精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
     In America, when people say "man's best friend", they don't mean another person. Instead, they are talking
about a lovely animal: a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets
can give happiness to people's life. ① Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their
money to their pets when they die!   
       Animals can help people, too. ② People can teach dogs to become the "eyes" for a blind person or "ears"
for a deaf person
. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals for "visits."   
       Americans hold "Be kind to Animals Week" the fist week of May. Pet shows are held during the week. Even
if you don't live in America, you, too, can do this. How? First, think about how animals make your life richer. If
you have a pet, take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also, be sure to
keep your pet from those unwanted babies.   
       If you don't have a pet, be kind to animals around you. For example, if you see a street dog, don't kick it or
throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad
things to an animal, try to stop them. ③ As people, we must protect animals who can't speak for themselves.
1. 根据①处完成下面的句子(每空一词)。
    Some people ________ their pets ________ their children.
2. 根据②处完成下面的句子(每空一词)。
    Dogs can ________  ________ to become the "eyes" for a blind person or "ears" for a deaf person.
3. 将③处的句子翻译成汉语。
1. regard / consider,  as
2. be taught
3. 作为人类,我们必须保护不会说话的动物。(答案不唯一)

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏宿迁第二学期初三第一次月考英语试卷-牛津英语[原创] 牛津版 题型:053


  Happiness is for everyone.In fact, ①happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get succeed, your friends will congratulate you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of them, ②can, always, you, around, happiness, find, that, you, is

  ③Happiness is not the same as money, it’s a feeling of your heart.-When you are poor, you can also be very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money.

  When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge(挑战)yourself.So you can not always say you are poor and you have bad luck.④If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person







4.将④处改为so that引导的目的状语从句,句子开头已给出。

Take every chance ________________

5.Why can you say loudly you are very happy when you meet with difficulties?



科目:初中英语 来源:福建省莆田市仙游县第二教研片区2009-2010学年上学期期末联考八年英语试题(实验班) 题型:053


  Color helps you see thingsBut man and some monkeys and apes()are the only mammals(哺乳动物)that can see colorTo any other mammal, such as the dog ,the world looks like a black and white photoDogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling

  Like other animals, dogs see best when things moveThe animals they hunt seem to know thisA rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being huntedThen the dog may not see it at all

  Birds can see colorThey need to ,because they fly and need to find place to landColor helps them know how far the place is and what it is like so that they are able to catch flying things in the air or land on something they think safe

  Some birds see things even better than man doThe birds that eat bugs(飞虫)can see them from far awayAnd even a very young bird can see a house from high up in the skySo good eyes and being able to see colors help birds find food and also help them find out if there are any animals that are dangerous to them


1A craft(宇宙飞船)________ on earth on a night in 2001

2Most of us will ________ when we see a snake

3He went to the forest to ________ animals


4When can dogs see best?________

5Can all the animals see color?________


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市42中2012届九年级中考二模英语试题 题型:053


  Last Saturday, our school organized a talent show to raise money for charity.It was a great success.Students took an active part in it and we raised 20,000 yuan in all.

  After the show I interviewed three students.First, I talked with Liu Li.In the talent show, she danced the ballet(芭蕾舞).“How long have you been dancing the ballet?” I asked.“For about six years.” she answered.“Why do you learn it?” “I think it's beautiful and I want to be a professional dancer when I grow up.”

  Next I had a talk with Zhao Qiang.He played a piece of Mozart's music.He played wonderfully.I asked, “When did you start playing the piano?” “Um, I'm twelve now and I have been doing it since I was five.” he said.“Are you going to play the piano after you finish high school?” “Sure.My dream is to be a pianist.”

  Finally, I asked Chen Yun, an 11-year-old girl.She sang us some folk songs(民歌).Her voice is very sweet.“Why are you interested in folk music?” I asked.“I admire Song Zuying and I want to be a singer like her.I have been singing folk songs since five years ago.I hope I can hold a singing concert in the future.” she said.



科目:初中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

  The giant panda is one of the most popular animals in  the world. A giant
panda can grow up to 1. 5 meters long and weigh up to 160kg. People think the
giant panda is very lovely. ① So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund
for Nature chose the giant panda as its symbol
. The WWF tells people about
animals that they are in danger and raises money to save them.
  The giant panda only lives in the wild in China. In the early 1980s, there
were only l,000 left in the wild. The main reason why pandas are endangered is
that the area where pandas can live has become smaller.
  The WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild in  many ways. One of the
ways that helps them is to increase the size of panda reserves(自然保护区).
Some reserves need to be joined together by planting bamboo between them to
make "corridors". These are paths that lead from one reserve co another. No one
may harm the pandas in these areas. The corridors let pandas move from one
habitat(栖息地) to another to look for food.② People are working very hard to
make sure the giant panda does not die out.
1. How long and heavy can a giant panda grow to be? 
So it is not surprising that _____by the World Wide Fund for Nature.
3. Why are the giant pandas endangered?
4. Give a way to help the giant pandas in the wild, please.
5. 将文中划线的句子②翻译成中文.

