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Dear Sir,
I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport. Two buses travel along the line: the number 49 and number 16. But by the time the number 16 bus gets to Souk Road, it is always full, so I can’t get on it. I have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it.
The timetable says that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus every day?
The regulations(规章)say that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting. Why do the half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?
The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers(乘客)and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. I counted(数)the other passengers as they got off. There were 129 of them.
It is clear that our bus companies break the regulations and think little of their passengers. Can nothing be done to make your service(服务)better?
A. a message        B. a talk       C. a story      D. a letter
小题1:The writer has to take Bus No. 49 because _________.
A.it arrives on timeB.it is not always full
C.it travels fasterD.it has fewer seats on it
小题2:How long does the writer usually have to wait for a bus?
A.Ten minutes.B.One hour.C.Half an hour.D.Nearly a day.
小题3:The regulations say that each bus may carry ______ passengers at most.
A. 20           B. 40       C. 60       129
小题4:From the passage we can see that __________.
A.the bus service was bad
B.no passengers took their buses
C.no bus passed Souk Road
D.the writer was always the first to get on the bus


小题1:细节理解题,由原文的称呼Dear Sir可知。
小题2:细节理解题,由原文的But by the time the number 16 bus gets to Souk Road, it is always full, so I can’t get on it. I have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it.可知。
小题3:细节理解题,由原文的If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus every day?可知。
小题4:细节理解题,由原文的The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers(乘客)and 20 standing passengers.可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Look at this picture. This is a photo   1  my family. There are(有)  2 people(人) in the picture. They are my  3  , my mother, my brother, my sister and me. The   4   is my father. My mother   5   near (在……旁边) my father. The ____6_____beside (在……旁边) my mother is my brother. The little girl near my mother  is my  7 .    8  is very clever and cute(聪明又可爱). Everyone likes her very much. Who is    9   boy in the middle (在中间)? Ah! It is me.    10  love(爱) my family very much(非常).
小题1:A. for       B. on             C. of
小题2:A.seven       B. six             C. five
小题3:A. mother    B. father             C. grandfather
小题4:A .girl           B. boy             C. man
小题5:A. are       B. is              C. am
小题6:A.girl           B. boy            C. son
小题7:A.brother         B. sister          C. son
小题8:A. He        B. She            C. They
小题9:A. a             B. these              C. the
小题10:A. I            B. Me             C. My


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Two teachers were sitting in the teachers' room. For a moment there was silence. Then one of them, Miss Smith, said, "I'm afraid I'd have to fail him! I just can’t let him   16  . "
"Now Alice," said her friend, Mrs Jackson, "is he so terrible a student?"
"That's just the trouble!" the other woman answered, "Tom was ever my   17  student. The problem is that he is so lazy that he never gets his work done. He hasn't handed me a piece of homework for three     18   !"
Mrs Jackson had never seen Miss Smith so   19  before. "Have you had a word with him about it?" she asked.
"Why should I? Every student must hand in homework. I made    20  very clear on the first day for class.  I don't know what has happened. When the lessons started, he did so well that I   21  thought about asking the school to give him a scholarship(奖学金). But now he often sleeps in class! I've never seen such a  22  in a student."
"You should have a talk with him. Give him a chance. "
Miss Smith spoke to Tom and learned all about it. He was studying all day and working most of the night in a factory to   23   for his schooling. Of course he was   24  in class and sometimes could hardly   25  awake. Miss Smith soon asked the school to give him a scholarship and he was able to devote himself to his lessons again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A woman repeated a bit of gossip (流言) about a neighbour. Within a few days the whole neighbourhood knew the story. The neighbour was deeply hurt. Later the woman responsible (负责) for spreading the gossip learned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old man to find out what she could do to repair the harm.
“Go to the marketplace,” he said. “and buy a chicken, and have it killed, then on your way home, pluck (拔) its feathers and drop them one by one along the road. ” Although surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told.
The next day the wise man said, “ Now, go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me. ”
The woman followed the same road, but she was so discouraged when she found the wind had blown all the feathers away. After searching for hours, she returned with only three in her hand.
“ You see, ” said the old man, “it’s easy to drop them, but it’s impossible to get them back . So it is with gossip. It doesn’t take much to spread a gossip, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.”
小题1:The woman was very _________ the harm she had done to her neighbour.
A.happy aboutB.angry aboutC.sorry forD.excited about
小题2:Which of the following statements is TURE?
A.The gossip didn’t hurt anyone at all.
B.The wise man was not kind enough.
C.The woman found all the feathers at last.
D.The woman was given a lesson.
小题3:What the wise man said has nearly the same meaning as the Chinese phrase “_________”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There have been many great inventions, things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was one that is still very important today- the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.
For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect(影响) as the wheel. Then in the early 1800’s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn’t have to explore(探测) much anymore. They began to work instead to make life better.
In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the light and the radio. These all became a big part of our life today.
The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Movies with sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.
By this time most people had a very good life, Man has a desire to explore again, the world was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.
In 1969 man took his biggest step from the earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning thought. New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.
小题1:This passage talks mainly about________.
A. why cars were very important        
B. when light was invented
C. which country made the first step into space 
D. how inventions effect people’s life
小题2:Nylon came out nearly at the same time as _______.
A.radioB.cameraC.jet planesD.movies
小题3:Which of the statements is not true?
A.The wheel was the first great invention that is still very important today. For hundredsof years after that there were many other inventions having as much effect as the wheel.
B.America, Russia, Japan and China began to explore the stars before1969.
C.In the early 1800’s people began to work instead of exploring more unknown land to make life better.
D.New invention will change our life greatly in the future.
小题4:What does “ a desire” mean in the sentence “Man had a desire to explore more.”? 
A.a good wayB.a new inventionC.a strong wishD.a wonderful idea
小题5:Man didn’t have a desire to explore a lot_______.
A.at the beginning of the 1800’sB.in the 1960’s
C.since the 1900’sD.from the 1800’s to the 1960’s


