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【小题1】He has many t________ on how to finish the work well.
【小题2】R________ the letter from John in America made me happy.
【小题3】There is a s________ in England: It’s the thought that counts.
【小题4】Many ads are a________ specifically at teenagers.
【小题5】In Japan, it’s rude to p________ at anyone with your chopsticks.
【小题6】People in Japan and America b________ differently at the dinner table.
【小题7】If you go to a city on vacation, you’d better buy a travel g________.
【小题8】Hangzhou is the c________ of Zhejiang province.
【小题9】The professor is studying both ancient and m________ history.
【小题10】It’s best to water plants either e________ in the morning or late at night.


【小题2】收到美国的约翰的来信使我非常开心。Receive from收到…来信,动名词做主语,made为谓语动词
【小题3】有一个英国谚语:想法才是最重要的。a saying一个谚语
【小题4】许多广告特别是针对青少年。be aimed at 针对
【小题5】在日本,用筷子指着别人是无礼的。be point at指向
【小题10】给植物浇水最好不要在清晨,也不要在深夜。early in the morning清晨


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省苏州新区二中八年级上10月月考英语卷 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】 My mother_______(开车)me to school when I was in primary school.
【小题2】 Did you finish _______(缝纫) on the buttons?
【小题3】 How many_______ (语言)are there in the world?
【小题4】I don like to watch the_______ (广告)when I watch TV.
【小题5】 My mother is much ________(苗条的)than before
【小题6】Can you tell me the(大体的)idea of the story?
【小题7】 Some_______(读者) like reading in the library.
【小题8】His father is one of the best _______(编辑)in his office.
【小题9】The old man likes reading newspapers and _______(杂志).
【小题10】I don’t like the_______(混合的)dish. It tastes too bad.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省建德市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.Have you f______ the dog and cleaned your room yet?

2.Linda and I haven’t met for 10 years, but yesterday I met her by a________ in a crowded bus .

3.The girl was e           when she heard the good result of the final exam.

4.Who helped you to finish the work? We did it all by o__________.

5.Jerry can’t hear anything. She is d___________.

6.In May, the f________ month of the year, we’ll have a long holiday.

7.Thomas Edison was one of the greatest i__________ in the world.

8.He used to be very strong, but now he looks t_____ than before since his illness.

9.Mike likes n_________ of the two books, he thinks they are too boring.

10.We have no kites, so we want to go boating i_______.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江建德李家镇初级中学九年级上学期期末综合考试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.He has many t________ on how to finish the work well.

2.R________ the letter from John in America made me happy.

3.There is a s________ in England: It’s the thought that counts.

4.Many ads are a________ specifically at teenagers.

5.In Japan, it’s rude to p________ at anyone with your chopsticks.

6.People in Japan and America b________ differently at the dinner table.

7.If you go to a city on vacation, you’d better buy a travel g________.

8.Hangzhou is the c________ of Zhejiang province.

9.The professor is studying both ancient and m________ history.

10.It’s best to water plants either e________ in the morning or late at night.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省八年级上10月月考英语卷 题型:单词拼写


1. My mother_______(开车)me to school when I was in primary school.

2. Did you finish _______(缝纫) on the buttons?

3. How many_______ (语言)are there in the world?

4.I don like to watch the_______ (广告)when I watch TV.

5. My mother is much ________(苗条的)than before

6.Can you tell me the(大体的)idea of the story?

7. Some_______(读者) like reading in the library.

8.His father is one of the best _______(编辑)in his office.

9.The old man likes reading newspapers and _______(杂志).

10.I don't like the_______(混合的)dish. It tastes too bad.


