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These amazing animals prove that love lives on four legs.
A little girl's lifeline

A pig that calms kids
When Lois Brady, a famous doctor in America, visits special-needs students in San Francisco schools, she often brings along Buttercup, a black pig from Vietnam. The pig is very calm and friendly and has been trained to offer comfort (安慰) to patients as well.
A Lion's big heart
With paws (爪子) the size of dinner plates, bright black eyes and a golden mane (鬃), Jupiter, a 13-year-old 250kg lion, was brought to the rescue (援救) center by Anna. In the past two years, Anna has developed a very close relationship with Jupiter.
小题1:The best title to explain the main idea of the text is “_________”
A. Hero pets                           B Small pets
C. Kids' friends                       D Special visits
小题2:Which of the following do you think is the right match?
A.Alida →a lionB.Buttercup →a pig
C.Lois →a sick girlD.Jupiter → a doctor
小题3:How long has Mr. Gibbs been with Alida?
A.For about 45 minutes
B.For about 10 months
C.For over 3 years
D.For over 2 years
小题4:In which of the following pictures can you find Anna?
A.   B.   C.   .D
小题5:Which of the sentences is Not true according to the passage?
A.Alida has suffered from serious lung disease since she was 10 months old
B.The black pig can calm the kids and offer comfort to them.
C.Mr. Gibbs is a loyal(忠诚的) dog which loves its owner.
D.Anna brought Jupiter to the rescue center for fun.


小题2:细节理解题。根据第三段she often brings along Buttercup, a black pig from Vietnam,可知猪的名字是Buttercup。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying  fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
"I was eating with my wife and children," he said, "When we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him, safe but very frightened."
Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.
"There was no time to take anything," she said, "A few minutes later, the roof came down."
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department (福利机构) brought them food, clothes and shelter.
小题1:How was one of Mr. Tan’s children after the storm?
C.Frightened.D.Not found.
小题2:Mrs. Woo and her family didn’t get hurt because _________.
A.her husband knew there would be a storm.
B.they were all outside the house when the storm became worse.
C.she felt the house was moving.
D.the welfare department helped her.
小题3:Which of he following may be the best title for this passage?
A Terrible Storm.  B. A Lucky Woman.  
C. Good Soldiers.  D. Clever People.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the past month,we’ve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plane,MH 370.
It took off from Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡),Malaysia.On March 8.It was heading to Beijing.But about two hours into the flight, the plane went missing.
There were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese.
A total of 12 countries including China and the US have joined the search for the plane.
Did it crash? We know that the weather was clear that day.The pilots didn’t make any distress calls(求救信号).And as of March l3,experts have not found any broken parts of the plane。
Was it hijacked(劫机)? Two Iranians(伊朗人)used stolen passports to get into the flight.But now they do not appear to be linked to any possible hijacking of the plane,international police agency Interpol(国际刑警组织)official said on March 11.
The search is still going on.It could take months or even years to find out what happened
to the flight.
小题1:When did MH370 go missing?
A.March 8B.March 9C.March llD.April 8
小题2:How many Chinese are there on the flight?
A.239B.1 54C.1 45D.85
小题3:What was the weather like that day? 
小题4:Did the pilots make any distress calls before the plane went missing?
A.Yes,they did.B.No,they didn’t.C.We don’t know.D.Maybe
小题5:How long could it take to find out what happened to the flight?
A.several monthsB.several yearsC.months or yearsD.3 months


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People's Daily Online    07:57, March 13, 2014
According to "China’s Economic Life Survey 2013-2014", reported by CCTV (China Central Television) on March 4, 20 cities in China has been chosen as the happiest cities in the country. The China’s Economic Life Survey, sponsored by CCTV, the National Bureau of Statistics, China Post Group Corporation and National School of Development at Peking University, is China's largest national media and public survey. More than 100,000 families across 300 counties and 104 cities took part in this nationwide questionnaire(问卷调查). The survey focused on the income, expenditure, social security, and life quality.
Here are the top 20 happiest cities in China.
Haikou, Hainan Province, Changsha, Hunan Province ,Taiyuan, Shanxi Province ,Nanjing, Jiangsu Province ,Tianjin, Hefei, Anhui Province, Chongqing ,Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Xining, Qinghai Province, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region,Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province,Yongzhou, Hunan Province, Yichun, Heilongjiang Province ,Huangshan, Anhui Province ,Huzhou, Zhejiang Province,Chuzhou, Anhui Province,Mianyang, Sichuan Province ,Shangrao, Jiangxi Province,Bozhou, Anhui Province.
小题1:Maybe the passage is from a/an ______.
小题2:_____cities in Anhui are mentioned in the passage.
小题3:According to the passage, no city in _____ is chosen as the top 20 happiest cities in China.
A.Zhejiang ProvinceB.Jiangxi Province
C.Shanxi ProvinceD.Hubei Province


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is bird flu? When birds, wild or domestic (家养的), catch a flu, they may pass the virus to each other. The most dangerous viruses can kill birds within hours.  
People may catch the disease when handling birds or their waste. Scientists now worry that migratory wild birds might pass the disease to domestic birds. This could put more people in danger.
Since 2003, more than 120 people have caught bird flu in Southeast Asia. Half of them have died.
In the past several weeks, China has reported three outbreaks (爆发) of bird flu that have killed 3,800 chickens, ducks and geese.
What is bird flu?
It’s the flu caught by 小题1:______ and can be 小题2:_______ to each other and people.
Southeast Asia
小题3:_______ people have caught bird flu.
小题4:_______ outbreaks there have killed小题5:______ domestic birds.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

