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As a young child, I was quiet and shy. I was also sick for a long time. My parents worked, and I spent a lot of time at my grandparent’s home. While my grandmother cleaned the house and cooked, my grandfather played with me.
I was six when my grandfather died. A few months before he died, he gave me a beautiful blue and white blanket (毯子). I loved the blanket very much because it made me think of my grandfather. But after a few years, the blanket didn’t look very good. It had holes and was dirty. I didn’t want to throw the blanket away, so my mother made the blanket into a book bag. I was proud of the book bag, and I used it to carry my books to school every day for a few years. Then the book bag was broken. I begged my mother to make something out of it. She made it into a pencil-box. After a few months, the pencil-box was broken, too. By then I could sew (缝), and I made the pencil-box into a small wallet.
I used it for three years, but one day I lost it. I felt sad. My friends and family said, “Forget about it, Paul. You can’t make something out of nothing.”
I thought about it for a while. I decided my friends and family were wrong. There was a way to make something out of nothing. I wrote down the story of my grandfather’s blanket.
小题1:From the story, we know that             .
A.Paul’s grandfather gave him a blanket
B.the blanket made Paul think of his mother
C.a few years later the blanket was still new
D.Paul’s grandfather died when Paul was ten
小题2:Paul used the pencil-box for ________.
A.a few monthsB.two weeksC.three yearsD.five years
小题3:Paul felt sad when he lost ________ one day.
A.the blanketB.the book bag C.the walletD.the pencil-box
小题4:Paul wrote down the story to ____________.
A.pass the timeB.find the blanket
C.tell his grandfather D.remember his grandfather


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句A few months before he died, he gave me a beautiful blue and white blanket (毯子).可知选A.
小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段中After a few months, the pencil-box was broken, too.可知选A.
小题3:细节理解题。根据第二段末的By then I could sew (缝), and I made the pencil-box into a small wallet.和第三段开头的I used it for three years, but one day I lost it.可知选C.
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文最后一句I wrote down the story of my grandfather’s blanket.可知选D.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I work for a major airline. One afternoon while running through LAX to my plane, I tore (撕破) one of my nylon socks.         , there was a convenience store close to my gate. I knew I could buy a new pair. However, as I waited in line, I        that I had no money in my purse. I thought to myself that maybe the store manager would sell me a pair and let me pay her back the next time. I have been inside her store a lot, even though we have never been        . When it was my         to pay, I showed her my socks and explained that I had no money on me. She laughed and         said, “Take them.”
Well, for whatever reason, two months passed, and I          had not paid the money back.
Then one day while I was busy doing my usual preflight preparations, a passenger asked me if I would          him a newspaper.
I went off the airplane and walked to the same convenience store. I was too embarrassed (尴尬的) to go inside because I had never paid the money back, and I wasn’t carrying my         . Then a man with a friendly face came near.        he could walk past me, I stopped him and asked him for help. He smiled and said that he would do so gladly but wanted to know why I couldn’t do it        . He was rather outgoing and kept saying, “Come on, and tell me.” I needed a newspaper, so I          and told him.
Suddenly he said, “Hold on.” and then took me into his arms quickly and carried me into the store. With his free hand he reached into his pocket and           out a five-dollar bill and said to the manager, “I’d like to pay for the socks this person owes you for and for a newspaper.”
I later learned that this big, gentle man was Rosie Grier, the former L.A. Rams and Hall of Fame football player.
A.simplyB.seriouslyC.actively D.hurriedly
A.checked inB.gave inC.broke inD.got in
A.handedB.sent C.carriedD.pulled


