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---We’re going to have a football match with Class1.
----________ .

A.Thank youB.Let me seeC.Wish you good luckD.Have a good time


解析试题分析:题干的意思是“我们要和一班进行足球赛。”所以应该表示祝愿。而四个选项中只有C“祝你们好运”表示祝愿。Thank you “谢谢”;Let me see“让我看看”;Have a good time“祝你玩得愉快”明显不符合题意。所以本题选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2010年四川省广安市中考英语试题 题型:053


One day two young men went to the forest.On the way, one said t________ the other,“We're g________ friends.We must help each o________”“All right!”the other one answered.After a short t________, there was a great noise.It was a big bear.The two men ran a________ quickly.One of them got up into a tree.The other was fat and couldn't c________ up.He threw himself at the foot of the tree.The bear came near.It looked at the fat man, put i________ nose down and smelt him.It thought the young man was dead, so it walked away.The man in the tree came down.He asked his friend,“The bear put its mouth so near to your ear.W________ did it say to you?”The fat young man answered,“the bear said, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.'”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day two young men went to the forest. On the way, one said t             the other, “We’re g           friends. We must help each o         ” “All right!” the other one answered. After a short t         , there was a great noise. It was a big bear. The two men ran
a            quickly. One of them got up into a tree. The other was fat and couldn’t
c           up. He threw himself at the foot of the tree. The bear came near. It looked at the fat man, put i           nose down and smelt him. It thought the young man was dead, so it walked away. The man in the tree came down. He asked his friend, “The bear put its mouth so near to your ear. W         did it say to you?” The fat young man answered, “the bear said, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ ”


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省镇江市丹徒区初一上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题

One day two young men went to the forest. On the way, one said t              the other, “We’re g            friends. We must help each o          ” “All right!” the other one answered. After a short t          , there was a great noise. It was a big bear. The two men ran

a             quickly. One of them got up into a tree. The other was fat and couldn’t

 c            up. He threw himself at the foot of the tree. The bear came near. It looked at the fat man, put i            nose down and smelt him. It thought the young man was dead, so it walked away. The man in the tree came down. He asked his friend, “The bear put its mouth so near to your ear. W          did it say to you?” The fat young man answered, “the bear said, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ ”



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


One day two young men went to the forest.On the way, one said t              the other, “We’re g            friends.We must help each o          ” “All right!” the other one answered.After a short t          , there was a great noise.It was a big bear.The two men ran a             quickly.One of them got up into a tree.The other was fat and couldn’t c            up.He threw himself at the foot of the tree.The bear came near.It looked at the fat man, put i            nose down and smelt him.It thought the young man was dead, so it walked away.The man in the tree came down.He asked his friend, “The bear put its mouth so near to your ear.W          did it say to you?” The fat young man answered, “the bear said, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ ”


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     One day two young men went to the forest. On the way, one said t _____ the other.  "We're g _____ 
 friends. We must help each o _____ ." "A11 right ! "the other one answered. After a short t _____ , there
  was a great noise. It was a big bear. The two men ran a _____ quickly. One of them got up into a tree.
 The other was fat and couldn't c _____ up. He threw himself at the foot of the tree. The bear came near.
 It looked at the fat man, put i _____ nose down and smelt him. It thought the young man was dead, so it 
 walked away. The man in the tree came down. He asked his friend, "The bear put its mouth so near to
 your ear. W_____ did it say to you?" The fat young man answered, "the bear said, "A friend in need is a
 friend indeed. "

