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Hello, I’m Bill Clark. This is my room. Look! My computer is on the desk. My English book is on the dresser. My baseball is under the bed. And my CDs are on the bed.
Hi, my name is Ed Hall. I can’t find(找到) my CDs. Please call me if(如果) you find them. My phone number is 887-9168.
I’m a schoolgirl. My name is Sandra Clark. I have eggs, oranges and bananas for breakfast. For lunch, I like hamburgers, cabbages and oranges. For dinner, I like chicken, salad and broccoli.
I’m a schoolboy. I’m Daivd Hand. I like soccer. My friends and I play soccer every day. It’s fun.
小题1:        has a computer.
A、Bill Clark               B、Ed Hall           C、Sandra Clark
小题2:Ed Hall lost his       .
A、English book         B、CDs               C、Baseball
小题3:“Cabbages” should be a kind of(应该是一种)       .
A、club                 B、sport                 C、food
小题4:Sandra Clark doesn’t like        for dinner.
A、chicken              B、salad                 C、tomatoes
小题5:David Hand likes playing         .
A、soccer               B、volleyball            C、basketball


试题分析:本文是几个学生的自我介绍,包含Bill Clark的房间摆设、Ed Hall找不到自己的CD了,Sandra Clark的一日三餐饮食情况以及Daivd Hand的爱好。
小题1:细节理解题。根据文中的陈述My computer is on the desk.可知 Bill Clark的房间里有一台电脑,故答案为A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段的描述I can’t find(找到) my CDs.可知,Ed Hall.找不到自己的CD了;故答案为B。
小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段中的介绍For lunch, I like hamburgers, cabbages and oranges.可知 cabbages应该为一种吃的东西,故可判断应该为一种食物;故答案为C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第三段内容. For dinner, I like chicken, salad and broccoli.可推断他不喜欢的食物是tomatoes,故答案为C。
小题5:细节理解题。根据 最后一段I like soccer. My friends and I play soccer every day.可知他喜欢的运动是足球而不是排球和篮球,故答案为A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I like volleyball and I have a volleyball. I often take it to school and play it with my friends. It’s fun.
— Sally

Sports are good for me. I like sports. I’m in the school sports club. I often play sports in the club.
— Jim

My favorite sport is soccer. I have eight soccer balls in my room. I often play soccer with my father. He is a soccer player (运动员).
— Barry

My favorite sport is basketball. Basketball is  interesting. I have three basketballs. I also have a ping-pong ball and two volleyballs.But I don’t have soccer balls. I think(认为)soccer is for boys, not for girls.  — Anna
小题1:Sally often plays volleyball with her __________.
小题2:What’s Barry’s favorite sport?
A.Volleyball.B.Soccer. C.Basketball. D.Ping-pong.
小题3:__________ is in a sports club.
小题4:Anna has __________ volleyball(s).
A.fourB.three C.twoD.one
小题5:Which of the following is true (下列哪项陈述是正确的)?
A.Sally thinks soccer is fun. B.Barry’s brother is a soccer player.
C.Jim doesn’t like sports. D.Anna doesn’t like playing soccer.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:I had a great weekend. I went to the beach with my friends and we played volleyball there. It was tiring but fun!
小题2:I went to the beach with my friend John. We lay on the beach. The sun was shining. The sand was comfortable. We came back very late.
小题3:we had a nice time in the mountains. The weather was cool and cloudy. Just great for hiking.
小题4:My weekend wasn’t so good. I went to visit my best friend, but she was not at home. It was raining all day and I was cold and wet.
小题5:I had a great weekend. I visited my aunt. Iplayed with my friends in a swimming pool. It was very hot , but it was relaxing there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Look at the picture. This is our school. There are six buildings in our school: two classroom buildings, a science lab building, a library, an office building and a dining hall. On the left of the school is a big playground. The classroom buildings are on the right of the playground near the school gate. There are forty-two classrooms in the classroom buildings. Some teacher’s offices are in them, too. The office building is next to the classroom buildings. Our science lab building is behind the classroom building. There are seven labs in it. The library is behind the science lab building. It’s between the science lab building and the dining hall. There are many books in the library. Behind the library is the dining hall. In the dining hall there are many tables and chairs. We have meals there. Welcome to our school.
小题1:There are __________ buildings in our school.
小题2:The office building is __________ the classroom buildings.
A.behind B.on the right of C.in front ofD.next to
小题3:The science lab building is __________ the library.
A.next toB.behindC.on the left of D.in front of
小题4:Between the science lab building and the dining hall is __________.
A.the playgroundB.the library
C.the classroom buildingD.the office building
小题5:The students have meals in __________.
A.the dining hallB.the library
C.the science lab buildingD.the office building