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How can a small stamp be worth $16,800?
Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on a two-penny stamp has made it worth a million and a half times its face value.
Do you think it impossible? Well, it is true. And this is how it happened.
The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the former British colony (前英国殖民地) of M auritius (毛里求斯岛), a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to London. Mauritius was about to become the fourth country in the world to put out stamps.
Before the order was filled and the stamps arrived from England, a big dance was planned by the commander-in-chief (总司令) of all the armed forces on the island. The dance would be held in his house and letters of invitation would be sent to all the important people in Mauritius. Stamps were badly needed to post the letters. Therefore, an islander, who was a good printer, was told to copy the pattern of the stamps. He carelessly put the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid”, two words seen on stamps at that time, on the several hundred that he printed.
Today, there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left--- fourteen One-penny Reds and twelve Two-penny Blues. Because there are so few Two-Penny Blues and because of their age, collectors have paid as much as $16,800 for one of them.
小题1:When a mistake is made in the printing of the stamp, the stamp___________.
A.will be thrown away
B.increases in value
C.is not worth buying
D.is worth no more than its face value
小题2:Why did Mauritius print some stamps too? Because__________.
A.London stamps were not well printed
B.London would not print them
C.invitations to a big dance had to be posted quickly
D.Mauritius had a very good printer
小题3:“Post Paid” means___________.
A.the same as “Post Office”
B.the Post Office is the place to buy stamps
C.money has been paid for the stamp
D.the letter must be posted


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always       the dog inside the house.
One evening they wanted to go  to the cinema,       they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went there      heir car.
When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the     and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass on the door was     The door was unlocked and half-open. A robber (抢劫犯)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see    things the robber had taken. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was      
The dog was sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was      the dog. "Why didn't you keep the house ?" she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners. It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its       .It went to the lady and       the thing at her feet. When the lady had a look at it, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It was …a …man’s finger.
A.a presentB.houseC.gateD.car
A.afraid ofB.angry withC.worried aboutD.surprised at


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

King William was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. He often asked              which were strange. His people had to use words in a        way to answer these questions.
Once William asked a very strange question. He looked at his people.        he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at that moment that George entered the palace. George        the habit of the king. He understood the       at once and asked, “May I know the question so that I can       for an answer?”
William said, “How many crows(乌鸦) are there in the city?”
      even a moment’s thought, George replied, “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord.”
“How can you be so       ?” asked William.
George said, “Make your men      , My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here. If you find       crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else.”
William was pleased very much by George’s wise answer.
A.questionsB.help C.promises D.advice


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My parents quarreled a lot, and I was really worried about it. I didn’t know who I should talk with about how I was feeling. So I asked Mom to allow me to stay the night at my best friend’s house. Though I knew I wouldn’t tell her about my parents’ situation, I was looking forward to getting out of the house. I was packing up my things when suddenly the power (电) went out in the neighborhood. Mom came to tell me that I should stay with my grandpa until the power came back on.
I was really disappointed(失望的) because I felt that we did not have much to talk about. But I knew he would be frightened alone in the dark. I went to his room and told him that I’d stay with him until the power was restored(恢复). He was quite happy and said.
“Great chance.”
“What is?” I asked.
“To talk, you and I,” he said. “To hold a one-to-one little meeting about what we’re going to do with your mom and dad, and what we’re going to do with ourselves and the situation we are in now.”
“But we can’t do anything about it, Grandpa,” I said, surprised that here was someone with whom I could share my feelings and someone who was in the same “boat” as I was.
And that is how the most amazing friendship between my grandfather and me started. Sitting there in the dark, we talked about our feelings and fears of life from how fast things change to how they sometimes don’t change fast enough. That night, because the power went out, I found a new friend, with whom I could safely talk about all my fears and pains, whatever they may be.
Suddenly, the lights all came back on. “Well,” he said, “I guess that means you’ll want to go now. I really like our talk. I hope the power will go out every few nights!”
小题1:Why was Grandpa happy to see the writer?
A.Because he felt quite lonely.
B.Because he could discuss the problem with him.
C.Because he was afraid of darkness.
D.Because he had not seen him for a long time.
小题2:In which order(顺序) did the story happen?
a. The lights came back on.
b. The writer went to his grandpa’s room and stayed with him.
c. The power in the neighbourhood suddenly went out.
d. The writer worried about the parents’ disagreement and wanted to leave his home.
e. The writer had a talk with his grandpa and started the most amazing friendship between them.
小题3:What can be inferred(推断) from the story?
A.The lights would go out again.
B.The writer wanted to leave very much.
C.They would have more chats.
D.It would no longer be dark.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is the hottest English word of 2013? It’s “selfie”, according to Oxford dictionaries. Selfie is a photo that one takes of oneself, according to the Oxford online dictionary. People usually take selfies with a smartphone(智能手机) and send them to a social media website.
The word was first used in 2002. In the past 12 months, its frequency (出现频率) in the English language has increased by 17,000 percent, said Oxford dictionaries. Now, almost everybody knows it.
“Almost every day, I take a photo of myself at school, and save it in my Qzone (QQ空间),” said Huang Xu, 13, from Hunan. These photos record her happy and sad moments.
Pop stars also take a lot of selfies. Li Chunping, 14, from Harbin, is a big fan of Yang Mi. “She has used many selfies to tell us what’s going on in her personal life,” said Li.
What makes people love selfies? Some people say it’s narcissism (自恋). “The rise of the selfie is a perfect symbol for our narcissistic culture. We’re crying out: Look at me!” said US psychiatrist(精神科医生) Carole Lieberman.
Young people are using selfies to make friends online, Jonathan Freedland wrote in The Guardian. “The usual purpose of taking a selfie is to share online. They express a human need to connect with others,” wrote Freedland.
Huang Xu agrees with that. “During summer vacation, my classmates and I shared many selfies online. Hair or clothes were not our interests. Through these photos, we got to know each other’s holidays and feelings,” said Huang Xu.
小题1:According to the story, a “selfie” is _____.
A.a person with a smartphone
B.a smartphone which can take photos
C.a photo taken by oneself
D.an English dictionary
小题2:When was the word “selfie” first used?
A.More than ten years agoB.In 2013
C.When smartphones appearedD.Nobody knows
小题3:We can tell from the story that _____.
A.only famous people enjoy taking selfies
B.all people love selfies because of narcissism
C.people love to share selfies online
D.US psychiatrist Carole Lieberman hates selfies
小题4:We put the sentence “But some people don’t see it that way” at the beginning of _______.
A.Paragraph 4B.Paragraph 5C.Paragraph 6D.Paragraph 7
小题5:What is the best title of this passage ?
A.Selfies and narcissismB.Selfies and sharing
C.Selfies and smartphonesD.Selfies, the hottest word in 2013


