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Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi returned home from the United States on the morning of April 10th after he had been expelled (除名) from the national team for four years.
“It has been a long time. I am so glad to be coming back home,” Wang told a CCTV reporter.
Wang is the first Chinese to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He joined the Dallas in 2001. He was welcomed by the Chinese basketball officials at the Beijing International Airport that morning.
“I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed). I want to say sorry to my fans and to the Bayi team which trained me and gave me the chance to play in this time. I want to make up my fault and win back my place in the national team.” Wang went on.
“Wang Zhizhi won’t play in the final competition of the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) because he didn’t register (注册),” said Zhang Bing, who works with the Bayi team.
小题1: Wang Zhizhi hasn’t been a member of the national team        .
A.for four yearsB.since April 10C.since 2001D.for 5 years
小题2: Wang Zhizhi says sorry to his fans and the Bayi team because _________ .
A.he refused to return when he was needed
B.he left the Bayi team for America
C.he didn’t play well when he was in China
D.Dallas didn’t want to keep him
小题3: In this passage, “make up my fault” means ___________ in Chinese.
小题4: From the passage we know that _________.
A.Wang Zhizhi was not welcomed in Beijing
B.Wang Zhizhi was a reporter on sports before
C.every player must register before he plays in the competition of the CBA
D.the Chinese basketball officials didn’t want Wang Zhizhi to come back home
小题5: Which is the test title for this passage?
A.Wang Zhizhi Feels SorryB.Wang Zhizhi in the Bayi Team
C.Wang Zhizhi Returns HomeD.Wang Zhizhi in the United States


小题1:细节理解题。根据he had been expelled from the national team for four years(他被国家队除名已经四年了)可知,本题选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed)(我认为我犯了一个大错误(当他被需要的时候拒绝回来))可知,本题选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据win back my place in the national team(赢回我在国家队的地位)可知,本题选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Wang Zhizhi won’t play in the final competition of the CBA because he didn’t register(王治郅不会参加CBA的决赛,因为他没有注册)可知,本题选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

According to a national study, in the summer of 2013, the long-term(长期的) warm weather in the UK has made the number of butterflies increase.
Around 46,000 volunteers(志愿者) took part in the year’s Big Butterfly Count(统计), and they found 830,000 butterflies. Volunteers were asked to make a record. They would record how many times they found one of 21 different kinds of butterflies.
Later, the scientists used the records to find out how many butterflies of different kinds were found across the country. Then, they compared the results to the year before. They found that there was a rise in the number of 15 kinds of butterflies, and some of them went up by 50% compared to recent years. They said the increase in butterfly numbers was a result of warm weather.
However, scientists also said that the number of butterflies was in decline(下降) as a whole, and that we might not see the same result the next year.
Richard Fox, who works for Butterfly Conservation, said, “UK butterflies are in long-term decline. Studies have been done since the 1970s. They show that UK butterflies have declined in type and number.”
He added, “We must halt the long-term decline of these beautiful creatures(生物). The only way is by stopping the damage that has been done to the butterflies’ habitats(栖息地) across the UK.”
小题1: The volunteers were asked to ______.
A.study 830,000 butterflies
B.help scientists take notes
C.record the number of each kind of butterfly
D.find how many kinds of butterflies there are
小题2:What can we learn from the study?
A.There were 20 kinds of UK butterflies.
B.50% more UK butterflies were found in 2013.
C.The number of 15 kinds of UK butterflies increased.
D.There was a long-term increase in UK butterfly number.
小题3:What does the underlined part “the same result” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.The weather is cold.B.The weather is warm.
C.UK butterfly numbers decline.D.UK butterfly numbers increase.
小题4: The underlined word “halt” in the last paragraph means “_________”.
小题5: What would be the best headline of the passage?
A.Different kinds of butterflies in the UK.
B.Big Butterfly Count in the UK in 2013.
C.UK Scientists made butterfly numbers increase.
D.Warm weather made UK butterfly numbers increase.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and her family have just ended their one-week trip in China. The whole world has paid attention to the two elegant and beautiful first ladies who have made a difference in the relationship(关系) between China and the U.S.A.
Mrs. Obama has visited the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Terracotta Warriors, and the pandas. She has tasted Peking Duck and experienced some other Chinese traditional culture. It is hoped that this trip to China can bring a real understanding of our eastern world to the first family of the United States.
Today, the number of exchange students between China and the U.S. has reached more than 4 million every year. There are more than 11,000 people traveling to and from each side of the Pacific(太平洋). If the two countries can increase the exchange in travel, language, cuisine, and cultural understanding, this will help a lot in improving the understanding between the two countries. 