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?
Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 2l years. Harrison’s job has been responsible for approving(批准)large numbers of the sweet ice cream – as well as for developing over 15 flavors(味道).
Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No – there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a job in this “cool field”.
In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and grades 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12oF. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir it, creating ice-cream soup.”
While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself, “Does the product have the colour expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!
Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy – working at one cool job.
小题1:What is John Harrison’s job?
A.An officer.B.An ice-cream taster.
C.A chemist.D.An ice-cream producer.
小题2:According to John Harrison, what is useful to get a job in “cool field”?
A.To just like ice cream.
B.To find out new flavors each day.
C.To have new ideas every day.
D.To have a degree in food-science.
小题3:What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?
A.He smells it.B.He lets it warm up.
C.He tastes its flavor.D.He examines its colour.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was in town yesterday. I decided to stop at the bank to see Jane. I thought she might have time to go for lunch with me.
When I got to the bank, they told me she had just been out. I asked them if she would be back by 10:30 or 11:45, and they told me “Yes”. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. I walked over to take a seat by the window. I watched everyone coming in. It was 12:30, and I was sure she couldn’t come back until after lunch. I got up, and as I started to walk to the door, someone called my name. I turned around and was surprised to find it was Jane. She said she had not left her office all the morning.
小题1:Yesterday I was in a city.
小题2:I wanted to have lunch with Jane.
小题3:Jane was in her office all the morning.
小题4:I didn’t wait Jane any more.
小题5:In fact, Jane’s workmates made a mistake.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are four people in my family. My father is a police officer. His work is kind of dangerous. He's very busy. He often has meals outside. Sometimes we can't see him all day. But I love him very much. My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter. She says her job is boring and being a reporter is interesting, because she can meet many interesting people. My brother is a waiter. He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works.
I'm a middle school student. I study hard because I want to be a teacher. I think it's not difficult for me.
小题1:My father works in another(另一个)city, so we can't see him all day sometimes.
小题2:My mother likes to be a bank clerk.
小题3:My mother wants to be a reporter, because she wants to meet many interesting people.
小题4:My brother works in a restaurant. He likes to make new friends.
小题5:I want to be a teacher. I think it's difficult for me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A little girl thought she was not as beautiful _31_other girls,and nobody liked her. So she was always 32__  and didn’t like to talk to others. 33 _ ,one day,her mother gave her a beatiful hair clip. When she wore it,she looked 34__ than before. She decided 35  it to school.
On her way to school, she found that everyone she saw smiled at her. Most of them said “Hello” to her, but this 36___  happened before. She thought that beautiful hair clip brought them all. She was so happy about all of the great things. Although she didn't 37 her classmates about her beautiful hair clip, they want to know what happened to her.
 38  she went back home, her mother asked her, “Did you know you 39  your hair clip? I found it at the door this morning.”
She understood that she didn’t wear the hair to school at all.
It was not important what we wear or how we look. The most important thing is  40  we think of ourselves.
A.than B.likeC.asD.from
A.happyB.excited C.sad D.outgoing
A.much beautifulB.much more beautiful
C.uglierD.more ugly
A.to wearB.wearingC.wearD.wore
A.alwaysB.often C.sometimes D.never
A.sayB.talk C.speakD.tell
A.ThenB.When C.BeforeD.Until
A.wore B.broughtC.lost D.took
A.whyB.how C.that D.what

