精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
— Jack, would you mind if I use your ipad?
A.Of course not, go ahead
B.Yes, please
C.Of course, do as you like
D.No, you’d better not

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?
B:                                    ( 1)  .
A: Sorry to hear that.  __________________________( 2)?
B: Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel week.
A:                                     ( 3)?
B: Yes, I did . I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.
A:                                       (4)       ?
B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I will be left behind.
A:Don’tworry.Take good care of yourself.                                          ( 5) .
B: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A.Did you use to play the piano?    
B.You’ve changed a lot.         
C.Don’t you remember me?  
D.I am on the swim team.      
E.That is right.
F.I wasn’t very outgoing.
G.You look different.
Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! ____1____
Boy: Oh, wow! You are Paula, aren’t you?
Girl: ____2___
Boy: But you used to be really quiet, didn’t you?
Girl: Yeah. ____3___
Boy: No, you weren’t. But you were always friendly.
Wait a minute! ___4___
Girl: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in sports. I play soccer      
and ___5___
Boy: Wow! People sure change.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Would you mind my using your dictionary?
A.Yes, pleaseB.Of course not C.You are welcomeD.My pleasure


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Good afternoon, Miller!  小题1: ?
B: I’m drawing a horse.
A: A horse? Can you let me have a look?
B:    小题2:   . Here you are.
A: Oh, the horse looks very nice. Do you often draw in your free time?
B:      小题3:    .
A: Do you like drawing?
B: Yes. I like drawing very much.
A:       小题4:   ?
B: Because it’s very interesting. And my art teacher is very kind to me.
A:      小题5:    ?
B: I have an art lesson once a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---What does your brother look like ?
A.He is very kindB.He is very friendly
C.He is very tallD.He is funny


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hi, Katy speaking.
B: Hi, Katy. It' s Betty.   小题1:
A: Yes, I' d love to.   小题2:
B: It's about animals in danger, and what the government is doing to protect them;
A:  小题3:  Do we need to buy tickets in advance(提前)?
B: I'm not sure.
A: Well,   小题4:  .
B: At five o' clock. So let' s meet half an hour earlier to see if there are still tickets left.
A: OK.   小题5:       
B: see you.  
A.See you then.
B.Enjoy yourself.
C.What is it about?
D.Do you like Beijing Zoo?
E. Oh, that rounds interesting.
F. What time does the film start?
G. Would you like to see a film tonight?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: It’s Sunday tomorrow.   小题1:
B: Oh, I will watch a football match.
It s between Shandong and Guangdong.
A: Wonderful! I really hope Guangdong
will win this time.  小题2:
B: At 5:00 in the afternoon. I have two
tickets here. I can let you have one. 小题3: 
A. Of course I would love to . but I can't,
because we will have a basketball match tomorrow
B: What a pity!小题4: 
A: A team from No.8 Middle School.
B:  小题5: 
A: In my school.
B: Good luck to you and your team!
A: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. He is proud of her.
B . How long will she stay there?
C What’s her job in the team?
D . I hope she will return safely.
E Working there as a nurse may be dangerous.
F I’m sorry to hear that.
A : Look! The report says that a medical team was sent to Heidi last week.
B: Yes, do you know my aunt was a member of it?
A: Really? (1)__________________
B: For about twenty days.
A: (2)_____________________
B: She is a nurse. She will help to cure the people who were hurt in the earthquake.
A: The work will be dangerous. The conditions in Heidi are terrible.
B: Yes. Heidi is in a mess(混乱). (3)____________________
A: Does your uncle agree to let her go there?
B: Yes. (4) ______________
A: They’re so great. (5) __________________-
B: I hope so. And our school will invite her to give us a speech then.

