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I d________(grew and improved)an interest in Art when I was at primary school


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省盐城市九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Thank you for your _____________(建议). I’m sure they will be useful to my English study.

2.Orange can bring you ___________(成功)and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.

3.She hates to be like others. So she always tries to do everything ____________(不同)

4.Which TV set should I choose ?It’s hard for me to make a           (决定)

5.I am very worried that Tom hasn’t        (回复)to my e-mail.

6.People read these blogs so they can find out the l_______ news about a subject they are interested in.

7.The film d        by Feng Xiaogang a few months ago is very popular in China.

8.There was something wrong with his teeth . He decided to see a d        .

9.In the past, Jim p_________ clothes made of cotton to those made of silk.

10.Your present is too expensive. I can’t a_________ it, Mr White.

11.My father likes reading. He often buys          (week) newspapers to read.

12.Tom r___________ (say “no” ) to do the work, so I had to ask John to do it instead.

13.Today, middle school students hardly have any s___________ ( free ) time for their hobbies.

14.Miss Li has a strange way to make all her lessons l__________ ( full of life ) and interesting.

15.When I watch the documentary , I feel quite r________________( calm and not worried )



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省盐城市九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Mr. Green put a lot of _________(努力)into arranging the concert.

2.Today the growth of economy(经济)is becoming a serious problem in many countries ___________ (遍及)the world.

3.When you feel relaxed, you are calm and not_______(担心) .

4.He hates to be like others and always tries to do everything ______(不同).

5.I don't ______(怀疑) that he will make progress.

6.How ___________(surprise) it was to meet you again in London!

7.You can call me if you want to get __________  (far) information about the concert.

8.The boy always does everything quickly while he is a little ______( patient).

9.Finally, he worked out the difficult math problem ______ (success).

10.It’s my pleasure to give you some useful ________________ (suggest).

11.The Greens ______________ (have) supper when someone knocked at the door.

12.Have you seen the new film _________ (direct) by Feng Xiaogang yet? It is a comedy.

13.Work hard, and you __________(succeed) in the coming exam.

14.I have difficulty in __________(advise) him to give up smoking.

15.Baihai Park is a wonderful place for children. It is well worth ______ (visit).



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:填空题

1. — What's the weather like in your hometown now?
    — It's usually very ________ (热) and often rains a lot.
2. In the United States sixteen is the ________ (年龄) when teenagers can begin driving.
3. Scientists have found that talking to another person for 10 minutes a day can help you
    remember things ________ (好) than not to.
4. — Are you a basketball ________ (爱好者)?
    — Yes. Yao Ming is my favourite star.
5. — What's your secret of success?
    — Our ________ (优势) is team spirit.
6. In France you are not supposed to eat anything with your hands e________ (not including) bread.
7. A________ (the season between summer and winter) is the season when the days get shorter and
    the leaves turn yellow.
8. Don't worry. You will have e________ (as much as you want or need) time to think it over.
9. I d________ (grew and improved) an interest in Art when I was at primary school.
10. Luo Xuejuan was very proud that she was s________ (chosen) to be the first Chinese torchbearer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. —What’s the weather like in your hometown now?

  —It’s usually very ____ (热) and often rains a lot.

2. In the United States sixteen is the________ (年龄) when teenagers can begin driving.

3. Scientists have found that talking to another person for 10 minutes a day can help you remember things __  _ (好) than not to.

4. —Are you a basketball ________ (爱好者)?—Yes. Yao Ming is my favorite star.

5. —What’s your secret of success?    —Our ________ (优势) is team spirit. 

6. In France you are not supposed to eat anything with your hands e         (not including) bread.  

7. A         (the season between summer and winter) is the season when the days get shorter and the leaves turn yellow.

8. Don’t worry. You will have e         (as much as you want or need) time to think it over.

9. I d         (grew and improved) an interest in Art when I was at primary school.

80. Luo Xuejuan was very proud that she was s      (chosen) to be the first Chinese torchbearer (火炬手).

