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These flowers are ______ than those ones.

[    ]

  A. much beautiful   B. much more beautiful

  C. very beautiful   D. as beautiful


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。
How to beat sadness
We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow (流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.
2. Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.
3. Listen to music. It can be your favourite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
4. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.
Title: How to beat sadness
● It is OK to feel down, 76.    ▲   and unhappy.
● It is possible to make sadness a small 77.    ▲   of life.
Simple 78.    ▲  
to cheer you up
● Stand up straight so that your 79.    ▲   can flow freely.
● 80.    ▲   at others because it can bring you and others a good mood.
● Listen to your 81.    ▲   music because it works the best.
● 82.    ▲   pleasure in everyday life, such as watching a sunrise.
● Takea walk and you can clear your 83.    ▲   of sad things.
● Try to make these simple ways a 84.    ▲  .
● Go to see a 85.    ▲  when you are in a deep depression.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省景德镇市九年级上学期英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy?? 1. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.

1.Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow(流动).when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.

2. Smile! 2.This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.

3. Listen to music. 3. some kinds of music work better than others. So try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.

4.Take some “me”time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.

5. Exercise.? 4. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.

These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday to make them a habit.? 5. But if you are in a deep depression(沮丧),go to see a doctor.

A.It can be your favorite music.

B.It’s easy to do and have good results.

C.Your favorite music is sure to be the best choice.

D.You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days.

E.Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing.

F.Being with someone who’s really happy can put you in a good mood.

G.You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省海门市中考二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


If the temperature rises by 5 degrees tomorrow, you will probably take off just one coat. But such a change in the average world temperature would be a serious problem. Many animals and plants would not be able to deal with these changes, and would die.

The UNEP(联合国环境规划署) released(发布)the Report 2012 on November 21, 2012. It says that if we don’t take action now, the world temperature will have risen by 3 to 5 degrees by the end of this century.

A large rise in temperatures could be terrible for us and for many other living things on Earth. Sea levels will rise because higher temperatures will cause melting ice flow into the sea.Large coastal (沿海的) cities in countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh could be flooded.

Some plants such as corn and sugarcane (甘蔗) will not grow well in higher temperatures. Some countries, such as Brazil and parts of Africa, will not have enough food. The change may cause less rain and even make some places very dry.

On November 26, people from around 200 nations and regions gathered again in Doha (多哈) for the annual UN climate talks.“Climate change is coming to all human beings and effective actions need to be taken to deal with it.”president of the conference said at the opening ceremony.  

1.What will you probably do if the temperature rises by 5 degrees tomorrow?

2.When was the Report 2012 released by the UNEP?

3.Why will sea level rise?

4.Where did they attend the annual UN climate talks?

5.As a student, what action will you take to deal with the rising temperatures?(请自拟一句话)



科目:初中英语 来源:2011江苏省宿迁市毕业升学考试英语试卷 题型:其他题

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。

                         How to beat sadness

We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.

1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow (流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.

2. Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.

3. Listen to music. It can be your favourite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.

4. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.

5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.

These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.

                    Title: How to beat sadness


● It is OK to feel down, 76.    ▲    and unhappy.

● It is possible to make sadness a small 77.    ▲    of life.



Simple 78.    ▲  

  to cheer you up

● Stand up straight so that your 79.    ▲    can flow freely.

● 80.    ▲    at others because it can bring you and others a good mood.

● Listen to your 81.    ▲    music because it works the best.

● 82.    ▲    pleasure in everyday life, such as watching a sunrise.

● Takea walk and you can clear your 83.    ▲    of sad things.


● Try to make these simple ways a 84.    ▲   .

● Go to see a 85.    ▲   when you are in a deep depression.



科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011江苏省苏州市高新区初二下期末考试英语试卷 题型:其他题

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。

                         How to beat sadness

We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.

1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow (流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.

2. Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.

3. Listen to music. It can be your favourite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.

4. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.

5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.

These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.

                    Title: How to beat sadness


● It is OK to feel down, 76.    ▲    and unhappy.

● It is possible to make sadness a small 77.    ▲    of life.



Simple 78.    ▲  

  to cheer you up

● Stand up straight so that your 79.    ▲    can flow freely.

● 80.    ▲    at others because it can bring you and others a good mood.

● Listen to your 81.    ▲    music because it works the best.

● 82.    ▲    pleasure in everyday life, such as watching a sunrise.

● Takea walk and you can clear your 83.    ▲    of sad things.


● Try to make these simple ways a 84.    ▲   .

● Go to see a 85.    ▲   when you are in a deep depression.


