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A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo* although he had lost his left arm in a car accident. The boy began   11  with a Japanese judo coach. The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t know   12  the coach taught him only one move. After three months of   13 , the boy finally asked, “Sir, should I start to learn more moves?”
“This is the only move you know,   14  this is the only move you’ll need to know,” the coach replied. Not quite understanding, but the boy   15  his teacher. So he kept training.
Several months   16 , the coach took the boy to his first match. To his surprise, the boy   17  won his first match. The second match was more difficult. But after some time, his opponent* became impatient. The boy used his one move to win the match again.   18  of the people in the stadium were amazed by his success. The boy was now in the finals.
This time, his opponent was bigger,   19 , and more experienced. For a while, the boy seemed to   20 . Worried that the boy   21  get hurt, someone shouted, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” However, the coach said, “No,   22 .”
As the match was keeping on, his opponent made a big mistake: he dropped his guard. Quickly, the boy used his move to   23  him. The boy won the final match. He was the winner.
24  the way home, the boy asked his coach: “Sir, how did I win the match with only one move?”
“You won for  25  reasons,” the coach answered, “First, you’ve almost known one of the most difficult moves in all of judo. And second, the only defense* for that move is for your opponent to catch your left arm.”
The boy’s greatest weakness had become his greatest strength.
A.asked forB.depended onC.believed inD.came out
A.stopB.playC.stay D.continue


小题3:根据后文的内容So he kept training.可知答案为D,表示训练的意思。
小题5:believe in sb 为信任某人,符合上下文语境。故选答案为C
小题7:根据前文的内容To his surprise,说明获得奖项很容易,可知答案为B
小题8:根据后文的内容   18  of the people in the stadium were amazed by his success.可知答案为C,表示所有的。
小题11:might 为may 的过去式,表示猜测的意思,故选答案为A
小题12:根据后文的内容As the match was keeping on, his opponent made a big mistake: he dropped his guard.可知答案为D
小题13:beat sb,表示将某人打败的意思,根据上下文,符合题意。故选D
小题14:on the way home ,表示在去家的路,为固定词组搭配。故选C
小题15:根据后文的内容First, you’ve almost known one of the most difficult moves in all of judo. And second, the only defense* for that move is for your opponent to catch your left arm.”可知答案为B,表示有两个理由。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their lives.
Eskimos live near the North Pole(北极).There are only two seasons there, winter and summer.
There is no spring or autumn there. The winter nights are long. You can’t see the sun for more than two months, even at midday. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never goes down and there’s no night.
Eskimos have warm clothes. They make their clothes from the skins of animals. From skins(皮毛) they make coats, caps and shoes.
Near the North Pole trees can’t grow, for it is too cold there. The Eskimos have to make their houses from skins, snow or stone. When they got out in storms and can’t get back home, they make houses of snow. They leave these houses when the storm is over.
Life is hard for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.
小题1:Near the North Pole there are _______ in a year.
A.two seasons—winter and summer
B.two seasons – spring and autumn
C.four seasons
D.two seasons sometimes and four seasons sometimes
小题2: How long does the longest day or night last(持续) near the North Pole?
A.24 hoursB.Over a weekC.A monthD.Over two months
小题3:Eskimos use skins to make________.
A.clothesB.housesC.treesD.both A and B
小题4:There are no ______ near the North Pole.
小题5: Eskimos make houses of snow to protect(保护) themselves from______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Venice(威尼斯) is the “Queen” of the Adriatic sea. Every year   1  from all over the world  2__ Italy to visit the city. Do you know  3  they like to go there for a visit?
Venice is a very beautiful city. It is quite different   4  other cities in the world. There   _5  roads or streets in the city. So there aren’t any cars and buses.There are   6  canals(运河) in the city. There is one big canal and 177 small canals. People move   7  and down the canals   8  to go to work,   9_ or visit their friends.
But Venice is sinking. It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice
will be   10_ water. The Adriatic Sea will cover the city.
小题1:A. thousand people        B. thousands people    C. thousands of people
小题2: A. travel to                      B. travel from               C. traveled to
小题3: A. where                                B. what                               C. why
小题4:A. from                                   B. with                                C. of
小题5: A. are some                            B. aren’t any                        C. aren’t some
小题6: A. many                                 B. any                                 C. much
小题7: A. on                              B. up                                  C. off
小题8:. A. in buses                      B. in cars                      C. in boats
小题9: A. go to shop                          B. go shopping                     C. go to shopping
小题10:. A. under                               B. with                                C. on


