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Nowadays, it’s common to keep dogs as pets. We can often see dogs’ owners taking them for a walk. But have you 小题1: of taking penguins for a walk? Here 小题2:  a piece of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in line every day. It is said that this can make them happy and stop them from being homesick(想家的).The penguins in the zoo didn’t eat as
w 小题3: as they did in South Pole(南极) and they were 小题4: to the keepers when they first got to the zoo, maybe they were not used to the life in the zoo. So the zoo keepers 小题5:  up with this good idea. They just let them walk as they did in South Pole. Now, all these penguins have become happy.

小题1: is 
小题1: well(wonderfully) 

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was leaving to meet Lynne, my friend Tony told me that I’d better take some money. But I didn’t listen to him. I thought Lynne would pay because she had invited me. I arrived at the restaurant on time. I know Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table and a waiter brought us some delicious food.
The dinner was a great success. We talked a lot while eating. After two hours, the waiter finally came and asked if we wanted one check (账单)or two, Lyrme said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I said,“Oh! I forgot my wallet! Can I call my friend, please?" The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called Tony. In a few minutes, he arrived with some money, and paid my check. He laughed at me all the way home. Now, I think it’s funny too, but at that time I was very embarrassed. I thought an invitation to  have dinner in America meant the same thing as that in China. Now 1 think you have to understand thai your customs are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country, you have to learn about their customs, too. They can be quite different.
Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.
One day I got an invitation to dinner from Lynne. Before I left, my friend Tony told me to take some money, bul 1 didn’t take his小题1:______. 1 reached the restaurant on time because I know being late is thought to be 小题2:______   . Lynne and I enjoyed the dinner very much. But two hours小题3:_______, 1 got into trouble 小题4:_______my check. I thought Lyrme would pay 小题5:________of the checks. In fact I was wrong. I had to call Tony for help. After the problem was solved, I realized the importance of learning about different customs.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Kate wants to keep thinner and healthier.
小题2:Tom is collecting information about how to prevent electrical fire.
小题3: Betty is trying to advise her mother to do some sports.
小题4: Sophia has to know some ways to prevent common cold.
小题5: Jane is studying health insurance(保险).
A.This book will help you understand how to stay well and avoid disease. You’ll learn some things that you might use at home to be away from cold.
B.Do you want to know how much food you should eat every day? Do you want to make a good plan about your meals? If so, please read this book. From the book, you will know about safe ways to lose weight and how many calories you need each day.
C.Do you have difficulties to communicate with others? Do you often say something wrong when you talk to others? This book will teach you how to say proper things to different people in different places.
D.This book will tell you something about how to keep healthy by taking exercise, but also the ways of taking exercise.
E. Are you worried parents? Do you have trouble in teaching your children? This book is written by a famous psychologist. It can help you understand your children well and make friends with them.
F. You will know why people need health insurance by reading this book. You can also know how to choose health insurance and how to use insurance to pay for your health in this book.
G. You will get useful information about how to prevent common accidents from this book. It’s about safety both indoors and outdoors.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Do you know when World Non-smoking Day is?—_____________.
A.It’s a fine day B.It’s May 31 C.It’s SundayD.It’s time to give up smoking


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853, although that was not his intention(意图). He was a chef(厨师长) at a beautiful restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. A regular dish on the menu was fried(油炸的) potatoes, which was an ides that had started in France. At that time, French fried potatoes were cut into thick slices(片).
One day, a dinner guest at the restaurant sent back his fried potatoes to the chef because he did not like them so thick. So Mr Crum cut the potatoes a little thinner and fried them. The guest did not like those either. That made Mr Crum angry, so he thought he would just show the man. He sliced the potatoes paper-thin and fried them, thinking that the man would say nothing about it. However, to his surprise, the man loved the thin potatoes very much. Other guests tried them and liked them. So, Mr Crum’s potato chips were added to the menu. They were called Saratoga Chips.
Finally, Mr Crum opened his own restaurant to sell his famous chips. Now potato chips are packaged(包装) and sold in stores.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bollywood: the Hollywood of India
You might be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 movies a year, and that number continues to grow. Just as the movie Capital of the United States is Hollywood, the movie capital of India is Bombay (孟买), but it is usually called "Bollywood", a combination(结合) of the words Bombay and Hollywood.
No Bollywood movie is thought complete without a few songs and dances. In fact, music is an important part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still do well if the music is good. Music directors are sometimes more popular than the film stars. A Bollywood movie has five to six songs with at least three songs to show what the dances mean.
Bollywood may be different from Hollywood in music, but it is very like Hollywood in several ways. If Tom Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood hero Sharukh Khan. Hollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often as Hollywood stars. The persona! lives of actors and actresses catch the headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.
The Oscars are a very exciting time of the year for actors and actresses in America, Bollywood has its own form of the Oscars, and they are also very exciting.
小题1:The name Bollywood comes from the words _____________________ .
小题2:Bollywood is a place where many __________ are made each year,
小题3:In India, the film stars are sometimes _______ popular than musk directors.
小题4: Every complete Bollywood movie has a few _______________ in them.
小题5:The Oscars in India are as ________ as those in America though they are different.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Would you like something to eat, Harry?  A. It’s about three miles.
小题2: Hello! May I speak to Miss Green?  B. Hold on, please.
小题3: What does your mother look like?  C. Thank you.
小题4:Li Ming, you speak English very well.  D. She is a teacher.
小题5: How far is it from your home to school?  E. Yes, I’d like some rice.
F. She’s tall and beautiful.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题



