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要求:1. 逻辑清晰,语言通顺,观点不限,自由发挥,无需标题。
2. 文中不能以任何方式出现真实的人名、校名和县(市)区名及其它相关信息。
3. 词数:80-100。
参考词汇:中考 the High School Entrance Examination

In my opinion, we should love and respect our parents because they love and care for us so much. Since we are not adults, we need to discuss things with our parents before we make decisions. But when we do so, we often find that what they think is quite different from what we think. What should we do? I think we should explain to them what we think and ask them for advice.
Take my experience for example: Last time I told my parents about my summer travel plan and they simply said "No". I was really upset at first. But later I realized that they were just worried abour my sefety. So I talked to them later and made it clear that I would be safe together with my classmates. In the end, not only did they agree to my plan but also helped me prepare for the trip.
How nice it is that our parents and we can understand each other!
这是一篇命题作文题目中给出的材料较为简略,故动笔前先要围绕主题确定写作内容,列出简单提纲,确定句子的时态,句式,关键单词等问题。写作中要注意举出实例来说明自己和父母之间的问题,注意表达自己的观点。结合材料可知本文主要是第一人称,时态一般应该用一般现在时,注意表达观点时,常见句式的应用,如:I think……,情态动词should后面动词用原形。为了是表达更有逻辑性,可以使用序数词,连接词等。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Should friends be the same or different?  I don’t really  小题1: (在意). As a   小题2:   (谚语) goes, “True friends should help to bring out the best in each other .” I like sports and I always play sports. But my best friend Mike only exercises     小题3:   ( 两次) a week. So you see I’m stronger     小题4: ( 比) him. He likes reading. And he works really hard. His 小题5:   (成绩) are better. He 小题6:    (尽力) to help me with my lessons.      小题7:   (或许) I should help him make his body stronger. We    小题8: (两者都) enjoy Wang Feng’s      小题9:  (歌). We can      小题10:  (分享 ) everything.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Yesterday my classmates and I went to visit an old people'shome with our parents. It  was quite小题1:   
from our school, so we went there by bus. After forty minutes, we 小题2:   there.When the old people saw us, they felt very glad. We did a lot of things that day. First, we cleaned the house. It小题3:      us the whole morning to do the work. And 小题4:     we cooked and ate lunch with them happily. After that some students sang and danced for them, some students told funny stories to them, and 小题5:   students chatted with them. The old people smiled all the time. Our小题6:       worked hard, too. They made good examples to' us students. Doing things with our parents is 小题7:     and exciting. We like it. We were all very 小题8:       when we left. But we thought it was a special experience for us. And 小题9:   of us felt that we were members of a big family. How happy we were! It is important for us all to help the people in need and show our 小题10:       to everyone.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

A.oB. jC.mD.a


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As I was finishing the seventh grade, my school met some financial(财务的) problems. The school made the classes bigger, so there would be fewer    小题1:   (教师).
Sadly, I found out that    小题2:   (无一人) of my close friends were in any of my new classes. Also, my new classmates were quite different 小题3:    my old ones. I began to feel lonely.
Soon I got to    小题4:   (知道) that people in other groups made new friends in their new classes. They    小题5:   (似乎) very happy with their new friends.
I thought that 小题6:    was time for me to make new friends. I noticed that people with many friends were very    小题7:   (积极的). They often talked to others first, while I was t 小题8:    frightened to talk to others and hoped other people would talk to me first.
So I decided to 小题9:  . Once I realized that, I found that making friends is very easy 小题10:    you can respect(尊重) others and talk to them first. Now I feel a lot happier because I have more friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Which of the following can we NOT see at the Olympic Games?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. to      B. home      C. behind     D. fast       E. foreign   
F. scared  G. joke       H. close     I. playing      J. so     
One day a mother mouse and her babies were out. They were enjoying    小题1:   games. Suddenly a hungry cat came up to them! The cat hid(藏)   小题2:   a big tree. She could hear the mice talk. After the mother mouse and her babies knew what had happened, the cat jumped from her hiding-place and started  小题3:  run after them.
The mother mouse and her babies began to run away. They hurried towards their    小题4:    But the baby mice were  小题5:  frightened that they could not run very    小题6:   . The cat came    小题7:    . What was to be done?
The mother mouse stopped running, turned round and faced the cat, shouting “Bow! Wow! Bowwow!” just like an angry dog. The cat was so  小题8:    that she ran away. The mother mouse turned to her babies, “Now you see how important it is to learn a    小题9:   language!”
Just then she heard a shout "Miao! Miao!" just like the cat.
“Oh, the cat's coming back. We must run right now.” The mother mouse called out to her children. “Haha! It's only a    小题10:  ”said one of her children. “I have learned a foreign language.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As we know, weather and climate can affect people in a number of ways.
Farming and climate   Farming is directly linked (联系) to weather and climate. For example, wheat needs dry, warm and sunny weather to grow while rice needs wet, hot and rainy weather. Farmers have to decide what to grow according to the weather in their area. When there is a sudden change in the climate, it will affect farming and food production around the world.
Climate and people’s health   A change in weather will also cause changes in food, air and water qualities. So it will have a deep effect on people in the future. Changes in weather and climate can cause infectious (传染的) illnesses to spread among people because germs (细菌) can be easily spread through air and water. 
Climate and water resources   A climate change would influence the water system across the world. For example, in North America there is so much rain that towns and cities are often flooded. However, in North Africa, people can die of thirst because of being short of water.
In recent years, as a result of global warming (全球变暖), we suffer a lot from extreme (极端的) weather each year and it is the duty of the whole world to control the climate change and save our own planet – the earth.
Weather and climate   小题1: people in at least three ways
 小题2:and climate
◆ Different crops need different kinds of weather and climate.
◆ What to grow should be   小题3: according to the weather in this area.
◆ Food production may be affected   小题4: of a sudden change in the climate.
Climate and people’s   小题5:
◆ A change in weather may lead to changes in food, air and water qualities, so its effect on people is   小题6:.
◆ Climate change can make it easier for germs to   小题7: through air and water.
Climate and water resources
◆ Climate change may influence the water   小题8: in the world.
◆ In one area, there might be too much water while in another area, there might be not   小题9: water.
  小题10: the climate change to save the earth is the whole world’s duty.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分) (每空一词)
CCTV reported that a strong earthquake struck the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan on Saturday, k 小题1:more than 30 people and injuring hundreds of others on April 20.2013. The quake hit just after 8 a.m. local time about 115 kilometers(70 miles) a 小题2:from the provincial capital, Chengdu, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center gauging it at 7.0.
Many people were injured or l  小题3: their lives. And lots of houses were fallen down b 小题4:of the strong quake. They have no place to live and the government has s 小题5:lots of lodges(帐篷)to them. And the government set up the medical team to save people who are in danger and p 小题6:drinking water and food for them at the same time.
Many organizations have r 小题7:money to help Ya’an people. After earthquake, some people hope to go to the earthquake's scene to help people in need as v 小题8:. Although we can't go to the earthquake's scene, we can help them in other w 小题9:. For example we can donate money, clothes and other things as we can and send them in time.
We are s 小题10:Ya’an People can overcome(克服)the difficulties at present with the help of the people from all over China. Ya’an, come on !

