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Rose came to Beijing in 2002. she ______ here for eight years.

         A. was living          B. live                      C. will live                        D. has lived







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On Friday, January 14, 2005, my cousin, Kara Rose, came into the world. She looked perfectly healthy from the outside, but on the inside, the doctors had failed to discover a serious problem. She often had trouble breathing and then turned blue. The doctors found that Kara had been born without part of her heart. They didn’t think she would live long enough to leave the hospital. When she was four days old, she had her first operation. My family stayed together during this hard time, hoping everything would turn out for the best. I was also anxiously hoping the doctors would be able to make her life longer.
Kara’s strength and determination (决心) to live were strong. Eventually, she could go home. We all waited patiently for new technology that could give Kara a new heart. When she was eighteen months old, her parents took her to a famous surgeon who performed a series of operations. There was no guarantee she would make it through the operation, but she succeeded.
Kara grew stronger every day, and it was not long before she was well enough to be around people. She had an amazing character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fell asleep against my body, happy and content, I realized how valuable life really is. As I took her in my arms with her warm breath against my neck, I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest.
This child who is 15 years younger than I has gone through more suffering and pain than I ever have. I admire her strength and determination. Kara has taught me that no matter how bad things seem, they can work out in the end. Knowing this small, beautiful child has made me a stronger person, I now believe that difficulty can be beaten.
【小题1】Did Kara Rose come into the world on January 14, 2005?
【小题2】Why did she often have trouble breathing?
【小题3】When did she have her first operation, four days old or eighteen months old?
【小题4】What did the writer realize when Kara fell asleep against her body?
【小题5】What does the writer want to tell us?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Alice and her brother, Peter, saved money for many years. One day, they broke their money jar and decided to help other people.
“Who will we help?” Peter asked Alice. “Let’s help our neighbors, Billy and his twin sister, Rose. I’ve found that their shoes are too old. We can buy two pairs of shoes for them.” Alice said.
Alice and Peter went shopping at once. They picked out two nice pairs of shoes and put them into two beautiful boxes. When it was dark, Peter walked to Billy and Rose’s house quietly. He put the boxes near the door, knocked hard, and then ran away quickly.
Billy and Rose came out, “Look! There are presents for us. Someone left them here,” Billy said in surprise. They looked around, but they couldn’t see anyone. They took the boxes inside happily. The next morning, Alice and Peter saw Billy and Rose playing outside. They were both wearing their new shoes. Alice and Peter were so happy because they could help others.
【小题1】Alice and his brother, Peter were so careless that they broke their money jar.
【小题2】They wanted to buy the twins new shoes.
【小题3】Peter didn’t give the shoes to them face to face.
【小题4】Billy and Rose happened to see Peter running away quickly.
【小题5】 Alice and Peter were happy when they saw Billy and Rose both wearing their new shoes.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年宁夏回族自治区中考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Alice and her brother, Peter, saved money for many years. One day, they broke their money jar and decided to help other people.

“Who will we help?” Peter asked Alice. “Let’s help our neighbors, Billy and his twin sister, Rose. I’ve found that their shoes are too old. We can buy two pairs of shoes for them.” Alice said.

Alice and Peter went shopping at once. They picked out two nice pairs of shoes and put them into two beautiful boxes. When it was dark, Peter walked to Billy and Rose’s house quietly. He put the boxes near the door, knocked hard, and then ran away quickly.

Billy and Rose came out, “Look! There are presents for us. Someone left them here,” Billy said in surprise. They looked around, but they couldn’t see anyone. They took the boxes inside happily. The next morning, Alice and Peter saw Billy and Rose playing outside. They were both wearing their new shoes. Alice and Peter were so happy because they could help others.


1.Alice and his brother, Peter were so careless that they broke their money jar.

2.They wanted to buy the twins new shoes.

3.Peter didn’t give the shoes to them face to face.

4.Billy and Rose happened to see Peter running away quickly.

5. Alice and Peter were happy when they saw Billy and Rose both wearing their new shoes.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年北京市延庆县中考英语一模试卷 题型:其他题


On Friday, January 14, 2005, my cousin, Kara Rose, came into the world. She looked perfectly healthy from the outside, but on the inside, the doctors had failed to discover a serious problem. She often had trouble breathing and then turned blue. The doctors found that Kara had been born without part of her heart. They didn’t think she would live long enough to leave the hospital. When she was four days old, she had her first operation. My family stayed together during this hard time, hoping everything would turn out for the best. I was also anxiously hoping the doctors would be able to make her life longer.

Kara’s strength and determination (决心) to live were strong. Eventually, she could go home. We all waited patiently for new technology that could give Kara a new heart. When she was eighteen months old, her parents took her to a famous surgeon who performed a series of operations. There was no guarantee she would make it through the operation, but she succeeded.

Kara grew stronger every day, and it was not long before she was well enough to be around people. She had an amazing character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fell asleep against my body, happy and content, I realized how valuable life really is. As I took her in my arms with her warm breath against my neck, I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest.

This child who is 15 years younger than I has gone through more suffering and pain than I ever have. I admire her strength and determination. Kara has taught me that no matter how bad things seem, they can work out in the end. Knowing this small, beautiful child has made me a stronger person, I now believe that difficulty can be beaten.


1.Did Kara Rose come into the world on January 14, 2005?

2.Why did she often have trouble breathing?

3.When did she have her first operation, four days old or eighteen months old?

4.What did the writer realize when Kara fell asleep against her body?

5.What does the writer want to tell us?


