精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. My neighbours are very    ▲   (友好的) to us.
2. Do you    ▲   (同意) with what I say? 
3. We had a very cold    ▲   (冬季) last year. 
4. Are you    ▲   (有空的) this evening?
5. I can’t    ▲   (买得起) to go to the 2010 World Cup.
6. The tourists had no c   ▲   but to wait for the next bus.
7. Tom is a    ▲   (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him.

1.friendly   2.agree    3.winter     4.free
5.afford     6.choice    7.humo(u)rous
1.本题考查形容词作表语。Friendly为friend的形容词形式。Be friendly to 意为:对……友好。
2.be agree with为固定搭配。同意某人的观点。
3.winter “冬天”。
4.be free :有空的,空闲的。
5.afford to do sth :买得起某东西/承担起某事。
6.have no choice but 为固定句型,指除了做某事外,别无其他选择。
7. humo(u)rous为humor的形容词形式。意为“幽默的”。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Carl, why not go and help your sister water the flowers there?
---Why__________? I’m busy myself. Jack is lying on the grass doing nothing.
A.me B.IC.himD.he


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1.Peter ______ (not want) to go to a movie.
2.Here______(come)the bus.
3.The Blacks _______(like) comedies.
4.He needs ______(buy) a guitar.
5.In summer, people like to go ______(swim).
6.Come and see for _____(you).
7.Please tell him ______ (not do) the work..
8.She wants ______ (read) a book..
9.Can he ______ (ride) a bike?.
10.We all like ______ (play) computer games.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—There is ______ with my leg.  —Don’t worry. Let me help you.
A. nothing wrong     B. something wrong         C. wrong something


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Dad, could you bring me some drinks and ________(小吃、小食品)?
小题2:There are ________(五十) teachers in our school.
小题3:How did you get your ___________ (兼职的) job?
小题4:I need to _________(完成) my homework first before going out.
小题5:Don’t ___________ (担心). I can help you with your chemistry.                                         


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The number of speaking Chinese ______ larger than ____ of those speaking English in the world .
A are,  that          B. are, one     C. is , that    D. is ,those


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom’s?
---No, it isn’t, ______ is white.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1.Please ▲ (切)me a piece of cake.
2.He has always been a big ▲ (迷)of Michael Jackson.
3.Charlie tried to ▲ (使平静)the frightened children.
4.It wasn’t very ▲ (有礼貌的)of you to serve yourself without asking.
5.Smoking is not ▲ (允许)in this restaurant.
6.Is the fire still ▲ (燃烧)?
7.The baby’s first front ▲ (牙齿)are just coming through.
8.Phone me ▲  (今晚)when you get there.
9. ▲ (幸好),she was in when I called.
10.It was ▲ (明显的)that she was not going home.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---How can I get well along with others, father?
---Try to smile to others, boy. That will make __________ much __________.
A.them, easierB.them, more easyC.it, easy D.it, easier