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Before you go to another country it is a great help if you know the language and some of the customs of the country.
When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say, “How do you do? ”and shake hands. Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven’t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.
Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.
小题1:It is ____ if you know the language and some of the customs of the country.
A.not usefulB.not helpful
C.very helpfulD.very bad
小题2:English people usually shake hands when they ______.
A.meet every time
B.meet for the first time
C.say goodbye to each other
D.say hello to each other
小题3:Usually English people don’t shake hands _______.
A.when they will be away for a long time
B.when they say “How do you do? ”
C.when they just meet or say goodbye
D.after they haven’t met for a long time
小题4:Which of the statement(陈述)is right?
A.German people shake hands as often as possible.
B.English people like shaking hands very much.
C.German people hardly shake hands.
D.Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands.
小题5:This story is about _______.
A.shaking hands
D.languages and customs


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the church and have made up their minds to    15   the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest(抗议) against heavy trucks which run    16   through the narrow High Street.“They not only make it    17   to sleep at night, but they are doing damage(损害) to our houses and shops of historical   18  ,”
said John Norris, one of the protesters.
 19  we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don’t they build a new road that goes round the town? Burlington isn’t much more than a  20    village. Its streets were never meant for heavy traffic”.
  Harry Fields also studying    21    said they wanted to make as much noise as possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to stand. “Most of them don’t live here anyway,” he said, “they come in for meetings and the Town Hall is soundproof(隔音的), so they probably don’t    22   . It’s high time they realized the problem.” The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were mostly on their side, and even if they weren’t they soon would be.
  I asked if they were    23    that the police might come to stop them.
  “Not really,” she said, “actually we are suitable bellringers. I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church. There is no    24    against practising.”
I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.
A.change B.repairC.ring D.shake
A.now and then B.day and night  C.up and downD.over and over
A.terrible B.difficult  C.uncomfortable D.unpleasant
A.scene B.period C.interest D.sense
A.If B.AlthoughC.When D.Unless
A.pretty B.quietC.large D.modern
A.well B.hard C.biology D.education
A.notice B.mention C.fear D.control
A.surprised B.afraidC.pleased D.grateful
A.pointB.cause C.need D.law


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

From old times, India has been a good friend of China. The two big Asian countries now work more closely on border problems, trade (贸易) and IT.
India is an interesting and mysterious( 神秘的)country with a long history. Around 2,000 BC, Indian civilization (文明) was born. It is one of the four oldest civilizations in the world.India is also the birthplace of  Buddhism (佛教).A famous  Chinese novel, "A Journey to the West", is about a Chinese monk (和尚) who tried very hard to learn about Buddhism from India.
The book comes from a true story. Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk was sent to India by the King of the Tang Dynasty.After many years, he brought back lots of Buddhist books. The name "India" was first used by Xuanzang in his work.
Today, religion(宗教) is still an important part of Indian culture. There are many religions there. Most Indian people believe in Hinduism (印度教).In India, cows are very special animals because  Hinduism  says they are holy (神圣的). So Indians don't sell or eat beef.Like China,
India is a developing  country with a large population(人口). It has  about 1.03 billion people compared to China's 1.3  billion.  More than two thirds of  Indians still live a poor life in the countryside.
India has no birth control so its population is growing fast. By 2030, India could even have more people than China.
Hindi (印地语) is the mother tongue of Indian people. But Britain took India in 1757 and stayed there until 1947. Because of this, English slowly became the other official  language.
小题1:Why don't Indians sell or eat beef?
A.Because they don't like it.
B.Because they are afraid of getting ill.
C.Because they see cows as holy animals.
D.Because beef is very expensive.
小题2:What is/are the official language(s) of India?
C.Both of the aboveD.None of the above


