精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【小题1】Do you find it easy_______ a conversation in English? (have)
【小题2】I enjoy watching English films and _______ ( listen) to real English songs.
【小题3】Sally has invited me _______a film with her. (see)
【小题4】Have you ever ______ a competition? (enter)
【小题5】The writer has ________(write) a lot of novels.
【小题6】The boy has tried ______ (西方) food in a hotel.
【小题7】What _______do you often make? (错误)
【小题8】Remember to ________ a message to me.(发送)
【小题9】I like pizza and sandwiches because they taste ________. (美味的)
【小题10】I’m going to give you some_______.(建议)

【小题1】to have
【小题3】to see
【小题9】 delicious



科目:初中英语 来源:2011届江苏省无锡市滨湖区初三4月调研英语试题(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。 (本大题共6分,每格0.5分)
The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat (蝙蝠) that has got a f   1    head, and that feeds on fruit i     2  of insects . Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes when at rest, and t    3   in great groups when out flying. A group will l     4   in one place for y    5   . Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy (占据) a tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel a    6    themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.
Flying foxes have b    7    once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to c    8    the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she l    9    it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls down to the g    10   
and squeaks (尖叫) for help. Then the older ones swoop (俯冲) down and try to pick it up. If they f    11    to do so, it will die. Often hundreds of d    12    baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省兴化市初一第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Is there a reading room in ___________ school?(Tom)
【小题2】How many __________are there in the box?(rubber)
【小题3】The card says “No ______________(park)”.
【小题4】It means you can’t ______________ here. (stand)
【小题5】—My glasses _____________ in the box. (be)  
【小题6】My pencil box is new , What about ______________(you)?
【小题7】—Do you have ______________ flowers? (some)
【小题8】—What _____________ in the house? (be)    
【小题9】They are _____________ coats. (they)
【小题10】Your books are on the floor, Pleases put ______________ on the desk. (they)
【小题11】There are ten ________________ in our school.(class)
【小题12】Sportty is between the ________________ (hill)
【小题13】_______________late again,please.( not be)
【小题14】The girl is from________________. (English)
【小题15】Lily is very ________________. We all like her (help)


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江杭州萧山党湾镇初中初一10月测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】This g__________ is a teacher. She works in a school
【小题2】I like ________(紫色) best.
【小题3】T__________ and five is eight.
【小题4】My name is John Smith. John is my __________ name.
【小题5】His _________(被子) is yellow. What about yours?
【小题6】Is this your j__________ , Bob?
【小题7】please come and m________ my family.
【小题8】---Can you s_____ it in Chinese?
【小题9】Please look at the map of C______ on the wall.
【小题10】--- How are you?  ---I’m fine, ______.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江省慈吉中学九年级第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】They talk _________(代替)of doing homework.
【小题2】Grace felt _______(紧张的,不安的)when she heard the final exam would come.
【小题3】She’s too busy to __________(回复)to her daughter’s letter.
【小题4】You always come up with good _________(解决) to people’s problems.
【小题5】She tried to stop smoking, and she_________(成功).


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省宁津县实验中学八年级第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

English is difficult to learn because it is so d___41____ from our mother tongue(母语). On the other hand, we haven’t got enough chance to s____42____ English to foreigners.
So the first important thing for us to do, I think, is to p__43____ speaking English more both in and out of class. In class, I l____44___ to the teacher very carefully and try my b___45____ to answer the teacher’s questions. After class, I listen to the tape of the texts again and again until I can u____46____ every word of it. I often retell(复述) the text in my own words. I always work h___47___ at English and never give it up.
Of course, this is not e___48____. In the evening I do my homework very c___49____. When I find something interesting, I write it d____50_____in English. At first, I couldn’t write well, but with the help of my teacher I have made great progress.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江兰溪柏社中学七上上期单元练习(一)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】The trees are green in __________ (春天).
【小题2】My schoolbag is __________ (棕色的). What about yours?
【小题3】There is a __________ (铅笔) on the desk.
【小题4】Friday is the day after __________ (星期四).
【小题5】There are __________ (十五) boys in my class.
【小题6】__________ (打开) your book and write your name in it.
【小题7】They draw a __________ (花) on the blackboard.
【小题8】How many __________ (鸟) can you see in the tree?
【小题9】I like __________ (秋天) because it is cool.
【小题10】__________ (举) up your hand.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年辽宁大连甘区初一下期阶段学习质量检测期中英语卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】It’s raninig__________(heavy), so I won’t go to work.
【小题2】Mudule 3 is__________(easy) than Module 5.
【小题3】It’s very exciting for us_________(watch) a football match.
【小题4】Who walks_________(quick) , Mr Wang or Mrs Wang?
【小题5】What_______you_______(do) this afternoon?
【小题6】Look! The monkey_________(climb) the hill.
【小题7】I am late today. But I___________(not be) late next time.
【小题8】Would you like to go____________(swim) tomorrow?
【小题9】What about________(meet) at the gate?
【小题10】On New Year’s Day we can see a dragon__________(dance).
【小题11】yuanxiao brings______(we) good luck all the year round.
【小题12】There are usually_______(firework) at midnight.
【小题13】Thank you for______(cut) the paper.
【小题14】I send my ________(greet) you all.
【小题15】She enjoys_________(listen) to music.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省兰溪八中八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for   【小题1】 (百万) of years. However, we haven’t found life on other   【小题2】  (行星) yet. The earth, the moon, and the sun are a small part of our galaxy. Scientists have   【小题3】  ( 发现) many other galaxies in the universe. And there are many books about the universe. I’ve just finished   【小题4】 (看) a great book at school. It is a book about the solar system. It is so good that I’ve 【小题5】   (已经) asked the library to keep the next book for 【小题6】 (我). In the book, it says that astronauts have    【小题7】  (去) to Mars and even to Jupiter. I’ve never read that before. I’ve  【小题8】 (写信) to NASA to ask them for  【小题9】 (更多)information about astronauts and space. I hope they will write    【小题10】  (回) soon.

