精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:It’s reported that Chinese couples can have their       (two) child if one of them is an only child.
小题2:I don’t think Jim does       (badly) of all the students in the race.
小题3:He is such a(an)       (polite) boy that nobody likes him.
小题4:Millie never copies others’ homework and she always does it by       (she).
小题5:We all know the ticket price of tourist attractions is high.       (hope), all the places of interest in Nanjing will be open to local people for free soon.


小题3:句意:他是一个不礼貌的男孩,没有人喜欢他。根据后半句nobody likes him可知此处应该填polite的反义词,故答案为impolite。
小题4:句意:Millie从不抄袭别人的作业,她一直是自己完成。by onself“依靠自己”,故答案为herself。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My name is Tim Brown. My last name is          
A. Tim      B. Tim Brown        C. Brown


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Does Mr. Lee like sports?
—Yes,      favorite sport is tennis.
A. his                B. her               C. he


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:His father used to smoke very ____________ (heavy).
小题2:When they saw their favourite film stars, they shout with ____________ (excited).
小题3:Though the old man is in his ____________ (nine), he is still very healthy.
小题4:The house is on fire, we have to run out for ____________ (safe).
小题5:Though he was born in France, he can’t speak ____________ (France).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Nobody taught Jenny history when she was young. She taught h         .
小题2: You need to be patient to wait another two m          for the visa (签证) to Australia.
小题3: In order to see the sunrise, they got up even e          this morning.
小题4:Thanks to Joan, her suggestion was really h          for me to improve my English.
小题5:Martin, please be quiet! Pay a          to what I’m going to say.
小题6: I don’t like making speeches. I feel nervous t        in front of many people.
小题7: Everyone else in my class was invited to the evening party e            me.
小题8: The nurse w        the baby and recorded in the book, “The baby’s 4.2 kg.”
小题9:It’s not safe to give out your p          information to your strange net friends.
小题10:Tom is so sad now because he lost yesterday’s basketball match. Let’s c          him up.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Is this red bag yours?
—No, it isn’t.          is that black one.
C.My D.Mine


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—What do you think of your host family, Jim?
—Great. They try ________ best to make me feel at home.
C.them D.theirs


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Kate is a_____(高的)girl with a round face.
小题2:The_______(老板)used to support poor children
小题3:Walk _______(沿着)the road and turn right at the first crossing
小题4:They usually have some milk and________(面包)for breakfast.
小题5:Young people should_______(掌握)English and computer technology.
小题6: The children were so happy that they could_______(几乎不)speak.
小题7:Zheng He even_______(航行)to the east coast of Africa during the Ming dynasty


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用  (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
小题1:Have you watched the news on Flight MH370 __________ (最近)?
小题2:—How many __________ (胃) does a cow have?
—Sorry, I’m not sure.
小题3:You can’t __________ (期待,指望) to learn a foreign language well in a few months.
小题4: People can find old walls and castles in this old __________ (欧洲的) country.
小题5: This loud noise is __________ (harm) to our ears. Please turn it down.
小题6:I’m afraid that you have to wait for another day for a further __________ (discuss).
小题7:It’s great for us to work __________ (close) with these special athletes.
小题8:—Who __________ (interview) the former(前任) American President years ago?
—Yang Lan did.