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Name: Linda
Sex: Female(女)
Age(年龄): Fourteen
Chinese name: Liu Hui
Nationality(国籍): English
Phone number: six three eight, eight two one nine
小题1:Linda is _____________.
小题2:Her Chinese name’s ______________.
A.Hui LiuB.Liu HuiC.Linda KingD.Linda Liu
小题3:She is _____________.
小题4:Her phone number is _______________.
小题5:Linda is a _____________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The final exam comes in June. When the exam ends(结束) , the summer vacation begins. Boys and girls have about two months to relax. The summer vacation is the best time of the year for most children. The weather is usually fine. They can swim, go to summer camps or visit other places with their parents.
Of course, the beaches  are  good places for relaxing.  Some children are lucky(幸运的)  to live near the beach. They can often play in the water. But for the children far(远的)from the sea, they go to the beaches for one or two weeks with their parents.
Why do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches? It is because they like the sand(沙) , the sun, the cool wind and the sea water. There are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do.
小题1:School children usually have exams     .
A.in JuneB.after JuneC.before JuneD.In July
小题2:The summer vacation is about     .
A.two weeksB.two monthsC.three monthsD.Two days
小题3:Why do children like summer vacation?
A.Because the weather is fine.
B.Because it is long.
C.Because the weather is fine and they can have lots of activities.
D.Because they can have exams.
小题4:Children near the beach can enjoy the sea____
A.in the eveningB.for one or two weeks
C.for two monthsD.very often
小题5:Which of the following is NOT right?
A.Children like going to the beaches only because they can see lots of new things.
B.Children like summer vacation best.
C.Children can swim and enjoy the sand, wind, and water on the beaches.
D.Children like to spend their summer vacation on beaches.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。
We are playing a hide – seek game (捉迷藏). My name is Bill, where am I?  I’m under the bed. My friend Tom and Tim are in the tree(在树上). My friend, Eric is in the big(大的) case. My sister, Gina is looking for us(寻找我们).
小题1:Bill is under the bed.
小题2:Tom and Tim are in the tree.
小题3:Eric is Bill’s brother.
小题4:Gina isn’t Bill’s sister.
小题5:There are (有) 5 children(孩子) playing the game (做游戏).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ten years ago, most Chinese teenagers chose politicians (政治家) as their idols(崇拜者). Who do they admire(崇拜) today? According to a survey released by Beijing Normal University, their top three choices are their father, their mother and Jay Chou.
  Who are Teens’ readers’ heroes? Let’s have a look.
  Jiang Yiling, 14, Wuhan:My idol is my mom. When I was young I had a surgery (手术) on my leg and couldn’t walk for a long time. My mother left her job to take care of me. She carried me back and walked up and down the stairs every day. My mother is a woman with a powerful heart.
  Lin Yijian, 12, Xiamen:I admire Arnold Schwarzenegger (阿诺德·施瓦辛格). I love his movies, in which he often plays a good guy beating bad people. His muscles (肌肉) also add to his charm (魅力). And then he became the governor of California.I hope to live a life like his.
  Ma Huilin, 14, Anshan:I appreciate (欣赏) Taiwanese singer Jimmy Lin(Lin Zhiying). He sings well and he is also a funny guy. I admire my English teacher, too. She speaks very good English. My dear parents are also my idols. My father is an excellent swimmer and my mother is good at math.
  Chen Shengsheng, 14, Shanghai:I admire Su Shi, a talented writer in ancient China.Reading Su’s poems and other writings, I see a person with a noble (高贵的) personality and brilliant talent. I appreciate his attitude towards life. He suffered setbacks (挫折) but never gave up.
Jiang Yiling
Her mom
She is a woman 小题1:______.
Lin Yijian
Arnold Schwarzenegger
He likes his movies and his muscles.
Ma Huilin
Jimmy Lin, her English teacher and小题3:_______
They are each excellent in different ways.
Chen Shengsheng
Su Shi
He is noble and brilliant, and he has 小题4:_____ towards life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Blacks are American tourists. They visits now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too.
Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.
They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.
小题1:The Blacks are from________.
A.ChinaB.EnglandC.CanadaD.the USA
小题2:The Blacks are staying in________ now.
A.EnglandB.BeijingC.ShanghaiD.New York
小题3:Mr Black is________.
A.a teacherB.a doctor C.a taxi driverD.a worker
小题4:There are______people in Mr Black's family.
小题5:Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?
A.Because the pictures are very beautiful.
B.Because they like China.
C.Because they want the American people to know more about China.
D.Because they want the American people to come to China.

