精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
hamburger,  happy,  fruit,  but,  one,  swim,  China,  school,  they,  about
     Jim's an American boy. Today is Jim's___1___ birthday in China. Many
friends come to his home. They bring presents for him. His mother cooks lots
of delicious food for ____2____. Jim is very ____3____. In the USA, Jim
often has___4___, French fries and coke. Here he knows something ___5___
China and he likes China very much. His favorite ____6____is the pineapple.
He likes milk, eggs for breakfast. ___7___ he has no time to go home for
lunch, so he has it at ____8_____. Sometimes he goes out to eat dinner with
his____9_____ friends. And he really wants to join the ____10_____club
because he likes sports a lot.
1.first     2.them      3.happy    4. hamburgers   5.about  
6.fruit     7.But        8.school   9. Chinese        10. swimming

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


 million         be         luck        hard       dog
quiet           ski        even        she         design


Song Huiqiao was born on  February 26th, 1982 in Korea. She looks smart.
She has a pretty face. Her skin(皮肤) is wonderful . She works 【小题1】  and acts well. So   【小题2】    of people all over the world like her. Many of her series were very popular in China, for example, Full House. Almost every young person in China has watched the TV series. Some girls   【小题3】   have watched it for two for three times. Even now , we can watch the TV series in China. It’s the work that makes people remember Song Huiqiao well.
Song Huiqiao is good at swimming ,playing the piano and skating. When
she studied in a senior high school , she used to   【小题4】 crazy about sports, such as skating,【小题5】and swimming, but she could also play the piano【小题6】 like a fairlady. Song Huiqiao wanted to be a dress   【小题7】  when she was young, and she would like to wear all kinds of clothes designed by  【小题8】  .
Song Huiqiao is successful . We can say that she is a   【小题9】  girl , but
we should also see her hard work . So , friends , work hard. Maybe you are the
next lucky     【小题10】   .


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(福建福州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题


W: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?

M: Yes. There is 1.         on Zhongshan Road. It's between the parking lot and the supermarket.

W: How 2.          is it from here?

M: About thirty minutes' walk. You can 3.         the No. 14 bus there.

W: Thank you. By the way,4.           the bus stop?

M: It's at the end of this street. You can't 5.           it.

W: Thanks for your help.

M: You're welcome.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届浙江杭州余杭区星桥中学初二下期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空

词语填空 10%

make  health   I   while  open   well   from   surprise   fight   if   



Dear Ronny,

  Years ago you came to me for help. You said, "Grandpa, how could you do so   1.  in your life? You're still active to your life, but I'm already tired of   2. for my life. How can I get the same thing that you've got?"

  I didn't know what to say to you. But when I know there are few days left for me, I tell   3.  that I should give you an answer. So here is what I believe.

First, you should know that life is filled(充满) with   4. , and many of them are good ones. If you don't keep your eyes   5. , you'll miss a number of good surprises in your life.  

  When you meet challenges, don’t run away, just welcome them. They'll make you stronger,   6.  and cleverer than you were before. When you do something wrong, you should be thankful for the things it gave you. And then, you should use this lesson to help you   7.  your dream come true. It's also important to decide what you want. Then keep your dream , work hard for it, and be ready to receive it. It will come true more quickly.

  And always follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life will work well.   8.  you think you can live without the rules, you're only fooling(愚弄) yourself.

  There will be more chances   9.  you are growing up. So you have to be brave enough to move from a known place to an unknown place. Life isn't just like climbing one mountain. It is also a part of your life to move   10.  one top to the next. If you rest for a too long time, you may fail at last. Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the fight in your life.

  The person that can win is the one who wants to win.

Love always,




科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省九年级5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空



listen, down, you, on, during, become, easy, pleasant, able, clear,

Stress is a bit of a fashionable buzz word. There are similarities and links between stress and anxiety - both can lead to   1 symptoms.(症状)

So try these ten easy relaxation(放松)tips to feel more relaxed.

1.Take a short break and leave a stressful situation. If you are at work, offer to run or go for a short walk. A few minutes away can help you think   2  .

2.Take a break from the activity you are working   3  and do something different. Sometimes it helps to come back to a task later when you feel more relaxed .

3. Listen to relaxing music while you are working.  4  to classical or nature music has been shown to lower heart rate and slow breathing.

4. Take regular breaks  5   the day. Spend 5-10 minutes to read something uplifting(使人开心的) or humorous, or chat with a friend.

5. Practice mindfulness(警觉). Mindfulness is the   6  to be fully aware of the present moment.

6. Change your focus. As people feel more stressed,their attention   7  focused on what they believe to be the cause of their stress and they ignore(忽视)other information.

7. Have a hot bath or shower. This will help to get rid of the tension in your muscles which is a normal result of stress.

8. Write  8  the things that are worrying you. If you are worried, it is very difficult to relax easily.

9. Keep things in a correct way. Ask   9  “how important is it?” “How important will it be in a year’s time?”Many of the things that cause stress are not important when we look at the big picture.

10.Slow your breathing and purposefully(有目的地) relax your body for quick results. This will be   10 than before if you have learned easy relaxation methods that you can use when you need them.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江建德李家镇初级中学九年级上学期期末综合考试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空



   have    able  if   call   be   what   catch   only   that   on

Do you want to have a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid 1. your friend would laugh at you, or just can’t understand 2.you are going through?

Anne Frank chose the first kind. She lived in Amsterdam during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide, or they would be 3. by the German soldiers. She and her family had hidden away for two years before they 4. discovered. During this time the 5.true friend was her diary, which she 6. Kitty.

In a diary dated 7.Thursday 15, June, 1944, she wrote, “Dear Kitty, I wonder 8. it’s because I haven’t been 9. to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so mad about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me puzzled. That 10.changed since I was here for a year and a half.”


