精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: We often say in Britain,  "When in Rome,  do as the Romans do. "
B:  _ 1     ?
A: It means that people from different countries do things differently.  Shall I tell you about my worst 
    mistake in China?
B: Go on, please.
A: It was on my first trip to China.  Some Chinese people at my school were very kind to me. They
    often asked me to stay in their house and     2       me... At the end of my stay I took them some
    flowers.  But they didn't look very __3__ 
B: What color were they?
A: White! 1 made a really terrible   _4     .
B: Oh dear! I also have a story about flowers.  I went to my teacher's house for a party  when I was in
    France __5__.  When 1 arrived at the house I gave them to my teacher's wife.  She laughed and her
    face turned red.  But my teacher didn't laugh.
A: Why?
B:  Because I gave red roses to her,  which mean "I love you. "
A: So, it's necessary for us to learn some culture about different countries.
1. What does it mean
2. invited
3. happy
4. mistake
5. with red flowers

科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省淮安市涟水县初三中考模拟二英语试卷(带解析) 题型:翻译

Would you please advise me            achieve a balance            my school work and my hobbies.
【小题2】英国人口比澳大利亚多。The population of Britain is        of Australia.
She planned to go home and _________________________ see her grandmother.
I            it’s true until I see it           .
Many people got sick_________________ the _______________________.
We            you successfully change your moods, or            get your money back.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

在空白处填入适当的单词、短语或句子, 使对话完整。
A: Who is the woman over there?
B: That’s Wang Nan. She was a famous (1)_____player.
A: When and (2)_____ was she born?
B: She was born in 1978 in Liaoning.
A: (3)_____?
B: For about 24 years.
A: When did she start playing table tennis?
B: In 1985, (4)_____ seven.
A: When did she stop (5)_____ table tennis?
B: In 2008.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Bill, I've been asked to dinner tonight. What time should I arrive for that?
B: Did they tell you __1__
A: Yes, they said the dinner would begin at seven.
B: Then __2__ before 7:00. But make sure you are not much earlier than the time.
A: Why?
B: That's just what it is here. Maybe they are still __3__ the dinner.
A: __4__.
B: For the first time, you can bring a small present. You don't want to show to everyone__5__. rich you
    are, do you?
A: No, __6__ . Thank you for your help.
B: That's all right. __7__ at the party.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hello, Jane. This is Maria speaking. Would you like to go hiking with us this Saturday?
B: 1.                                 . But I'm afraid I'll have to go to the library.
A: What about next Saturday?
B: 2.                                 . Let's go hiking then.
A: OK. I hope the weather will be fine then.
B: I am sure it will. 3.                                      .
A. Let's meet at half past seven.
B: Why not make it earlier, 4.                                       .
A: That sounds good. Where shall we meet?
B: 5.                                   .
A: Great! See you then!
B: See you!