Education was an important theme of Mrs. Obama’s visit, and it is crucial to the development of Sino-US relationship. China has an ancient tradition of placing a high value on education, and the first lady herself is an outstanding example of a person who changed her own destiny(命运) through education. She took education as the key theme of her speech at Peking University, encouraging students from the two countries to learn more about and get wider experience of each other.
小题1:The whole world has paid attention to the two wonderful ladies because ___________.
A. they are elegant and beautiful
B. they have made a difference in the relationship between China and the U.S.A.
C. they pay attention to education
D. they hope students can learn from each other
小题2:Mrs. Obama has visited the following places except___________.
A.Terracotta WarriorsB.the Forbidden City
C.the Great WallD.the Summer Palace
小题3:The underline word “Sino” in the fourth paragraph probably means ______
A. China        B. Japan        C. Canada        D Australia
小题4:The theme of Mrs. Obama’s speech at Peking University is_________
A.understandingB.educationC.Sino-US relationshipD.exchange students


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Students Begin to Smoke at a Younger Age
SHANGHAI---- Almost one in four students aged between 12 and 14 have tried smoking, according to the results of a survey from the CATC(中国抗癌协会).
“ Quite a number of boy students in my class smoke outside the school yard during lunch break,” said Li Xiaolan, an English teacher from a high school in Shanghai.
The survey also found that 39 percent of students took their first cigarette from their classmates.
“ It was quite common to smoke with my classmates at school,”said Zhou Guangrong,a 22- year–old university student from Guiyang, Guizhou province,who started smoking at the age of 12.
Most of the student smokers buy cigarettes themselves.” My middle and high schools were surrounded by cigarette shops when I was a student,” said Liu Minghui who used to smoke two cigarettes per day in primary school and two packs per week in middle and high school.
“ We’re keen to show that more teenagers are starting smoking much younger than before,and that we need to minimize(降低) the number of young smokers,” said Duan Jiali, an officer in CATC. He added that teachers and parents should set a good example for teenagers by not smoking in front of them at school or at home, which is the best way of stopping teenagers from smoking.
小题1:According to the survey,in a middle school if a class has 40 students, about _____ smoke.
小题2:Many boy students smoke ________during lunch break.
A.at homeB.in classC.in the officeD.outside the school yard
小题3:The survey found that 39 percent of students took their first cigarette from ________.
A.their parentsB.their teachersC.their brothersD.their classmates
小题4:From the passage we know ________smokes two packs per week in middle and high school.
A.LI XiaolanB.Zhou GuangrongC.Liu MinghuiD.Duan Jiali
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.More teenagers are starting smoking much older than before.
B.Most of student smokers buy cigarettes themselves.
C.Some students smoke in toilets or in corners of the playground after lunch.
D.Teachers and parents shouldn’t smoke.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Astronauts, people who fly into space, need special training. First they go to Houston, Texas. That is the home of the Johnson Space Centre. There they are tested to see how strong and smart they are.
One of the first tests is for the heart. The people walk or run, then the space doctors see how fast their hearts are beating.
Another important test is performed. In this test the person must curl(蜷曲)his body up in a ball. When he is in that position, he is put into a round cloth bag. The doctors give him no idea how long he will have to stay in the bag. If a spaceship broke down in space, the astronauts would get into bags like this. Then they would have to wait and curl up in darkness, until help could arrive. You can see that an astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness.
After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre. The astronauts in training learn many other things. They learn how to jump out of a moving airplane. They learn to how to blow up a lifeboat and get into it while they are in the ocean. The astronauts also have to learn how to get lifted out of the ocean by helicopter(直升机). That may look fun, but it can be dangerous.
After they finish training, the astronauts continue to work. They stay in good shape by running and doing exercise. They read about their special jobs. In that way they can learn new facts about space travel.
Then the big day comes. The astronaut is told to go to work on a flight into space. The crew members(全体船员)get to know each other first. Then they can learn which job each will do.
小题1:The astronauts don’t know how long they will stay in the bag in the test because ________________.
A.the doctors need to know how strong they are
B.the astronauts need to show how smart they are
C.good astronauts mustn’t be afraid of darkness or tight space
D.nobody knows when help will come if the spaceship breaks down
小题2:The astronauts don’t learn how to ________________ in the training centre.
A.walk or run in spaceB.jump out of the moving plane
C.blow up a lifeboatD.get lifted out of water by helicopter
小题3:Which is the correct order according to the passage?
a. Doctors do tests on the astronauts.
b. The astronauts go to the Space Centre.
c. The astronauts learn new facts about space travel.
d. The best people are chosen for training.
e. The astronauts go to work on a flight into space.
A.a, b, c, d, eB.d, a, e, b, cC.b, a, d, c, eD.c, d, e, b, a
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre.
B.The crew members get to know each other after the tests.
C.One of the first tests is for the heart.
