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-Alice, please tell Eric to call me when he ________ back.

-No problem.

[  ]
A.come   B.comes   C.came   D.will come



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mr. and Mrs. Bell are very  56 . For example, Mr. Bell sometimes goes to his office for work on Sunday morning, for he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs. Bell sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family.
One summer they planned to  57  to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took   58 . So time was short. But suddenly Mrs. Bell said  59  must tell their daughter not to forget  to lock the front door  60  she went to school. As Alice was then at school, they couldn’t   61  her about it by telephone. So they hurried to the __62 . Mrs. Bell wrote a short   63  to Alice while Mr. Bell bought a stamp and an envelope. Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the letter box,   64  suddenly Mrs. Bell began to cry. The short note was   65  in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope.
A.hospital B.police stationC.bookstoreD.post office


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年云南省景洪市第一中学七年级上学期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Alice is from England. She is thirteen. She is a student in a high school in Jing Hong, Yunnan. Alice often gets up at about 6:30 on weekdays(工作日). She often has a glass of milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast. She goes to school at 6:50 and gets there before(在……之前) 7:15. Alice has breakfast with her parents at 6:40 this morning. “Have an egg, Alice. It’s very nice.” Her mother says.“No, thank you, Mom. I have to go now. We have classes at 7:30.”
【小题1】Alice is in England now.
【小题2】Alice only has some bread for breakfast.
【小题3】Alice often goes to school at about 6:30.
【小题4】Alice doesn’t have an egg this morning.
【小题5】Alice can speak English.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省莱州市七年级上学期期中学业水平测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Good a_________,Helen.
【小题2】The boy is Tom.His l_________ name is White.
【小题3】Wang Xin’s E_________ name is Alice.
【小题4】Nice to m_________ you.
【小题5】Is that your c_________ game?
【小题6】Jane is a teacher in that _________.(学校)
【小题7】Lucy’s ruler is_________.(黄色的)
【小题8】Your _________ (夹克衫)is nice.
【小题9】_________ (八)is my lucky(幸运)number.
【小题10】What’s your phone_________?(号码)
【小题11】How_________ (be)Helen?
【小题12】_________ (She)name is Jane.She is my friend.
【小题13】Hello,_________ (me)name is Xiaomi.
【小题14】His _________ (one)name is Tony.
【小题15】Please_________ (call)685—6034.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省南京市玄武区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


I am Alice. I like We chat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you can use it for free. It can be used in my mobile phone. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom Wang. Through We chat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. It’s amazing.

I am David. I love Micro blog. I update my Micro blog when I an free. We can share instant(即时的)messages with each other. I often look through Yao Chen’s Micro blog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Micro blog, for example, “I’m in blue today. I didn’t pass the exam.” Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc. with my friends. It is fun.

I’m Lily. I don’t like We chat or Micro blog. I don’t believe them. There are so many crimes on We chat. Many people are cheated because they believe in other people they meet on We chat easily. It is not a real world. As to Micro blog, I don’t think it is a good way to make friends. And you should write something no more than 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I don’t want my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的)girl.

1.Who loves Micro blog?

A.Alice.            B.David.            C.Lily.              D.Leehom Wang.

2.What does Alice think about We chat?

A.It’s fast and convenient.                 B.It’s fashionable but slow.

C.It’s safe and useful.                     D.It’s fun but expensive.

3.Why doesn’t Lily believe We chat?

A.Because many people are cheated on We chat easily.

B.Because she doesn’t like to say anything to her friends.

C.Because she doesn’t think it is a good way to make friends.

D.Because she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to others.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年北京市中考英语试卷 题型:其他题



Alice: Hello?

Susan: Hello.   1. 

Alice: Yes, it is.

Susan:  2.  Would you like to go to the bookstore  

with me tomorrow? I’d like to buy some books.

Alice: Sorry. I don’t need any books.   3.   

I can read books on the Internet.

Susan: Yes, but you can’t always read on the computer.   4. 

Alice: Oh, I see.

Susan: And in the bookstore we can find many wonderful books.

Alice: OK. I’ll go with you.   5. 

Susan: What about three o’clock tomorrow afternoon?  

Alice: Great. See you then.

Susan: See you.


