精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

小题1:— Time for dinner. Mum and Dad.
—There’re only               (两双筷子) on the table. We need one more.
小题2:Millie said she                 (等不及看) her computer. It’s a present from her parents.
小题3:My watch                 (比你的新). I bought it last week.
小题4:— We’ll have a trip early tomorrow morning, won’t we?
—Yes, you’d better                 (不要熬夜) tonight.
小题5:It               (对我们是有帮助的) to choose public transport to change traffic jams.

小题1:two pairs of chopsticks
小题2:couldn’t wait to see/ look at/ have a look at
小题3:is newer than yours/ your watch
小题4:not stay up (late)
小题5:is helpful for us

小题1:a pair of 一双,因为表示两双,故此处名词用复数形式,故为two pairs of chopsticks。句意:爸爸、妈妈,吃晚饭了。—— 桌子上只有两双筷子,我们还需要一双。
小题2:根据动词said,可知此处用一般过去时,故此处为couldn’t wait to see/ look at/ have a look at。句意:Millie说她等不及要看她的电脑。这是来自她父母的礼物。
小题3:此处用形容词比较级,因为主语是my watch,故谓语用单数形式,故此处为is newer than yours/ your watch。 句意:我的手表比你的新。我上周才买的。
小题4:根据短语had better not do sth.“最好不要做某事”,故此处为not stay up (late)。句意:——我们明天一早将去旅行,不是吗?——是的,你今晚最好不要熬夜。
小题5:根据短语be helpful for sb.“对某人有帮助的”,因为主语是it ,故谓语用单数形式,故此处为is helpful for us。句意:为了改变交通拥挤,选择公共交通工具对我们是有帮助的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题


June 13th, 2011


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 商店在银行的旁边。The shop _________________________ the bank.
小题2: 下周他们打算呆在家里。They __________________________ at home next week.
小题3: 我想要给妈妈买一件T恤衫。I ___________________________ my mother a T- shirt.
小题4: 明天的天气怎么样?What __________________________________ tomorrow?
小题5:我和我的妹妹都盼着去迪斯尼乐园。My sister and I are _________________ to Disneyland.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:The film on detectives is so interesting that Tim has already seen it ___________.(two)
小题2:I am sure George is able to make a real car by ________.(he)
小题3:If you want to keep _______,you should do some exercise every day.(health)
小题4:“Take care of yourself,”my mother said __________to me.(gentle)
小题5:Shanghai is now very modern. Many foreigners will become the_____ of Shanghai in the future.(city)
小题6:The soup is good for you.It is a ________of different kinds of vegetables.(mix)
小题7:Please _________the milk in the microwave before you drink it.(heat)
小题8:They won’t publish Johnson’s report unless he _________it.(write)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 我的好朋友Tom出国将近2个月了。
My good friend _________________________ for nearly 2 months.
Though it is cold outside,  he _______________________ every day.
小题3: 很多青少年由于过重的作业负担而得不到充足的睡眠。
A large number of teenagers can’t get ________________________ too much homework.
_______________________ , the English teacher has marked new words in red.
小题5: 我想知道多久以后如此多的邮件会得以回复。
I am wondering _______________________________ .
The engineer                        and finally had a success.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Experts advised us not to ______ the windows _______ all the time on hazy days.
The ________ carefully the drivers go, the _______ accidents there will be on the road.
小题3:3-D 打印机能打印各种东西,比如汽车、飞机甚至人体某些部位,很神奇。
It’s amazing that 3-D printing can copy many different things, ______ _____ cars, airplanes and even human body parts.
Please ______ ______ the form with your address and phone number so that we can touch you when we have news.
小题5:MH370 航班共有239 名乘客不幸失去生命,包括154 名中国人。
It’s sad that all 239 passengers in the flight of MH370 _______ their ______, including 154 Chinese


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: Linda is the big ____________ of the car race.
小题2: Art is my ____________ class in the timetable today.
小题3:We should always speak ____________ to our parents.
小题4: Jim ____________ the TV and watched the football game.
小题5:Mr. Zhang owns a teahouse. It ____________ tea in special bowls.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:My mother asked me to buy two __________on my way back home. (tomato)
小题2:The family are having a party to celebrate their child’s _________ birthday.(five)
小题3:Please help ___________ to the fruit on the plate, children. (you)
小题4:Peter felt ___________ sick yesterday so he asked for leave. (terrible)
小题5:We are sorry to hear the bad news of the  ____________ MH 370 on TV. (fly)
小题6:How I wish the heavy haze(雾霾)could ___________ in our city. (appear)
小题7: The government in Fengxian is planning to __________the roads to solve the heavy traffic. (wide)
小题8:US First lady Michelle Obama gave a_________ at Peking University and met with Chinese and US students in March. (speak)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

You’d better eat more vegetables and fruit. It _________ your health.
小题2: 我很高兴你取得了巨大的进步。
___________ you made great progress.
小题3: 天气既不冷也不热,去散散步怎么样?
It’s __________. What about going for a walk?
小题4: 咱们送她一张CD光盘吧,她对音乐很感兴趣。
___________. She is interested in music.
小题5: 不能再等了,你们有必要处理这个问题了。
Don’t wait. ____________the problem.