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

American country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. It’s a mixture (混合物) of music from all of these places.
In West America, cowboys (牛仔) had to take care of the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle sometimes ran away. A cowboy’s life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert (荒野) with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He sang about the stars and the moon, about his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to sleep. They didn’t run away if he sang beautiful songs.
In South America, many people came from Ireland and England. Other people came from France and Canada. They enjoyed their own kind of music. When they visited their friends and families on holidays like Christmas, they usually sang and played country music.
American country music describes (描写) life. It talks about love, jobs, home and money. People in many parts of the world like western country music because everyone knows something about these ideas.
小题1:The passage is about ________.
A.the cowboy’s life
B.the life in America
C.American country music
D.the people who lives in America, Canada, Ireland, and Britain
小题2:The word “cattle” means “________” in the passage.
小题3:What was a cowboy’s life like?
A. Lonely.             B. Very interesting
C. Dangerous.          D. A and C.
小题4:Why didn’t the cattle run away when a cowboy sang beautiful songs?
A.Because the cattle knew he didn’t leave them.
B.Because the cattle enjoyed the music so much that they went to sleep.
C.Because he didn’t let them go.
D.Because he was very bad.
小题5:What does American country music describe?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Fengcheng River is a 6650-meter-long moat(护城河)that protected Taizhou from enemy. Currently, the Fengcheng River Scenic Area has become a natural area of the modern city.
The four cultural treasures of Taizhou——history, local opera, customs and business—— can all be seen along the river. Taizhou Old Street lies on the east of the Fengcheng River Scenic Area, offering choices of restaurants and local specialties(特产). The Peach Garden is also along the river, with blooming peach trees. The Sea-watching scenic area is also on the river front, among many other attractions. To have a holistic view, you may be interested in taking a night boat around the ancient moat and the ride shows Taizhou’s culture.
Fengcheng River Night Cruise(巡游)

This night cruise takes you an hour long ride on the city moat. The boats are classic ones that seem to be floating houses. While on the boat you'll be able to enjoy local snacks like sesame seed biscuits and tea. Along the river side, local dance and song groups perform, creating the perfect mood for the boat ride. Also, the scenery formed is wonderful. The Sea-Watching Pavilion with shining lights is beautiful in the evening.
小题1:At first, Fengcheng River was built to ________.
A.carry things by boat
B.make the city beautiful
C.make the city safer in the war
D.feed fish
小题2:Along the river we can see _______.
A.dragon boat race
B.some cultural treasures
C.Taishan Park
D.Lizhong Water Forest
小题3:If you want to have a taste of local snacks, ________ is the best choice.
A.The Peach Garden
B.Taizhou Old Street
C.The Sea-Watching Pavilion
D.Meilangfang Park
小题4:Taking a night boat, we can NOT ________.
A.have a holistic view
B.enjoy local snacks
C.enjoy local dance and song groups perform
D.see blooming peach trees
小题5:This night cruise takes you ______ long ride on the city moat.
A.half an hourB.sixty minutesC.two hoursD.the whole night


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are two deaf(聋的) men in a small village. One is Mr. White and the other is Mr. Black. They live near to each other. They are good friends.
Mr. White and Mr. Black often talk together. They talk about all kinds of things. Sometimes they are worried about their hearing. But one thinks the other is much deafer.
One day Mr. Black comes to see Mr. White. Mr. White is sitting on a chair, He is having a rest. Mr. Black stops at the door and asks, “Can you hear me?” There is no answer. Mr. Black goes nearer and asks again, “Can you hear me?” Again he doesn’t hear any answer. Mr. Black is quite pleased. Still he goes nearer and asks for the third time, “Can you hear me?” Still there is no answer. At last Mr. Black goes up to Mr. White and calls, “Now I know you are much deafer than me. You don’t hear my questions.” “I’m much deafer?” says Mr. White. “No, I answer you three times. But you do not hear my answer.”
小题1: Mr. White and Mr. Black are               .
A.brothersB.in the city
C.not near to each otherD.in the same village.
小题2:Mr. White and Mr. Black often            together.
A.talkB.have a restC.sit at homeD.go out for a walk
小题3: One day Mr. Black talks with Mr. White                  .
A.in Mr. Black’s houseB.in the street
C.at the door of Mr. White’s houseD.happily
小题4: Which one is right?                
A.Mr. White doesn’t answer Mr. Black’s question.
B.Mr. Black doesn’t hear Mr. White’s answer.
C.Mr. White is deafer than Mr. Black
D.Mr. White wouldn’t like to answer Mr. Black’s question
小题5:Mr. Black and Mr. White are           men, I think.

