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Dear mom,

     How's it going? I'm very well here at school. Don't be  1    about me.

     Mom, last week, we had the end-of-year exam. I'm sorry   2  you that I didn't do very well in some subjects. I always get  3  . My heart beats(跳动)fast when I have the exam. 44   , I want to tell you that my   5     report is from my English teacher. You know, I was good at English when I was very young. Every morning, I get up early and read English   6  .And in class I   7   the teacher carefully. I did OK in math. I am not interested in it. I only finish my homework every day. But I don't like   8   . So my worst report is from my science teacher. I   didn't understand it. My teacher said I was lazy. I don't think he is right. I really work hard on science, but I can't   9    it. I don't know the reason.   10   my Chinese teacher is happy with my Chinese. He said I was hard-working, but I could do a little better. I think I will study harder on it next semester. Believe me. Mum.

      Well, that's all about my report card.

                                                                          Love, Lily

1.A.worried                 B.surprised                 C.angry                     D.mad

  2.A.to give                  B.to say                     C.to tell               D.to see

  3.A.excited                  B.nervous                  C.surprised         D.relaxed

  4.A.First of all             B.And                       C.However          D.But

  5.A.best                     B.beautiful                  C.worst                     D.nice

  6.A.shortly                 B.easily                      C.loudly              D.badly

  7.A.read                      B.see                         C.pass on            D.1isten to

  8.A.computer                     B.science                  C.math               D.music

  9.A.learn                     B.study                      C.pass                D.think

  10.A.Luckily               B.Badly               C.Strangely         D.Simply

1—5 ACBAA  6—10 CDBCA


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省苏州吴江市青云中学九年级上学期期中测试英语卷 题型:完型填空

Dear Mom and Dad,
I will go to Alice’s home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don’t    1  about me. You know that Alice is one of my best friends. If you want to talk with me, you can call 68610598 after 6:00 pm.
Please forgive me for not telling you first. I don’t think you will     2 me to do so if I tell you first.   3  I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends’ houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I’m not a little kid any more. I hope I can make decisions for     4  .
At home, there are too many   5  for me to obey(遵守): Don’t stay out so late; don’t have meals before    6  hands; don’t watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be    7  teenagers, but we need freedom, too.
I don’t like doing my homework    8  at home. I’d love to study with Alice. We can learn a lot from each other.    9   please allow me to stay at Alice’s house once a week. If you    10  , Alice can stay at our house with me, too.                                                  
(   ) 1. A. care    B. hear           C. talk            D. worry  
(   ) 2. A. let B. take           C. allow       D. teach
(   ) 3. A. Unless  B. Or           C. But           D. Even though
(   ) 4. A. himself B. herself        C. yourself        D. myself
(   ) 5. A. idea    B. opinion        C. things       D. rules 
(   ) 6. A. giving  B. washing        C. putting        D. holding
(   ) 7. A. afraid of    B. interested in    C. strict with  D. angry with
(   ) 8. A. along   B. alone          C. lonely       D. own
(   ) 9. A.Or   B. Although       C. So           D. Because
(   ) 10. A. worry  B. think          C. agree       D. make


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江乐清市柳市乐成学区八年级下学期期中考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:写作题

1. How was your school life this semester? What did your teacher say about you?
2. What should you do now?
3. What do you want to be in the future?
(参考词汇:be good at; can do better; hard-working; lazy …)
Dear mom and dad,
How time flies! I have been studying in the middle school for about two years…


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆市开县德阳中学七年级下学期第一次学情检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:写作题

假设你是Mary,请根据以下提示给你在加拿大的妈妈写一封信,让她了解你在中国的生活。可适当发挥。60词左右(所给词不计入其中), 注意书写规范和卷面整洁哟。

1. 居住环境
2. 校园生活
3. 兴趣爱好
Dear Mom,
How are you? I want to tell you something about my life in China.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江乐清市柳市乐成学区八年级下学期期中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. How was your school life this semester? What did your teacher say about you?

2. What should you do now?

3. What do you want to be in the future?

(参考词汇:be good at; can do better; hard-working; lazy …)


Dear mom and dad,

How time flies! I have been studying in the middle school for about two years…








科目:初中英语 来源:2012届度江苏省九年级第一次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Dear Mom and Dad,

I will go to Alice’s home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don’t    21    about me. You know that Alice is one of my    22   friends. If you want to talk with me, you can    23    68610598 after 6:00 pm.

Please forgive me for not telling you first. I don’t think you will    24  me to do so if I tell you first.   25   I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends’ houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I’m not a little kid    26  . I hope I can make decisions for    27   .

At home, there are too many   28   for me to obey: Don’t stay out so    29   ; don’t have meals before    30    hands; don’t watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be    31    teenagers, but we need freedom, too.

I don’t like doing my homework    32    at home. I’d love to study    33    Alice. We can learn a lot from each other.    34    please allow me to stay at Alice’s house once a week. If you    35   , Alice can stay at our house with me, too.



1. A. care                             B. hear           C. talk            D. worry

2.A. bad                               B. best           C. well           D. worst

3.A. look                             B. call           C. write           D. play

4.A. let                                B. take           C. allow                D. teach

5.A. Unless                          B. Or             C. But           D. Even though

6. A. anymore                      B. either         C. neither            D. no longer

7. A. himself                        B. herself        C. yourself          D. myself

8.A. idea                              B. opinion        C. things                D. rules

9.A. late                               B. early          C. hardly                D. exactly

10.A. giving                         B. washing        C. putting          D. holding

11. A. afraid of               B. interested in  C. strict with   D. angry with

12. A. along                         B. alone          C. lonely               D. own

13.A. with                            B. on             C. for            D. from

14.A. Or                              B. Although       C. So                 D. Because

15.A. worry   B. think          C. agree            D. make


