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在一场辩论会上,Sun Fei作为正方代表(F),Wu Fu作为反方代表(A),辩论的中心话题是“家长和学校应不应该限制青少年的行为”。请据此写一份辩论记录,正方和反方发言均不少于4次。



  FI think students should not be allowed to take the test later.

  AI don't think so. If some students have other important things to do, they should be allowed to take the test later.

  FStudents need strict rules. They should go to school on time.

  AI disagree. There is nobody who has never been to school on time.

  FStudents should be allowed to wear school uniforms. If they do like this. They will look beautiful and lively.

  AI don't agree. Students should wear comfortable clothes. They will feel more comfortable and that's good for studying.

  FI think students should not be allowed to study in groups. You know they will get noisy during that time.

  AThough they make noises they can learn from each other and help each other.