China Science and Technology Museum was opened to the public in September 1988. But the second project was completed in May 2000. Its main task is to spread knowledge of science and technology among the public.
The activities of China Science and Technology Museum include popular science exhibitions, Astro-vision film shows, training education programs and experiment exhibition programs. The museum has an area of 40,000 square metres, of which 16,000 square metres is for exhibition halls.
The Astro-vision Theatre is one of the museum’s major attractions and also one of the largest Astro-vision theatres in the world. It makes visitors feel they are in actual events rather than see a film. Many great science activities are often held at the museum, and the museum wants to be an important window to the world. 
小题1:What can you see in the museum?
A.Training education programs and nature animals.
B.Science exhibitions and experiment exhibitions.
C.Astro-vision film shows and modern film shows.
D.Ancient science exhibitions.
小题2:People could visit the museum since ____.
A.twenty years ago B.September, 1988C.May, 2000D.May, 2005
小题3:What is one of the most attractions for the visitors?
A.The Astro-vision Theatre.B.Science Hall.
C.Experiment Exhibition.D.Education Programs.
小题4:When you are seeing an Astro-vision film, you feel you are ______.
A.in true lifeB.seeing a good film
C.in actual eventsD.traveling in the sky
小题5:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It’s a national museum of science and technology.
B.It’s a window of Chinese new science and technology to the world.
C.Exhibition halls of the museum have an area of 40,000 square metres.
D.The museum has a large Astro-vision theatre.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Traveling by train is usually not easy in China. It can be hard to get a ticket. When you’re traveling to the railway station, you look at your watch, for you are afraid you will miss your train.
But there is good news for people traveling between Beijing and Shanghai. Construction (建设) on the express railway (高速铁路) between the two cities started just before the Spring Festival of 2008. When it is finished by 2013, taking a train will be as easy as taking a bus.
“There will be trains every several minutes. Buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint (检查站) and taking your seat, will take just 10 minutes,” said an engineer.
There may be high-speed trains running at 350 kilometers an hour. The travel time between the two cities will decrease from 10 to about 5 hours. The trains will carry twice the present number of passengers.
The new line will be 1,318 kilometers long and go across specially built bridges. It will run along side the present line. There will be 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu.
“The cost of traveling by the express railway may be around 800 yuan. That will be more expensive than an ordinary train, but cheaper than by air.” Said Zhang Xiaoling, a Jiangsu government official.
According to Zhang, the higher price is caused by the large cost of the railway project. At about 200 billion yuan, the project may be even more expensive than the Three Gorges Project (三峡工程).
小题1:The express railway between Beijing and Shanghai will be finished _______.
A.at the end of this yearB.before the Spring Festival of 2008
C.by 2013D.in about 5 years
小题2:Before taking your seat, you should _____ with your ticket.
A.buy a ticketB.get through the checkpoint
C.pack your thingsD.make some friends
小题3:The word “decrease” in the passage possibly means ______ in Chinese.
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Traveling by train is usually difficult in China because tickets are too expensive.
B.The high-speed trains will have 21 stations in Shanghai, Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu.
C.Tickets for the high-speed trains will be cheaper than those for planes.
D.The cost of the express railway project is as high as that of the Three Gorges Project.
小题5:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.An enormous project.
B.Train tickets will get more expensive
C.Specially built bridges
D.Beijing—Shanghai express railway


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Princess and the frog* is a warm and enjoyable cartoon by Disney. It tells the story about a girl, Tiana. She makes her dreams come true through hard work.
Tiana is a waitress . She has a dream of owning* a restaurant. She wants to achieve* the dream, she works hard. She knows that it is useless to wish on a star. She never sits in a Castle* waiting for a prince* to come and help her. Tiana’s plan for success changes when she meets a talking frog. The frog happens to be a prince named Naveen. Hoping to become human* again, Naveen thinks Tiana is a princess. He tells her to kiss him. Then something more special happens. Tiana becomes a frog, too. Together they look for a way to become human again.
The story is easy for kids to understand, and it shows us with beautiful pictures, songs, and music. Besides, there’s a great lesson here: you should look for a way to make your dream come true. If there is any problem with the cartoon, it’s only that it doesn’t feel as excellent as some of Disney’s other films.
小题1:Tiana            to make her dream come true.
A.makes cartoonsB.works hardC.wishes on a starD.looks for a prince
小题2:What happen after Tiana kisses Naveen?
A.Her dream comes trueB.Naveen becomes human.
C.Tiana becomes a frogD.Naveen disappeared.
小题3:Which of the following is TURE?
A.The Princess and the frog is the most excellent film by Disney.
B.We can learn from the story that we should look for a way to achieve our dreams.
C.The Princess and the frog is a cartoon without* music.
D.The Princess and the frog is a scary cartoon.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


小题1:If Jet goes from Beijing to Kunming,he can take the train_____.
A. D31l    B.T6l    C.K9018
小题2:From the table(表格)we know there are two trains from_____to other places.
A.Beijing    B.Shenzhen    C.Changsha
小题3:If Li Lei buys two tickets of K9018,he should pay_____yuan.
A.333    B.297    C 594
小题4: It is   kilometers from Shanghai to Xi’an.
A. 1,463    B. 1,509    C. 854
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the table?
A. Z92 is very crowded.
B. The train D311 is from Beiiing to Xi’an.
C. Lots of people take the train T61.

