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口语应用 在下列横线上填入适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)
A: Hi,Alice! I’ve sent you an e-mail. Have you got it?
B:        小题1:              . I haven’t checked my e-mails today.
A: Why not?
B:                小题2:                    It doesn’t work.
A:           小题3:      
B: No, I can’t. It’s too old. My father wants to buy a new one for me.
A: That’s good news. You know, I’ve just got a new computer.
B:        小题4:       
A: I got it last week.
B: Where was it made?
A:              小题5:           
B: What? How would it be made in your home?
A: You see, my father bought different parts of the computer and then put them together. That’s how the computer was made in my home.
B: Aha, I see.

小题1:Sorry, I haven’t. /No, I haven’t.
小题2:There’s something wrong with my computer.
小题3:Can you repair it? /Can you have it repaired?
小题4:When did you get it?
小题5:It was made in my home.

小题1:根据上一句是问Have you got it?你收到它了吗。及下一句I haven’t checked my e-mails today.今天我还没看我的电子邮件。所以是,Sorry, I haven’t. /No, I haven’t.
小题2:根据It doesn’t work.它不工作了。所以是,There’s something wrong with my computer.
小题3:根据No, I can’t. It’s too old.不我不能,它太旧了。所以是,Can you repair it? /Can you have it repaired?你能修理一下它吗?
小题4:根据I got it last week.我上周得到的。可知,上句是问你什么时候得到它的。When did you get it?
小题5:根据 Where was it made?它是哪里组的?可知答语是,It was made in my home.在我家里。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:-Do you think you have made a wrong  _________________ (decide) ?
-I’m afraid so. She is so young and she’s never lived alone.
小题2:Usually before exams, the students  __________ (give) two minutes to write down their names.
小题3:He is lazy enough _______________ (sleep) all day without moving .
小题4:We should work _____ (close) with UNICEF to help build a better world for everyone.
小题5:It’s impolite to make too much noise while __________(eat).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:—Do you know whose book this is?
—Let me see. Oh, it’s Lisa’s. ________  name is on it.
小题2: I think the dictionary is very ________  to your study.
小题3:He wasn’t feeling well, so he had to stop ________ .
小题4:Yi Jianlian is one of the most famous basketball ________  in China.
小题5: My family usually have a get-together ________  a month.
B) 根据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。
小题6: —What’s your uncle’s j         ?
—He’s a waiter in a restaurant.
小题7: We can’t breathe f________  air because of polluted environment.
小题8:. Time is knowledge and time is money. Don’t w________  it, please.
小题9:China is a great country with over 5,000 years of ________ (历史).
小题10: You must ________ (归还) the library book on time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun’s popularity has soared(上升) across Asia. His fame(名声)_小题1:_the role he played in the popular TV drama My love from the Star (《来自星星的你》). In the drama, Kim plays a 400-year-old alien(外星人) and ends up falling in love with a modern-day actress.
This is not the first success for the young star. Since he became a professional actor seven years ago, Kim has won more than 20 _小题2:_ for acting.
Kim’s success is due to his _小题3:_ attitude towards acting. A director once mentioned that the dramas with Kim were all popular. It is because “he always analyzes the script very carefully _小题4:_ he acts out the character.”
As you can see, attitude is everything. Your attitude determines your success!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:I don’t like the film Tiny Times 2. It makes me __________(sleep).
小题2: The binoculars will help you see the birds more ___________(clear).
小题3:The man was so worried because his son had a terrible ___________(ill).
小题4:It’s really ___________ (excite) to watch the show “Dad! Where Are We Going?”.
小题5:To prevent overfishing(过度捕捞), ___________(fisherman) stop fishing for a month every year.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:My father’s job is different from those ______________ (spaceman).
小题2:The dentist says we should brush our teeth at least ____________ (two) a day.
小题3:Little Sam looked ___________ (hope) at his mother and expected to get more pocket money.
小题4:To keep fit, we should eat ___________(little) food and do more exercise.
小题5:It is ____________ (possible) for him to finish the hard work within an hour. Let’s help him.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

on  first  give  change  it  letter  while  because  cheap  fast
The British love sending text messages. They send more than 2.5 billion every month. And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing   小题1: . In fact, when a student at a Scottish school wrote the whole article “in txt”, his teacher    小题2:   him “C+ 4 f4t ” (“C+ for effort ”).
Although texting(发短信) is a   小题3:  way of staying in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2005, a British teenager became the   小题4:   person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction(沉溺) to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about £4,500    小题5:  texts.
For some people, text messaging has   小题6: their lives. For example, James Trusler from Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in texting competitions and TV shows. He’s the world’s   小题7: texter and recently set a new world record    小题8:  he was appearing on Australian TV. He texted:“The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serraslmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human.”   小题9:  took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messages—about 2,500 a month. But he doesn’t get big bills   小题10:  he works for a large mobile phone company!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Starting  could  tell    run     pull    give    be   must  at once  later
One day, a dentist was 小题1:__his morning work. Suddenly a man 小题2:____________ in. His face was red and he only小题3:____say “Quick! Quick!” The dentist thought he 小题4:___ be very ill. So he helped the poor man sit in a chair 小题5:_____. Then he 小题6: ___________ the man some medicine to help him sleep. After that, he looked into the man’s mouth carefully. A few minutes 小题7:_____all the bad teeth 小题8:______________ out. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick, doctor, quick.”
“It小题9:______________ over for minutes.” the dentist told him, “It’s all right now. You can leave now.”
“You don’t understand,” said the man, “I came 小题10:____________ you that your house is on fire.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

held,   be in use,   open,    but also,   improve
The Nanjing government is actively preparing for the coming Summer Youth Olympic Games, said the leader of the city. The event, which will be  小题1: from Aug 16 to 28, is not only a great chance for the city to carry out its development project,小题2: helps to develop the Olympic spirit and spread the importance of sports among Chinese youth, he added.
Nanjing won the bid in 2010 to host the 2014 games. Every four years, the event is  小题3:to players from 15 to 18 years old. “Hosting a huge event like this requires proper buildings, services and so on,” he said. “We want to use this chance to  小题4: ourselves.”
The city's transport system has been made better to meet the expected need from the event. Nanjing underground Line 10 will  小题5: in the near future. The total underground length will then have grown from 80 to 180 kilometers. At the same time, 1,400 new taxis and 2,530 buses will join the services as well.

