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Please find Canada ________ the map.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你是Steve, 收到Diana的电子邮件,要你替她租房子。现在请根据邮件内容在租房公司填写有关表格。 
Dear Steve,
I’m going to study in Chicago University in September, so I have to find a room to live in. I need to share(分享, 共用) the things with others in the house, because housing is so expensive in Chicago. Please find a room at lower price (about 200 dollars a month), because it is not easy for me, a first year student, to find a good part-time job soon.
Please email to me if you have anything. My e-mil address is Diana@yahooo.com. I hope to see you soon.
                             Information  Form
Name:  【小题1】_____________
E-mail 【小题2】_______________
Kind of house 【小题3】_____________(A big house/ An apartment(公寓) / A room)
【小题4】_____________(Share with others / Live alone(独自) )
Price (every month) : 【小题5】________________


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Failure is a common thing in our life. Everything has   1   possible results: success or failure. People all
over the world like   2  , but there is still failure in our life.
     What do you think of failure?     3   do you deal with failure? Different people have different     4     on
failure. Some people consider it as a good thing, because they can learn a lesson   5 it. Then they try their
best  to  find the   6   for failure, and correct what is wrong. So they can do it better next time. But some
people regard it   7   a bad thing. They  lose  their   8  . Also they  are discouraged. Finally they give it up.
     Which opinion is right? How about the 9 one? People remember: Failure is the   10 of success. When
you have  failure in your life,  please  find  out the reason for failure and  try  your best to do it better next


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:填空题

1. In the evening, we often have dinner at my _______(祖父母) home.
2. He does morning ________(锻炼) at 7:45 every day.
3. My mother enjoys_______(聊天) with her friends on QQ at night.
4. Kitty goes to her _________(跳舞) lesson twice a week.
5. He became ________(激动的) after hearing this news.
6. He is going to see the doctor in the afternoon on 12th _______(十月)
7. Who_______(教) them English?
8. Would you please find some _______(信息) for our project?
9. You can go into the bedroom _______(通过) that door.
10. Reading books and watching films are my _______(业余爱好)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



We'll do the work with         people and         time.


My mother is          good            


I think there will be                       in the future.


Please find out when the plane will                     


      While the Greens          having dinner, the telephone          


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Steve,

I’m going to study in Chicago University in September, so I have to find a room to live in. I need to share(共享) the things in the house. Because housing is so expensive in Chicago. Please find a room at lower price(about 200 dollars a month), for it is not easy for me, a first year student, to find a good part-time job soon.

Please email me if you have anything. My email address is Diana@yahoo.com. I hope to see you soon.




