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At last, he ________ food.

  1. A.
    ran into
  2. B.
    ran out of
  3. C.
    ran after
  4. D.
    ran across
解析:句意为:最后,他吃完了食物。run into与run across都有“偶然,遇见 (或看到) ”的意思,run after意为“追求,追逐”,A、C、D三项均与题意不符,故选B项。

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was about 12, a girl in my class liked to point out my problems. I was too thin; I wasn't a good student; I talked too much; I was too __46__, and so on. At last, I became very angry and ran to my father.

He listened to me  47  . Then he asked, "Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a   48   of what she said and find the __49__ that are true. "

I did as he told me. To my great __50_ . 1 discovered that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn't change (like being very thin). But there were things 1 could and wanted to change. For the _51__ time, I got a clear  52  of myself.

I brought the list back to Dad. He refused to take it. "That's just for you." he said. "You know the truth about _53_ better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful. "

Our world is full of people who think they know your business. Don't _54_ and feel   55 . Listen to them.

(  )46. A. beautiful             B. proud     C smart  D. rich

(  )47. A. bravely H. happily    C. quickly   D. quietly

(  )48. A. joke    B. programme  C.list       D. record

(  )49. A. secrets B. mistakes   C. lessons   D. points

(  )50. A. surprise B. interest   C. opinion   D. fact

(  )51. A. first   B. second     C. next      D. last

(  )52. A. book    B. picture    C. drawing   D. notice

(  )53. A. yourselves B. myself  C. herself   D. yourself

(  )54. A. clean   B. open       C. close     D. wash

(  )55. A. hurt    B.safe        C. pretty    D.cheap


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省仪征市大仪中学初三上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

The snow lasted nearly a week. The ground turned white and the wind blew in through the b__【小题1】___ window. Old Jack looked outside and it seemed the sun was shining b___【小题2】___. He got up and tried to get some food in the kitchen but f___【小题3】___. He remembered he had eaten up the l___【小题4】___ piece of bread yesterday. He wanted to get a little from the store nearby, but the shopkeeper had said he would n___【小题5】___ sell him anything on credit(赊).
Now Old Jack went out. There were few walkers in the street and most shops were closed. He tried to beg some food but nobody felt s__【小题6】___ for him. He got even h___【小题7】___ and didn’t know where to go. At last, he n___【小题8】___ a woman at the bus stop, with a bag on the ground.
“It must be full of food..” he thought to himself. Then he walked towards the bag gently. But before he took it away, the woman found it and called out. “ Thief! Stop him!” He tried to run fast but couldn’t . He fell over and he stood up, he found h___【小题9】___ between two policemen.
“What were you thinking of when you stole the bag?” asked a policeman.
“ I’ll be full for a week if I’m successful and the prison will o___【小题10】___ me some food if I’m caught.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3) 汉语提示,4)音标提示,在每一个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

Everyone may fail or may meet with difficulties. When a person meets with difficulties, he should take a right attitude(态度) to them .In factpeople will give up after they fail once. They 1.r_________ themselves as failures(失败者),and are not able to get over the difficulties. Some people, however ,are able to take a correct attitude. They face up to the failure. They try to find2.________ what the trouble is. At last , they get over their difficulties . They have the right attitude to deal 3.w_______ difficulties.

“Do not ever lose heart. ”This is the 4._________ (建议)given by a successful young man. This young man once got hurt in his leg . He could never stand as before. This was an unlucky thing .But he didn’t lose 5.h___________. At last he found out that he could do things as good as other people. He started to do 6.___________( /inf?’mei?n/ ) on computers. He finally7._________ (成功) in becoming an expert(专家) on computers.

The story tells us not to lose heart 8. ________(/ w?t 'ev? /) happens. Difficulties are nothing 9._________ you have courage and confidence in yourself. Let’s learn something from the story. Keep on going , and you will make it. Remember: Nothing is 10.__________ (不可能)if you put your heart into it.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省兴化市心校九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They don’t know how to 1.   with housework. Because their parents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem.

   Joy is 14 years old. One day her parents went away on business(出差), so she had to stay at home alone. At first she thought she would be happy b 2.    her parents were not in. She could do 【小题3   she liked. But at dinner time, she felt h 3.  . “Oh, it’s time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” she said to 4.  .  Later she found some food in the fridge, but she didn’t know h  5.   to cook. At that moment, she missed her 6.  very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket and 7.   some bread to eat.

  Many teenagers are the s 8.   as Joy. So I think they should l   9.   some basic(基本的) life skills, like cooking, tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves properly. They shouldn’t depend on(依靠) their parents too much.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省泰州市八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


I was very w__1.___about my e-friend Meimei because there was an e__2.__in her town Sichuan Yaan. It h__3.___at 8:02 last Saturday.It was terrible. Many people were badly h__4.___. L___5.___, my friend was safe. She was alone when the noise and shaking started. Her mum phoned her and asked her to l___6.___ the flat immediately(立刻). She advised her not to u­­­­__7.__ the lift. At last,she rushed out of the building . People were f___8.___but they tried to save the people who were trapped. Meimei hopes more people would be saved.She believes people in Sichuan Yaan are brave and s___9.___ and her hometown will be better and better w___10.___ the help of the people all over the country.


