精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

B2.Jerry and his family are still looking for their own things in the new flat.Complete their conversation with the correct possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Mum: Is this ⑴ pencil case,Jerry?

Jerry: No. It's Jane's. My pencil case is green. (2) is red.

Dad: Is this ⑶ teddy bear,Jane?

Jane: Yes. Let me put it next to (4) bed.

Mum: Jerry,is this ⑶ cup?

Jerry: No. (6) is blue. This yellow one is Jane's.

jane: Look at these football cards. Are they (7) , Jerry?

Jerry: Oh,they're Peter's. I must return them tomorrow.

Dad: Do you like (8) new flat?

Jerry: Yes. I have (9) own bedroom and Jane has (10) too.

Jane: Why did we buy a new sofa? I really liked the old one.

Mum: Because one of (11) legs was broken.

Jerry: Why did we have to move,Mum?

Mum: This flat is nearer your Dad's office. He can walk to (12) office in ten minutes.

Jerry: But it's far from Millie's and Simon's homes. Can I still go to (13)

homes sometimes?

Mum: Yes. You can go to their homes by bus and they can come to (14)


Jerry: Thanks,Mum.

Part B2

1 your 2 Hers 3 your 4 my 5 your 6 Mine 7 yours 8 our 9 my 10 hers 11 its 12 his 13 their 14 ours Writing 

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Put the words in the correct order and use the words in brackets to make sentences. Then rewrite them with to-infinitives.

5 the tea/hot/is/drink it/no one/can (so ... that)

6 could/she/on time/Amy/took a taxi/get to the cinema  (so that)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.Benny is asking some people about the neighbourhood. Listen to their conversation and complete Benny's notes.

Mr Chen likes it because there are (1) in it.

Mr Wei likes it because there are  (2) around it.

Mrs Wei thinks it is a nice place to live because (3)  

Miss Li thinks the best thing about living here is  (4)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A1. Other students in Class 1,Crade 7 are talking about Millie Simon's and Daniel's future cities. Complete what they say with the words in the box.

fresh jogging looking forward to underground Western

I like Millies future city because the air is (1) and clean there.

The “Clean Air Town” is great. I'd like to go (2) there.

I wouldn't like to take small planes in a city.I like to travel by ⑶ .

People can try all kinds of food in "The Plaza". Thats great!I like (4) food very much. 

Daniel's future city is wonderful. I can buy very cheap things there. I'm (5) cities like that in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C. Cathy is interviewing Ted for the school newsletter. Listen to their conversation and complete Cathy's notes.

Ted has many (1)  . He likes (2)  and

(3) to music. His favourite hobby is (4)  .

He likes eating (5)  . In the UK,there are lots of good Chinese(6)  , but they are(7)   ,


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Tommy went cycling with his friend Ricky last weekend. He wrote about it in his diary. Complete part of his diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

27 May

I (1) (go) on a long cycling trip with Ricky today. We (2) (meet) at City Bridge. Then we (3) (ride) from there along a long road next to tha rivgr. we (4) (gat) to Green Village not noon and (5) (stop) for lunch. We

(6) (not bring) enough water with us,so after lunch,we (7) (buy) some water for the rest of the trip. we (8) (leave) Green Village and (9) (follow) the road through the fields. We (10) (eee) lots of plants and birde.

After a few hours,I (11) (look) at my watch. It (12) (be) latd Wte (13)   (have) eo much fun that we (14) (forget) tha time!



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E1. Look at the picture of the room. The boy is somewhere in it. Then listen to the police looking for the boy. Put a cross (X) in all the places they look and a tick (v) in the place they find the boy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B Finding their way

B1. Sandy's uncle and aunt leave the police station,but they cannot find their way to Sandy's flat. Sandy's aunt calls Sandy to ask for directions. Read their conversation.

Sandy: Hello?

Aunt: Sandy? It's me,Aunt Joan,again.

Sandy: Aunt Joan,where are you? You're late!

Aunt: Oh,Tm so sorry,Sandy. We're lost. We're in front of the police station.

How do we get to your flat from here?

Sandy: Well,first,turn left.

Aunt: OK.

Sandy: Then turn right at the traffic lights. Go straight on at the crossing and over the bridge. My flat is on the left,opposite the post office.

Aunt: Oh yes. I see.

Sandy: It takes about ten minutes from there.

Aunt: OK.

Sandy: Call me again if you need to.

Aunt: OK,we will. Thank you. See you soon.

Sandy: See you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1. Simon is reading a story in a book. Read the story with him.

Mary and her family had just moved into a new house. Mary had her own bedroom on the second floor. There were bushes behind the house and Mary could always hear the birds singing.

One night,Mary heard a strange noise. "Duh,duh,duh,duh …〃 It went on for a few minutes. Mary went out of her bedroom to see what it was. She found nothing. Her parents were sleeping and there were no other people in the house. Mary went back to her bedroom.

Mary heard the noise again. She thought, "Is it a cat? My

neighbour has a cat. But cats miaow. They don‘t make a noise like that."

"Maybe it's a bird flying around and looking for a place to rest. No!Birds don't make a noise like that either,

"Maybe it's my parents whispering. But that noise wasn't really a whisper either/'

Mary tried to sleep,but she heard the noise again. She was afraid. Her legs were weak and she could not walk.

"Dad,Dad,help!” she cried.

Her father came into the room and asked, "What's 仕le matter?”

"I heard a strange noise. Listen,Dad,” Mary replied.

Mary's father listened,but he could hear nothing. A few minutes later,both Mary and her father heard "Duh,duh,duh ".〃 from outside the house. Her father went outside to see what it was. There was nobody there,but he saw a big,red bird knocking on the roof!

