day of fun. Join us at Tianchi Amusement Park on July 14. Register (登记) early.

TEL: 555-7267 

() 1. Who can take part in the Event of the Summer?

   A. Children under 5.    B. Children aged 5-9.   C. Children under 10.    D. Children aged 12-15.

() 2. How long is the elephant staying at Cuiping Zoo?

   A. 45 days. B. 46 days. C. 47 days. D. 48 days.

() 3. What can the elephant do?

   A. Ride bikes,play basketball and play the harmonica.

   B. Ride bikes,dance and play the harmonica.

   C. Ride bikes,play basketball,dance and play the harmonica.

   D. Ride bikes,dance and play the harmonica.

() 4. What are the photos about?

   A. People and city. B. People in Yibin.

   C. Yibin city. D. People in Yibin and Yibin city.

() 5. Which of the following is RIGHT?

   A. You can only register the Event of the Summer on July 14.

   B. The elephant gives 2 shows a day from July 10 to August 25.

   C. Wang Gang is one of the best-known photographers in Yibin.

   D. You can see the exhibition at 4:30 p. m. on Saturday from July 5 to July 19


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Nowadays green food is popular. We know we need green food and good health,1 not all people knew that years ago. When I was in Grade Seven,my teacher asked us to 2 something about green food by ourselves. We didnJt have any idea at first. Then our four-member group had a 3 and decided to do some research (调查) in a supermarket. Two of us wrote down the names of the 4food on the shelves (货架) .The other two 5customers some questions like Do you know what green food is? How often do you 6 green food? and so on. More than 30 customers 7 our questions!Later each group in our class wrote a research report 8 the topic and handed it in (交上) . Our teacher chose the 9 ones and put them up on the wall of the classroom. 10 was one of them!We not only learned a lot about green food but also knew how to keep healthy.

() 1. A. so   B. and   C. because   D. but

() 2. A. learn   B. plant   C. make   D. buy

() 3. A. game   B. lesson   C. discussion   D. fight

() 4. A. delicious   B. green   C. fast   D. colorful

() 5. A. asked   B. told   C. helped   D. answered

() 6. A. buy   B. sell   C. give   D. take

() 7. A. copied   B. asked   C. answered   D. remembered

() 8. A. in   B. about   C. to   D. for

() 9. A. long   B. bad   C. simple   D. excellent

() 10. A. Mine   B. Theirs   C. Ours   D. His


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                                 Passage A

        I still remember my first night as a young policeman.

        It was a cold and wet night. Over the radio came the message to deal with an accident in one of the side streets of the city. The scene of the accident wasn't far away and we arrived after 10 minutes. Two cars had crashed. Two women were lying on the street and one driver was still in the car. The driver was quite drunk (喝醉) and kept shouting to us. He didn't get badly hurt. A young woman died at once when the two cars crashed. I was holding the other woman and tried to stop the bleeding,but at last I had to watch her die in my arms.

        Three months later,I saw the driver in court and found him to be a normal person. He was sorry for his actions. In the end,he was put into the prison for several years. A man isn’t a man if he drinks 10 beers in an hour. A man is a man when he knows his limit and takes responsibility(责任). When he can stay away from wine,he can drive more safely.

() 1. What was the writer asked to do on his first night as a young policeman?

   A. To drink with friends. B. To tell a story on the radio.

   C. To meet two women. D. To deal with a traffic accident.

() 2. We know died in the accident.

   A. the man   B. one woman   C. two women   D. nobody

() 3. At that time,the man driver was.

   A. drunk   B. badly hurt   C. happy   D. singing

() 4. At last,the driver .

   A. went home   B. was put into the prison

   C. took the two women to hospital   D. died in the accident

() 5. In the writer's opinion,a man can't drive.

   A. with two women   B. after drinking wine

   C. on a cold and wet night   D. if he doesn’t drink 10 beers in an hour


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:










Mr. Smith 1 from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 . He teaches 3 a mid dle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese. His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr. Smith likes playing football. He often plays football 7 his students.

Mr. Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the evening.

() 1. A. come   B. comes   C. are   D. coming

() 2. A. a teacher   B. a worker   C. a driver   D. a farmer

() 3. A. on   B. in   C. to   D. from

() 4. A. he   B. him   C. she   D. her

() 5. A. say   B. speak   C. talk   D. tell

() 6. A. at   B. on   C. of   D. in

() 7. A. for   B. to   C. with   D. at

() 8. A. has   B. have   C. there is   D. there are

() 9. A. on   B. by   C. in   D. of

() 10. A. seeing   B. looking   C. watching   D. looking at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

话题友谊俱乐部 文体 说明文 词数 188限时 9分 正确率

Welcome to the Friendship Club of our school!You will meet many teenagers here and make friends with each other. We have some advice for you.

(l) First,be friendly and polite to everybody in the club. This will make people feel com- fortable when they talk to you. The impolite people are not welcome here and we will ask them to leave.

Second,be honest. We hope that our members can trust (信任) each other. If we find that you tell lies to other club members,we will ask you to leave the club.

Third,be a good listener and keep your friends5 secrets. This will make your friends trust you and it will also help you know more about your friends. If you tell your friends5 secrets to someone else,you will hurt their feelings.

At last,be generous (慷慨) and helpful to your friends. (2) Sharing thoughts,ideas and opinions will help you know more about each other.

Please remember our advice when you come to the club. We meet every Friday afternoon and we hope to see you there!

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ;2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型转换。

1. The name of this club is Friendship Club.()

2. If you don't keep your friends’ secrets,you’ll .

3. What should you do if you want your friends to trust you?


4. 请将文中画线句子(1) 翻译成汉语。


5. 请将文中画线句子(2) 变为特殊疑问句。