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was a bright Saturday morning. I stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How are you doing?”
Looking back, I saw a man. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where we had met.
The young man also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his story began to thaw out my memory.
Five years earlier, Johnson was traveling home late on a February night. A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts(雪堆)were getting deep. His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.
He walked to my house for help. I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.
This was a normal happening here during the winter. I couldn’t count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift. However, it was an unforgettable experience for him. He was only eighteen at that time, and he said he was very afraid. No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.
Sometimes, one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life. So, be kind and helpful.
小题1:Where did Steve meet Johnson for the first time?
A.At a café. B.At Steve’s house. C.At a bus station. D.On a street.
小题2:The underlined phrase “thaw out” in Paragraph 3 means “_______” in Chinese.
小题3:Johnson asked Steve for help one night because_______.
A.he lost his way home
B.his friend was injured
C.he was caught in a heavy snow
D.his car broke down on the way
小题4:According to Steve, helping Johnson was_______.
A.a normal thing
B.a strange thing
C.an unusual behavior
D.an unforgettable experience
小题5:The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to tell us_______.
A.friendship is very important
B.even a simple kindness matters
C.meeting an old friend is a pleasure
D.it is better not to drive in a snowy night


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here is a piece of news from China Daily on 2013-03-23, Saturday.
China’s Li Na made a winning return to WTA action on 2013-03-21, beating Kiki Bertens of the Netherland.
Li Na had stopped playing for seven weeks after hurting her left ankle and failing in the final of the Australian Open.
“I wasn’t nervous today before the match, but I was excited,” Li Na said. “For the last six or seven weeks I haven’t played any games so I was happy with the result and to win my first match after such a long time.”
She was supported by fans. “There were a lot of fans today, and they greatly cheered me up.” she said. “My game was pretty good. I followed the plan of what I should do. I just had to believe in myself that I could do it.”
小题1:When did Li Na beat Kiki Bertens of the Netherlands?
小题2:What happened to Li Na in the final of the Australian Open?
A.She hurt her ankle.B.She stopped playing.
C.She fell down and lost the game.D.She got hurt and lost the game.
小题3:How did Li Na feel before the game?
小题4:From the fourth paragraph, we know that Li Na played well because     .
A.she did as she plannedB.she had confidence that she could do it
C.a lot of fans were for herD.all of the above
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Li Na makes winning returnB.Li Na fell to Kiki Bertens
C.Li Na won the gameD.Li Na has a lot of fans

