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John gets up early from Monday to S   小题1:    , because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays(工作日) and go to the D  小题2:    Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws very well. He usually goes to the b 小题3:    to look at the new books on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) m. 小题4:    
He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. John’s parents b  小题5:    work on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a h. 小题6:   and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and b 小题7: to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w  小题8:       homework, so he must s 小题9:   three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays. He often complains(抱怨) he has too m  小题10:    homework to do.


小题1:根据go to the D        Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. 可知约翰周六去一个俱乐部,因此他从周一到周六都早起。故此处为Saturday。句意:约翰是从星期一到星期六都早起。
小题2:根据He draws very well.可知他画的好,因此他去的是绘画俱乐部, the Drawing Club绘画俱乐部。句意:在周六早上他去绘画俱乐部。
小题3:根据to look at the new books可知他 去看书的地方不是图书馆就是书店,因是b开头的单词,故用 bookshop。句意:他周六下午去书店看新书。
小题4:根据after supper he watches TV until可知他晚餐后看电视一直持续到很晚,m开头的单词表示很晚的是midnight 半夜。句意:他在晚饭后看电视一直看到半夜。
小题5:根据John’s parents 可知这是指约翰的父母两个人故用代词both。句意:约翰的父母都在周日工作。
小题6:根据goes to KFC to have 可知去肯德基店吃午餐的食物,有不定冠词a来修饰,故是单数形式,有时h开头的单词,因此为hamburger。句意:然后他去肯德基店吃了一个汉堡。
小题7:begin to do sth.开始做某事。句意:回家后他就开始玩电脑游戏直到他的父母回来。begins。句意:午饭后,他回家开始玩电脑游戏。
小题8:根据He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays.可知此处是周末,因此是周末作业 weekend homework。句意:他经常有很多周末作业。
小题9:根据He usually has a lot of w           homework, 可知他有很多作业,因此要花费时间来做作业。spend time on sth.花费时间做某事。句意:他必须花费3个小时做作业。
小题10: too much太多 。句意:他经常抱怨有太多的家庭作业要做。句意:他经常有抱怨有许多作业要做。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

During the Second World War.John's family didn't have a washing machine.Therefore,小题1:_____ (keep)clothes clean became a problem for them.
Before long,a family friend decided 小题2:______(join)the army and his wife was going with  him.John's family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were away. To the family’s surprise,the friend suggested they should use his Bendix washing machine.“It would be better for it to 小题3:______(use),rather than sitting quietly,”he said.
Young John helped with the washing,and he developed a deep love of the old,green Bendix.
later,the war ended and the family's friend returned.When he came小题4:_____(take) the machine away.John became very sad.His mother saw this and said to him.“Son, you must remember that machine小题5:____(not belong) to us in the first place. It was a gift for us小题6:_____(be) able to use it for such a long time.So,instead of 小题7:_____ (be)sad about the loss.Let’s be grateful that we 小题8:_____ (be)able to use it at that time.”
We have all experienced loss:loss of people and things.However,if we see the thing we小题9:______(lose)as a gift that we were given for a time,maybe the sad memories 小题10:_____( change) into thankful ones.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题


小题1:be fond of, collect

小题2:play,at this time yesterday


小题4:what beautiful (!)

小题5:didn’t use to, enjoy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Peter,
I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring a     the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog(雾霾).
Since the winter last year, the smog has taken place for several times. It has done great harm(伤害) to our d­     life. Many traffic accidents have happened because of the h     smoggy weather. More and more people have to go to see a d     because of the serious diseases(疾病) caused by the smog. Quite a lot of flights have to be put off. A great number of people have to s     at home for fear of the poisonous(有毒的) air caused by the smog.
People have realized(意识到) the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of
p     the environment. People from all over the country are taking a     to improve the smoggy weather. The government asks people to go to work or school with public traffic tools, such as the bus and the u    . Also we should plant more trees.
According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. M     , I will tell people that all of us should protect the environment as p     as we can. Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.
Wang Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you know that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans ? Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.
Several years ago a heavy r__小题1:___ hit a town and made the river go up. When the rain stopped, people found that a dog swam to an island in the river 小题2:  a day for two weeks. Why did she do so? Her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to 小题3:  her babies. This 小题4:  story on the newspaper moved many people.
Another story is about chimpanzees (猩猩). A scientist named Jane Goodall spent four years l _小题5:  with chimpanzees in Africa. She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost. “It is not o__小题6:__ humans who have duties, animals also do,” she said.
Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parents’ 小题7: . Their baby was 小题8:  and fell on the street in the center of the city. Cars were 小题9:  past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird 小题10:  with their claws (爪子).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Smith is a teacher. Yesterday he did a survey of what his students did on their last day off and this is what he learned.
Linda went to see her grandparents. Her grandparents live in the countryside. They are very old. But they don’t like to live in the city. They want to have a quiet life. Tom helped his parents do some housework. He cleaned the room, took out the trash, washed all the clothes . At noon, he helped his mother cook lunch. Mary look after her little brother because her mother was ill. Her father had to look after her mother in the hospital. Mike studied history at home. He isn’t good at history. He thinks it is too difficult for him. His father helped him. Both his father and his mother hope that Mike can be good at all his subjects. They want him to study in a famous university one day.
小题1:Where do Linda’s grandparents live?
小题2:Why did Mary look after her little brother ?
小题3:Is Mike good at history?
(二) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文, 按要求完成短文后的各项任务。
Today more and more young people in China would like to spend their school holiday working for others. And they don’t do it for money. Here are some of the kind young men’s  stories.
Li Ping , 17
I am going to help the Forest Centre build new roads. I will spend the summer living in a tent and enjoying the clean air. I am going to sleep under the stars. It will be a nice sport, and I will be able to do something helpful at the same time.
Wu Dong, 18
This summer, I am going to take part in the Spring House Club. They build good houses and give them to poor(贫穷的) families. (1)I will help them and they will teach me what to do. I can also learn how to build houses.
Liu Hui, 16
I am going to teach children to (2)____________. I will work for the club “Reading for life”. Every day, I am going to help children find interesting books, and I want to be a (2)__________. So I can stay with children every day. This is going to be great for me.
小题2:在(2) 处填上适合的词,使句子意思完整。
_________________    ____________________
小题3:回答问题What is Li Ping going to help to do?
小题4:找出该句同意句。And they don’t get any money for doing it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Sam is a farmer. He has a very big  小题1:. On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to  小题2: his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.
Several years ago, in 2003, he went back to his hometown after he finished high school. “What can I do?” he said to himself. Then he had 小题3:idea. “I’m  小题4:in farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing fruit 小题5:TV. He also read a lot of books about
it. Then he went to 小题6: on Mr. Smith’s farm for two years. He learned a lot there. In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At that 小题7:, Sam’s farm was small. But now, his farm is much  小题8:.
His fruits are very good .He sends them to many big   小题9:  in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises  小题10:on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Here is a question I have often asked at dinner parties:
You're on an island with only one other person, your best friend. He's d  小题1:  of cancer. In his f 小题2: days, he tells you, "I have 100,000 dollars in a bank back home. When I die, make s 小题3:my son goes to medical school." Then he dies. But his son is a no-good playboy who has no i小题4: in going to medical school and will 小题5:  that money away in a very short time. But your son is entering college, and he is 小题6:  to become a doctor. Which one do you give the money to for medical school?
I've asked this question of everyone from the president of a famous university t小题7: an ordinary young soldier, and it has never 小题8: to get a discussion going. Everyone has an opinion, most of them different, but all of them c小题9:. Sometimes this one topic l 小题10: the whole evening.