D.An astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The following is the information about an accident.
January 21, 2012
Mount Hua, Shanxi
A team of seven mountain climbers
Heavy snow
Two climbers fell into the valley (山谷)
What happened
Mr. Zhang hurt his left leg. Miss Wang was hurt in the head
Time of call for help
2:30 p. m.
Name of the caller
Mr. Chen, a member of the team
Firemen arrived there at 3:00 p. m. and took the wound (伤者) to the nearest hospital at 3:15 p. m.
小题1:Maybe it was _______ when they were climbing the mountain.
小题2:_______ took the wound to the hospital.
小题3: The accident happened in the _______.
小题4: _______ people were hurt in the accident.
小题5: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.When they were climbing the mountain, two of them fell into the valley.
B.The firemen arrived half an hour later.
C.Mr. Zhang hurt his head.
D.The accident happened on Mount Hua, Shanxi.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life. This is the surprising    41   of a British cook.
One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. He picked up a dish from the table, and    42   a snake appeared ... and bit him on the hand.
A few days earlier, the snake came to the    43   from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and    44   under the dish.
“I went to try to pick it up and it bit me again, I threw it    45   the kitchen, and it landed in the fridge. So I closed the door,” Mr. Jackson said.
Anyway, Mr. Jackson stayed    46   and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. Soon his    47   began to ache and he went to hospital. Then his chest began to hurt. Doctors couldn’t say what was wrong    48   they didn’t know what kind of snake it was.
Then Mr. Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo. The doctors    49   it to London Zoo. When they knew the kind of snake, they could give Mr. Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day.
“So my advice is this: If a snake bites you, pick up your phone. Take    50   photo first and then show the photo to the doctors,” suggests Mr. Jackson. “Oh, and if the snake doesn’t smile for the photo, don’t worry!”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You might have noticed that the cost of food has gone up.In fact the price of wheat and rice has nearly doubled in the past few years.It’s thought that right now,850 million people—that’s more than 10 times the population of the UK—are short of food because it’s too expensive or there’s not enough of it.
The price of basic food such as wheat and corn has stayed the same for quite a long time,about 30 years.But as the world’s population is getting bigger,there’s more pressure to feed more people,plus there’s less land and water to go round.
Another reason is climate(气候)change.Droughts and floods make it hard to grow crops like rice and grain.The price of oil has gone up and that makes it more expensive for farmers to run their tractors and to transport the food they make.And lots of fields are being used to grow crops to make other things that can’t be eaten—which is bad news for hungry people.
The main losers are poor people who live in cities in poor countries,who are facing higher prices for food.Some people are doing well out of the food crisis(危机) though.Farmers in rich countries like the US,Canada and Australia are getting record prices for their harvests.
World leaders are meeting in the Italian capital Rome to talk about the problem of rising food prices.Some countries are helping out with the cost of foods and international aid agencies have called for more money for food production in poor countries.
小题1:The price of food goes up because all of the following EXCEPT _____.
A.there are more and more people in the world.
B.American farmers are getting richer and richer.
C.many farm lands are used to make other things rather than food.
D.climate change makes it harder to grow food.
小题2:Who lose the most because of the food crisis?
A.Farmers in rich countries.
B.Farmers in developed countries.
C.Poor people in cities in poor countries.
D.Poor people in cities in developed countries.
小题3:What does the food crisis mean to farmers in Canada?
A.They can get a lot of money from the government.
B.They have to save a lot of money.
C.They can make more money from the high price.
D.They are losing a lot of money.
小题4:What is the best title for this passage?
A.Why is the Price of Food Going Up?
B.How Many People are Short of Food?
C.What Can We Learn from the Food Crisis?
D.Who Can Benefit(受益) from the Food Crisis?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most people want to work, but in today’s word ,it is more difficult to find work for everybody.The economics of the world need to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people.
Often this is not possible,and so more people are out of work.
Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people do in a short time.Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people ,not only in factories but also on the farms.
One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs ,but only 70% of them can find jobs .
小题1:The economics of the world need to grow to______.
A.get more moneyB.keep the old number of jobs of people
C.make new machinesD.let people look for jobs
小题2:Some people are out of work because _______.
A.of the machines
B.they are old
C.they ask for more money and longer holidays
D.they want to move to the cities
小题3:About machines,which of the following is NOT RIGHT?________.
A. Machines can do the work of many people do in a short time.
B. Machines do not ask for more money and holidays.
C. Two machines can do the work of eighty people.
D. Machines cant’t take work from people at all.
小题4:.How many people can’t find jobs every day _______?
小题5:.From the passage, we know _______.
A. it’s not possible for everybody to find work.
B. Machines can only take work from people in factories.
C. In the future , there will be enough jobs for everybody
D. Machines will do the work instead of people

